Introduction: "Eat three kinds of grass in summer without seeing a doctor." What does the three kinds of grass refer to? How to make it delicious? In the past, when I was in the countryside, I often heard the old people in the village say, "You can only eat three grasses in the s

2024/06/0721:54:32 food 1113

Introduction: "Eat three kinds of grass in summer without seeing a doctor." What does the three kinds of grass refer to? How to make it delicious?

When I was in rural areas, I often heard the old people in the village say, "You eat three grasses in summer and don't find a doctor." At that time, I didn't take it seriously when I was young. As I grow older, I feel more and more that the proverbs passed down by the old people are full of wisdom.


The "three grasses" mentioned by the old people are the three freshest and most nutritious vegetables in summer, purslane , chrysanthemum chrysanthemum, nepeta . These three vegetables have particularly high nutritional value and are especially suitable for hot summer days. They can clear away heat and eliminate moisture from the body. By eating these three vegetables regularly in summer, you can spend this bitter summer in a healthier and more stable manner. Let’s take a look at some of the more delicious ways to make these three vegetables!

1. Purslane


Purslane is a vegetable that everyone is familiar with. It is very delicious whether it is cold, stir-fried or stuffed. Today I will share with you how to make purslane egg pancakes.

[Purslane Egg Pancake] Specific instructions:


Introduction: . Pick a handful of fresh purslane in the field, remove the roots, rinse it under the tap, cool it and drain the water. The pancakes will be more delicious if the purslane is drained of water. You can squeeze out the water with your hands, then chop it into pieces and put it into a clean basin.

Introduction: . Add an appropriate amount of flour to the basin. The ratio of purslane to flour is 1:1. Break in two eggs, pour in an appropriate amount of light salt water, and stir while adding water. Do not add water after stirring into a thick batter. . Sprinkle appropriate amount of five-spice powder and thirteen spices and stir evenly.


Introduction: . Brush the pan evenly with cooking oil, scoop a spoonful of batter into the pan, shake the pan, and spread the batter evenly on the bottom of the pan. Turn on low heat and slowly fry until golden brown, then flip over and fry both sides until golden brown. Cut into small pieces on the chopping board, place on a plate and serve.

2. Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum


Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum has a unique fragrance, which can stimulate saliva secretion and increase appetite. Moreover, chrysanthemum contains a large amount of dietary fiber, which can promote digestion and absorption and help eliminate toxins.

[Garlic Chrysanthemum] Specific instructions:


Introduction: . Pick and wash fresh chrysanthemum and cut into small pieces. Pour an appropriate amount of water into the pot, sprinkle a little salt, and drop a few drops of cooking oil. After the water is boiled over high heat, put the chrysanthemum in the pot and blanch it for ten seconds. In this way, the color of fried chrysanthemum chrysanthemum will be more green. Prepare a few cloves of garlic, peel off the skin, clean and smash.


Introduction: . After the wok is heated, add a little lard. The chrysanthemum chrysanthemum will be more fragrant when fried with lard. If there is no lard, cooking oil will also work. After the oil is hot, stir-fry the minced garlic until it becomes fragrant, add the chrysanthemum chrysanthemum, stir-fry over high heat for about a minute, sprinkle some salt and chicken essence and stir-fry evenly before serving.

3. Schizonepeta


Schizonepeta is generally heard of by few people. It is a common wild vegetable in rural areas. The flavor of Nepeta is stronger than that of coriander. It is best to mix Nepeta with sesame paste.

[Sesame Nepeta] Specific instructions:


Introduction: . Pick off the roots and yellowed old leaves of fresh Nepeta, clean them and cut them into small sections, drain the water and put them on a plate. Add a spoonful of sesame paste to the bowl, slowly mix it with warm water, stir while adding water, and dilute it into sesame sauce .


Introduction: . Add appropriate amount of salt, sesame , light soy sauce, balsamic vinegar and sesame oil to the diluted sesame sauce, and stir evenly. Pour the prepared sesame sauce over the nepeta and stir evenly.

Although these three vegetables are as inconspicuous as grass and are often dismissed by people, their nutritional value is very high. That's why the old people say, "Eat three kinds of grass in summer and don't call a doctor." You can often eat these three vegetables in the hot summer, which can clear away heat, remove dampness and detoxify, which is very good for the body.

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