12 kinds of cold dishes of Sichuan cuisine with hot and sour flavor, refreshing and delicious cold soba noodles, light appetizer

2020/07/1600:48:44 food 281

酸辣粉 originated in the western part of Sichuan, Sichuan Province, Chongqing City, Guizhou Province and other places traditional snacks, belonging to Sichuan cuisine, Chongqing cuisine, Guizhou snacks. Its characteristics are hemp, spicy, fresh, fragrant, sour and oily but not greasy. The main powder of hot and sour noodles is made by mixing sweet potato, sweet potato, and peas in proportion, and then is made by the traditional handwork of farmers. The hot and sour noodles originated from the folks in the Southwest. The ingredients are taken from the local hand-made sweet potato noodles. The taste is named after the hot and sour flavor.

12 kinds of cold dishes of Sichuan cuisine with hot and sour flavor, refreshing and delicious cold soba noodles, light appetizer - DayDayNews

Although hot and sour noodles are hot noodles, the seasoning method is the same. In Sichuan cuisine, there is usually a cold sour sauce. Spicy buckwheat noodles , a few bites before the meal, it is refreshing and appetizing.

12 kinds of cold dishes of Sichuan cuisine with hot and sour flavor, refreshing and delicious cold soba noodles, light appetizer - DayDayNews

Sour and spicy

  • Taste characteristics: The hot and sour taste is a refreshing cold dish flavor type, which is used more in Sichuan cuisine, and the main flavor is salty Fresh hot and sour, outstanding hot and sour flavor, bright red soup color, refreshing and delicious ingredients.
  • Seasoning principle: salt is used as the base to determine the basic salty taste; soy sauce increases freshness, color and aroma, assists in increasing salty taste, and achieves the effect of dissolving refined salt and MSG; red oil determines color and highlights Main spiciness, increase fat moisturizing: vinegar confirms the sour taste to highlight the sour theme, relieve greasiness, and reduce spiciness; monosodium glutamate increases the umami taste; sesame oil enhances aroma and removes abnormality, and increases fat moisturizing.
  • Seasoning method: first put salt, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce and vinegar in a seasoning bowl and mix thoroughly, then add red oil and sesame oil and mix evenly into a hot and sour sauce, and finally pour it on the dish, decorate with sesame or Green onion and coriander will do.
  • Note: This flavor is spicy, salty and refreshing, but it is lighter and fresher, and has a good flavor. It can be combined with other complex flavors. It is best for summer and autumn. It can be eaten with wine and rice. The salty taste must be appropriate to reflect the sour taste; in the season when the fresh red peppers are produced, fresh red peppers can be added to increase the spiciness or millet can be used to supplement the spiciness, and the flavor is more unique.

Representative dishes: hot and sour jelly, hot and sour 爪花, hot and sour buckwheat noodles

12 kinds of cold dishes of Sichuan cuisine with hot and sour flavor, refreshing and delicious cold soba noodles, light appetizer - DayDayNews

  • hot and sour soba practice

Buckwheat is mostly produced in alpine regions. The vitamin D1 and B2 content in soba noodles is 3-20 times that of flour. Soba noodles do not contain flour and are low in sugar and 0 fat. You don't have to worry about gaining weight if you eat it.

Main ingredient: Soba noodle 150g

Accessories: Scallion 5g

Seasoning: salt 2g, oil 10g, vinegar 10g, monosodium glutamate 1g, chili oil 20g, sesame oil 5g, cold soup 20g

Seasoning method:

1. First soak the soba noodles in water to soften, then put them in boiling water and cook, boil for one minute on high heat, then bring to a low heat for 3-5 minutes, remove to cool, and pack In the bowl, wash the shallots and cut into chopped green onions.

2. Mix salt, soy sauce, vinegar, monosodium glutamate, chili oil, sesame oil, cold soup, etc. to make a hot and sour sauce, then pour it into a bowl with soba noodles and sprinkle with chopped green onion.

Tips: About the benefits of vinegar

Many people like to be jealous, and many people don’t like to be jealous.

In fact, vinegar is a very good thing. In dishes, vinegar can not only reconcile the taste of dishes, remove peculiar smells and increase the fresh aroma of dishes; it can also reduce the loss of vitamin C in vegetables and promote calcium and iron nutrition. Dissolve, increase the nutrition of dishes.

can regulate and stimulate people's appetite and promote digestion.

vinegar can also prevent the discoloration of fruit and vegetable food, soften the meat, have a certain effect of inhibiting sterilization, increase acidity, relieve greasiness, and reduce spicy taste.

12 kinds of cold dishes of Sichuan cuisine with hot and sour flavor, refreshing and delicious cold soba noodles, light appetizer - DayDayNews


1. For hot and sour seasoning, you need to master the sourness and hotness of the sauce, and some like to put some sugar. The sugar will integrate the sourness and hotness to reduce the sour and hot taste.

2. Also pay attention to the amount of hot and sour sauce, usually just enough to submerge the soba.

3. To prepare hot and sour dishes, we must grasp the principles of salty taste as the basis, sourness as the main body, and spiciness to assist the flavor, with moderate ingredients.

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