A 64-year-old wealthy businessman in Anhui showed off his "wine cabinet", which contained a bottle of Maotai. He said bluntly: "I no longer drink for the sake of face. Since ancient times, people have gone there for fame and gain." Boss Li, a 64-year-old wealthy businessman from

2024/06/2905:16:32 food 1997

A 64-year-old wealthy businessman in Anhui showed off his "wine cabinet", which contained a bottle of Maotai. He said bluntly: I no longer drink for the sake of face.

Since ancient times, everyone has been there for fame and gain.

Boss Li, a 64-year-old wealthy businessman from Anhui, used this sentence as his life principle when he was young.

When he was young, Boss Li was quite powerful. He was a typical businessman who was willing to give in without any gain. It was because of his shrewd personality that Boss Li accumulated a lot of wealth when he was young, and his career was naturally stable.

A 64-year-old wealthy businessman in Anhui showed off his

However, there are always some unexpected twists and turns in a peaceful life. No, Boss Li posted his wine cabinet on the Internet a few days ago, but he didn't expect it to become popular all of a sudden.

Many people left messages in Boss Li’s circle of friends, saying bluntly: I dare to call myself a wealthy businessman even if I don’t have a bottle of Maotai. However, Boss Li’s words in the comment area attracted everyone’s likes. Boss Li said bluntly: I am no longer doing it for face. drink wine.

Boss Li said that when he was young, he always cared about saving face and would not drink any other wine except Moutai, Wuliangye and other famous wines. However, as he grows older and has gained more life experience, he no longer drinks for the sake of it. face.

A 64-year-old wealthy businessman in Anhui showed off his

However, Boss Li also said that although his wine cabinet is full of cheap wines, the quality is not bad at all, and all of them are pure grain wines.

Boss Li has been drinking for many years, and has also summed up his own method of buying wine.

Every time Boss Li goes to the supermarket to buy wine, the first thing he does is stare at the ingredient list on the bottle.

First look at the ingredients. Look for grain and water in the ingredients. Once the words " edible alcohol " "edible flavor" and other words appear, I will not touch them. The second step is to look at the grade. Although they are both grain and wine, the grade is Differences, will lead to differences in taste and quality. Generally, premium wine is the best liquor.

A 64-year-old wealthy businessman in Anhui showed off his

Boss Li has been relying on the above two points when buying wine for many years. According to Boss Li, "It is difficult to make money, and it is even harder to keep money." No one's money falls from the sky. Given the same taste, he is more willing to choose liquor with higher cost performance. .

So what kind of wine is in Boss Li’s wine cabinet? The editor has selected the 3 most representative ones. Have you tried them?

Wenjun wine

A 64-year-old wealthy businessman in Anhui showed off his

"Come to find Sima Qin and buy Wenjun wine"

The most typical representative of Sichuan style strong aroma, and the most typical feature of Sichuan style strong aroma is the cellar aroma, Wenjun wine has achieved this Incisively and vividly.

In the early years, Wenjun also became a first-line brand. The excellent quality and the beautiful love story behind it impressed many people. Qionglai, the place where Wenjun wine is produced, has a brewing history of thousands of years, so Wenjun wine has a unique This rich historical and cultural heritage.

On the palate, Wenjun wine smells strong and has a rich aroma. The wine is pure and has a slightly aged aroma. It goes down the throat very smoothly and has a long aftertaste.

② Huanggai Bofen

A 64-year-old wealthy businessman in Anhui showed off his

has the endorsement of Fenjiu by the major manufacturers. At the same time, Huanggai Bofen is also the most outstanding product of Fenjiu. Its high cost performance has made many wine lovers put it down. It is no exaggeration to say that it is the ceiling of ration wine. Many drinkers affectionately call it "Deadly Fifty-Three", which shows the high status of this wine in the hearts of many drinkers.

The wine is clear and transparent, very soft in the mouth, not irritating at all, smooth and sweet down the throat, with a strong aftertaste after drinking, and the tail strength is quite outstanding for a wine worth dozens of yuan.

③Handong Master Liquor

A 64-year-old wealthy businessman in Anhui showed off his

is produced in Renhuai, Guizhou. It is a local classic sauce-flavor liquor in Maotai Town. The distillery is the core production area of ​​Maotai Town, so whether in terms of raw materials or technology, this product The wines all inherit some Maotai flavor. The brewer is Zeng Chuanzheng, who has been working in the Maotai-flavor wine industry for many years. He has formed his own system for the brewing of Maotai wine .The excellent quality of

is naturally inseparable from high-quality raw materials and technology. During the wine-making process, it took a full year, multiple times of wine extraction and multiple cooking. The complexity of the technology shaped the excellent taste of this wine.

Each bottle of wine undergoes 10 years of cellaring before leaving the factory, and the quality of the wine shows the flavor of old wine.

The aroma of the wine is very rich when you open the lid, and the layers of texture form a rich taste in your mouth. Savor it carefully, whether it is aged aroma or burnt aroma. Various aromas are intertwined in your mouth, which will immediately make your mouth salivate and leave you with endless aftertaste.

In fact, whether the wine is good or not is determined by its quality, and reputation is only secondary. That’s it for today’s sharing. If you have any other opinions about Boss Li’s wine cabinet, you might as well leave a message in the comment area to discuss.

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