Wenyang Cuisine: Stewed Chicken with Bamboo Shoots, Advanced Work

A hen grows an old chicken. There is no credit or hard work. Therefore, old chickens are basically bought at the market or dealt with at a franchise booth. People who change hands before taking them back. Wenyang cuisine is here. Likes.

The innards of the old chicken are of special use. This refers to clean ingredients with only flesh and bones. Bamboo shoots are dried products and have a strong fragrance. However, the tastes of these two ingredients are far from each other, and there is no room for reconciliation. How does the great chef deal with this problem.

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In high-level dishes, the two flavors are independent of each other and mutually restrict each other, which is in line with the contradiction of food. ​Therefore, the problem that great chefs should solve is: how to bring the taste of chicken to the same level as bamboo shoots. The conclusion is that it can be cooked dry or stewed in soup.

In this issue of Wenyang Food, first contribute the soup and stew method, the lazy way.

Preparation: 600 grams of chicken, cut into chunks and put in a basin, add a little salt, chicken essence, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, ginger, green onions, cooking wine, marinate in the code. If you don’t have so much preparation, you can just put it Salt, soy sauce. Satisfy the taste, just color it.

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The dried bamboo shoots are boiled in warm water, washed with water, and then cut 300 grams​ for use. The broth or water is rushed to the chicken, always talking about the importance of improving the flavor of chicken.

After these are prepared, you can make it by hand:

Heat a pot over medium heat, add a proper amount of cooking oil and heat to five minutes, add sliced ​​ginger and pepper to fry until fragrant, add a few spoons of water, add rock sugar to boil the red color, Then add the chicken nuggets and fry for 5 minutes on high heat. During the frying process, add the light soy sauce to enhance the flavor and fragrant spices.

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Put the stew pot on a big fire, and the amount of water or old soup can be seen as much as two-thirds of the stew pot.At this time, pour all the ingredients in the wok, add appropriate amount of salt, ginger, and spices as much as possible, and finally put in the bamboo shoots. When the pan boils, change the heat to a slow simmer.

The idea of ​​making this dish is to increase the fragrance of the chicken itself, which is close to the bamboo shoots, so the sauce and some spices should be used less or not to avoid the main taste of the bamboo shoots and increase the bitterness of the main flavor.

The taste of this dish itself is relatively strong and does not require a high level of saucepan, so use a pressure cooker or ordinary soup pot to see your own conditions. Finally, start the pot with the chicken stew overripe, and you can smell the fragrance of chicken and bamboo shoots. The taste shall prevail.
