I have long known that summer will be very hot, and in the past few days the heat has been unbearable, and my body has lost its energy. I wonder if any of my friends feel the same as me. In such a hot weather, what to eat every day has become a problem. I have no appetite for big

2024/06/2115:19:32 food 1080

I have known for a long time that summer will be very hot. In recent days, the heat has been even more unbearable and my body has lost its energy. I wonder if any of my friends feel the same way as me.

I have long known that summer will be very hot, and in the past few days the heat has been unbearable, and my body has lost its energy. I wonder if any of my friends feel the same as me. In such a hot weather, what to eat every day has become a problem. I have no appetite for big - DayDayNews

In such a hot weather, it’s hard to know what to eat every day. I have no appetite for big fish and meat. Cucumbers, eggplants, and beans are all the same every day. I don’t know if you are tired of eating them. I don’t want to eat them anyway.

I have long known that summer will be very hot, and in the past few days the heat has been unbearable, and my body has lost its energy. I wonder if any of my friends feel the same as me. In such a hot weather, what to eat every day has become a problem. I have no appetite for big - DayDayNews

I went to visit my neighbors last night, and they happened to catch up with them for dinner. They insisted on staying with me to eat with them. It was difficult to refuse their hospitality, so we sat down to eat together. There was a soup on the dinner table. It tasted like cucumber and winter squash. It was very suitable to my taste. After the meal, I couldn't help but ask my neighbor for advice. What do you think it was?

turned out to be a soup made with zucchini . I thought zucchini could only be stir-fried, and the taste was average, but I didn’t expect it tasted good after being cooked into soup.

I have long known that summer will be very hot, and in the past few days the heat has been unbearable, and my body has lost its energy. I wonder if any of my friends feel the same as me. In such a hot weather, what to eat every day has become a problem. I have no appetite for big - DayDayNews

So I asked my neighbor to make this soup. Along with the other two ways to make zucchini, I would like to share it with you. If you don’t know what to eat, will give it a try. It’s simple and easy to learn, and it’s delicious just by making it. !

[Zucchini Soup]

I have long known that summer will be very hot, and in the past few days the heat has been unbearable, and my body has lost its energy. I wonder if any of my friends feel the same as me. In such a hot weather, what to eat every day has become a problem. I have no appetite for big - DayDayNews

1. First, we prepare a zucchini. Wash it with water and cut off the head and tail. Then cut the zucchini into even thin slices, then cut into thin strips, put it in a basin, and then put it in the basin. Add an appropriate amount of flour , stir well, and make sure every zucchini is coated with flour.

Cut half a tomato into small pieces, cut a green onion into chopped green onion, cut a small handful of green cabbage leaves into sections, put two eggs into a small bowl, stir well with chopsticks and set aside.

I have long known that summer will be very hot, and in the past few days the heat has been unbearable, and my body has lost its energy. I wonder if any of my friends feel the same as me. In such a hot weather, what to eat every day has become a problem. I have no appetite for big - DayDayNews

2. Heat the wok, add half a spoon of cooking oil , put the zucchini shreds into the pan, shake the wok slightly, fry until one side of the zucchini is golden, turn it over, then pour a little cooking oil , shake the pan and turn Fry for a few times and fry the other side until golden brown, then remove and control the oil.

I have long known that summer will be very hot, and in the past few days the heat has been unbearable, and my body has lost its energy. I wonder if any of my friends feel the same as me. In such a hot weather, what to eat every day has become a problem. I have no appetite for big - DayDayNews

3. Add a little cooking oil to another pot, stir-fry the green onions and tomatoes for a few times, then add an appropriate amount of water, salt, thirteen spices, chicken essence, light soy sauce, and other soups. After boiling, shred the zucchini. Put it in the pot, stir evenly, add a little pepper , put the green cabbage leaves in, and stir it a few times with a spoon.

I have long known that summer will be very hot, and in the past few days the heat has been unbearable, and my body has lost its energy. I wonder if any of my friends feel the same as me. In such a hot weather, what to eat every day has become a problem. I have no appetite for big - DayDayNews

4. Boil for 30 seconds , add a little water starch , then pour in the egg liquid, push it a few times with a spoon, wait for the egg to solidify, drop a little sesame oil , turn off the heat and put the pot into the soup basin. Finally, sprinkle with a little chopped green onion for decoration, and this delicious soup is completed.

I have long known that summer will be very hot, and in the past few days the heat has been unbearable, and my body has lost its energy. I wonder if any of my friends feel the same as me. In such a hot weather, what to eat every day has become a problem. I have no appetite for big - DayDayNews

[Steamed Zucchini Eggs]

I have long known that summer will be very hot, and in the past few days the heat has been unbearable, and my body has lost its energy. I wonder if any of my friends feel the same as me. In such a hot weather, what to eat every day has become a problem. I have no appetite for big - DayDayNews

1. Prepare two zucchini . After cleaning, remove the head and tail first, cut them in half with a knife, and use a spoon to scoop out the pulp.

I have long known that summer will be very hot, and in the past few days the heat has been unbearable, and my body has lost its energy. I wonder if any of my friends feel the same as me. In such a hot weather, what to eat every day has become a problem. I have no appetite for big - DayDayNews

4 eggs , break the egg whites and yolks into two small basins respectively, beat the egg whites, stir the egg yolks well and set aside.

I have long known that summer will be very hot, and in the past few days the heat has been unbearable, and my body has lost its energy. I wonder if any of my friends feel the same as me. In such a hot weather, what to eat every day has become a problem. I have no appetite for big - DayDayNews

2. Take out a steamer, boil the water first, put the zucchini on it, then pour the egg white into the zucchini, steam for 3 minutes, then pour the egg yolk on top of the egg white, spread it evenly with a spoon, continue to steam for 5 minutes .

I have long known that summer will be very hot, and in the past few days the heat has been unbearable, and my body has lost its energy. I wonder if any of my friends feel the same as me. In such a hot weather, what to eat every day has become a problem. I have no appetite for big - DayDayNews

3. One green pepper, cut into thin rings, two millet peppers also cut into rings, put them together into a small bowl, add a little chopped green onion and minced garlic, a spoonful of white sesame , and then pour a spoonful of heat Oil brings out the aroma of onions, garlic and chili.

I have long known that summer will be very hot, and in the past few days the heat has been unbearable, and my body has lost its energy. I wonder if any of my friends feel the same as me. In such a hot weather, what to eat every day has become a problem. I have no appetite for big - DayDayNews

4. Put light soy sauce, one spoon each of balsamic vinegar, half a spoon each of dark soy sauce and table salt in a bowl, a little chicken essence, stir with chopsticks until the seasoning is dissolved, and the sauce is complete.

5. When the zucchini is steamed, turn off the heat, take it out, cut it into sections with a knife, and place them evenly on the plate. Finally, put the sauce in the middle of the plate, and dip it in the sauce when eating. It is super delicious.

I have long known that summer will be very hot, and in the past few days the heat has been unbearable, and my body has lost its energy. I wonder if any of my friends feel the same as me. In such a hot weather, what to eat every day has become a problem. I have no appetite for big - DayDayNews

[Stir-fried zucchini]

I have long known that summer will be very hot, and in the past few days the heat has been unbearable, and my body has lost its energy. I wonder if any of my friends feel the same as me. In such a hot weather, what to eat every day has become a problem. I have no appetite for big - DayDayNews

1. First prepare 1 zucchini , clean it and cut off the head and tail, then cut it into thin strips and put it in a basin for later use. Half of the carrot is also cut into thin strips and placed together with the zucchini.

Several cherry tomatoes , clean and cut into slices, a few garlic cut into garlic slices, grab a few red peppers , put them together in a small basin for later use.

I have long known that summer will be very hot, and in the past few days the heat has been unbearable, and my body has lost its energy. I wonder if any of my friends feel the same as me. In such a hot weather, what to eat every day has become a problem. I have no appetite for big - DayDayNews

2. Heat oil in a pan, add half a spoonful of cooking oil . First stir-fry the garlic slices, red peppers, and cherry tomatoes until fragrant, then add the zucchini and shredded carrots and stir-fry a few times.

I have long known that summer will be very hot, and in the past few days the heat has been unbearable, and my body has lost its energy. I wonder if any of my friends feel the same as me. In such a hot weather, what to eat every day has become a problem. I have no appetite for big - DayDayNews

Remove from heat and start seasoning, add salt, chicken powder, pepper, sugar, and light soy sauce, turn on high heat and stir-fry for 15 seconds, then pour in a little oil, stir-fry briefly for a few times After that, you can turn off the heat, put it on a plate and serve.

I have long known that summer will be very hot, and in the past few days the heat has been unbearable, and my body has lost its energy. I wonder if any of my friends feel the same as me. In such a hot weather, what to eat every day has become a problem. I have no appetite for big - DayDayNews

The above are three simple and delicious zucchini recipes. If you like zucchini, don’t miss it. Hurry up and unlock new ways to eat it!

(First celebrity chef editor: Mingming)

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