Announcement for the Written Examination of Auxiliary Police Recruitment According to the provisions of the "Xingye County Public Security Bureau Recruitment of Auxiliary Police Guide", the relevant matters related to the Xingye County Public Security Bureau's 2022 Auxiliary Poli

2024/06/1004:43:33 education 1086

Announcement for the Written Examination of Auxiliary Police Recruitment According to the provisions of the

Auxiliary Police Recruitment Written Exam Announcement

According to the "Xingye County Public Security Bureau Recruitment Brochure for Auxiliary Police", the relevant matters related to the Xingye County Public Security Bureau's 2022 Auxiliary Police Written Examination are now announced as follows:

1. The list of candidates who entered the written examination

has been made public Recruitment site registration, A total of 68 candidates for the positions recruited by the Xingye County Public Security Bureau passed the qualification review and entered the scope of the written examination. The list is shown in Appendix 1.

2. Written test time and location

(1) Time:

Written test time: July 7, 2022 (Thursday) 15:30-17:00.

(2) Location:

Written test location: Conference room on the third floor of Xingye County Public Security Bureau.

3. Organization of the written test

(1) Test format and score setting

This written test will be conducted with paper-based closed-book answers, and the test time is 90 minutes. The full score is 100 points. 15 multiple-choice questions are worth 30 points, 10 multiple-choice questions are worth 30 points, 10 true-false questions are worth 20 points, and 2 short-answer questions are worth 20 points.

(2) Candidates entering the examination room can only leave the examination room after completing the answer sheet and submitting the test paper and answer sheet to the invigilator.

IV. Instructions for Candidates

(1) Candidates must hold their own valid resident ID card, , and bring their own masks and examination pens to take the examination.

(2) Candidates taking the written test must arrive at the test center on time. Candidates who fail to arrive at the examination room on time will be automatically disqualified from the written examination.

(3) Candidates should take the initiative to accept body temperature measurement and "Guangxi Health Code" inspection before entering the waiting room. Candidates who hold the green code of "Guangxi Health Code" and have a normal body temperature (<37.3℃)>

Xingye County Public Security Bureau

July 6, 2022

In the near future, the autonomous region will conduct reviews on the economic and social development of our county through telephone interviews and online reviews. If you receive an access call at (0771) 12340, please answer it patiently; if you receive an online comment text message, please click on the link address in time to comment. Your "satisfactory" reply is the driving force for Xingye to move forward!

Announcement for the Written Examination of Auxiliary Police Recruitment According to the provisions of the

Announcement for the Written Examination of Auxiliary Police Recruitment According to the provisions of the

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