Adjust the dumpling filling, the first step to season? Fetch water? Or seal oil? Do it right in one step, the meat is tender and juicy

2020/07/1614:48:16 food 1797

Dumplings stuffing , the first step is to season it? Fetch water or seal oil? Do it right in one step, the meat is tender and juicy. Speaking of dumplings, they are the favorite of northerners. Although pasta is the staple food in the north, southerners also love dumplings, especially dumplings. Sometimes when we don’t want to eat, we make a pot of dumplings. Whether it’s dumplings, steamed dumplings or fried dumplings, they are especially popular. Especially in such a hot summer, when we have no appetite, we can make dumplings and eat them with vinegar or chili sauce. , Especially appetizing.

Adjust the dumpling filling, the first step to season? Fetch water? Or seal oil? Do it right in one step, the meat is tender and juicy - DayDayNews

used to make dumplings, I used to make dumplings When making dumpling stuffing, we never fetch water, just make dumplings directly after chopped minced stuffing. It’s no wonder that the dumplings made out of dumplings have no gravy at all. If they are eaten dry, it will affect the taste. Ever since a friend from the north taught me how to make dumpling fillings, the dumplings made afterwards have been particularly delicious, and every time a large pot is not enough to eat. If you want the dumplings to be juicy, you must have the step of boiling water, and the three sequences of boiling water, seasoning and sealing oil must not be wrong. Otherwise, if you make a wrong step, the dumplings will not only taste bad, but sometimes It will also lead to the destruction of a large pot of dumplings. So when adjusting the dumpling filling, the first step is seasoning? Fetch water? Or seal oil? The following is a detailed introduction to the pork dumpling filling how to adjust the meat filling to make it tender, juicy and tasteless, and there are many dry goods. Every step is carefully mastered to ensure that the meat filling is tender and juicy. Achieve the effect of "burst pulp".

Adjust the dumpling filling, the first step to season? Fetch water? Or seal oil? Do it right in one step, the meat is tender and juicy - DayDayNews

with stuffing

[Prepare ingredients]: Half-fat pork, pepper, 五香粉, light soy sauce, salt, minced ginger onion, pepper water

Adjust the dumpling filling, the first step to season? Fetch water? Or seal oil? Do it right in one step, the meat is tender and juicy - DayDayNews

[specific production steps]:

1, [Soak pepper in boiling water]

Wash the pepper, put it in a bowl, then pour a small bowl of boiling water, use the high temperature of the water to force out the aroma of pepper. Let the pepper water soak in boiling water for 20 minutes.

Adjust the dumpling filling, the first step to season? Fetch water? Or seal oil? Do it right in one step, the meat is tender and juicy - DayDayNews


If you want the dumpling filling to be more delicious, you must manually chop the meat filling. Wash the pork, first cut into slices, then cut into strips, and then cut into small diced pieces. The smaller the diced pork, the less effort we can chop the meat. When chopping meat filling, the semi-fat pork becomes sticky and gelatinous under the weight of a big knife. This meat filling tastes particularly good, and the meat becomes sticky and elastic. This is the advantage of manual mincing meat filling .

Adjust the dumpling filling, the first step to season? Fetch water? Or seal oil? Do it right in one step, the meat is tender and juicy - DayDayNews


After the minced meat is chopped, the pepper water has cooled, put the chopped minced meat into a large bowl, add a small amount of minced pepper water to the minced meat 4 times, and while adding it, use chopsticks to pump water in one direction . Remember to never pour all the pepper water into the meat filling at one time, so that the meat filling cannot absorb water at once, and the meat filling will become soft, which particularly affects the taste. Add a small amount of pepper water several times, and then pour it in after the meat has absorbed the water until the meat paste has been smashed, so that the meat will become white and especially sticky, so that the meat will become It is more vigorous and tastes particularly good.

Adjust the dumpling filling, the first step to season? Fetch water? Or seal oil? Do it right in one step, the meat is tender and juicy - DayDayNews


After finishing the water, you can add salt, five-spice powder, pepper, light soy sauce and other seasonings, and use chopsticks to stir in one direction. Then chop some green onion and ginger and add it to the meat.

Adjust the dumpling filling, the first step to season? Fetch water? Or seal oil? Do it right in one step, the meat is tender and juicy - DayDayNews


After completing the two steps of mixing water and seasoning, the last step is to seal the oil, and finally add peanut oil and mix well. Peanut oil will be more fragrant, you can add sesame oil if you like more fragrant. The edible oil can block the moisture of the meat filling. Once the oil is added, the water in the meat filling is not volatile, so that the moisture of the meat filling can be retained to the greatest extent, so that the meat filling is particularly juicy.

Tips Summary: To adjust dumpling filling, the first step is seasoning? Fetch water? Or seal oil? Do it right in one step, the meat filling is tender, juicy, and tasteless, especially delicious! After the above detailed sharing of dumpling fillings, we can know that to adjust dumpling fillings, the first step is to beat water, the second step to season, and the last step is to seal oil. The three sequences of fetching water, seasoning, and sealing oil must not be wrong, otherwise the dumpling filling will not taste good.

Alright, today’s dumpling filling sharing is over. If you have any questions or have any comments, please let me know in the comment area!

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