Under the current industry background of full competition in the wine industry, it is very difficult for wine companies and brands to stand out in a short period of time and form brand recognition in the market. In recent years, a Maotai-flavor wine named "Yuanming Old Wine" has

2024/05/2609:27:32 food 1230

In the current industry context of full competition in the wine industry, it is very difficult for wine companies and brands to stand out in a short time and form brand recognition in the market.

In recent years, a Maotai-flavor wine called "Yuanming Old Wine" has suddenly emerged, becoming a dark horse in the Maotai-flavor wine industry and quickly becoming popular all over the Internet. It directly links to the C-end through Douyin , Tencent , Baidu , Kuaishou and other leading Internet platforms, quickly establishing brand awareness, and achieved online sales of about 400 million yuan in 2020. At present, Yuanming Maotai Liquor has received 6 billion impressions on the entire Internet and the attention of nearly two million Maotai-flavor wine enthusiasts. It has become the "No. 1 brand in Maotai Town e-commerce shipments."

Under the current industry background of full competition in the wine industry, it is very difficult for wine companies and brands to stand out in a short period of time and form brand recognition in the market. In recent years, a Maotai-flavor wine named

According to Guo Dong, general manager of Yuanming Sales Company, Yuanming Sauce Wine will be publicly invited for offline investment for the first time in 2022. Once it was released, the market feedback was strong, and many distribution agents rushed to grab seats.

With the expansion of the online and offline dual-line layout of Yuanming Winery , Mr. Ren Yuanming, chairman and chief winemaker of Yuanming Winery, proposed to be the "gatekeeper of Maotai-flavor wine", which became the company's new development mission. What is the reason why Yuanming Sauce Wine does this? Where does its confidence come from?

01. Being a " sauce wine gatekeeper" is the need for the high-quality development of the industry

"I swear that I volunteer to join the team of Chinese sauce wine gatekeepers, take brewing high-quality sauce wine as my duty, and abide by the five gates of craftsmanship. I will never follow the trend and use machine production instead of hand-made wine. I will never shoddy quality or cut corners. In order to inherit the century-old Maotai-flavor spirit and for the public to drink authentic Maotai-flavor wine, I will keep the gatekeepers in mind. Our mission is to pass on traditional sauce wine craftsmanship from generation to generation and lead the high-quality development of China’s sauce wine industry.” At the “Maotai-flavor wine gatekeeper conference” in March this year, Ren Yuanming, chairman of Yuanming Wine Industry, led his employees to take the oath.

At this point, the "gatekeeper of sauce wine" has become the responsibility and persistence of the development of Yuanming Wine Industry.

Under the current industry background of full competition in the wine industry, it is very difficult for wine companies and brands to stand out in a short period of time and form brand recognition in the market. In recent years, a Maotai-flavor wine named

As we all know, starting in 2019, the "Maojiu craze" began to heat up and once swept the wine industry. For a time, the number of Maotaijiu products on the market was all over the place, seriously affecting the healthy development of the Maotaijiu industry. Beginning in the second half of 2021, sauce wine has entered the "midfield" and entered a period of industry adjustment. Some "speculative" companies have been eliminated by the market. Therefore, from the perspective of the long-term development of the Maotai-flavor wine industry, the only long-term way for enterprise development is to make wine in a down-to-earth manner, insist on building a brand, and maintain the bottom line of traditional Maotai-flavor wine.

At the same time, according to relevant statistical data, Guizhou Province’s liquor output reached 348,100 liters in 2021, an increase of 30.5% over the previous year. Among them, the added value of wine manufacturing increased by 42.3%. According to calculations, Guizhou's liquor output value in 2021 will be approximately 170 billion, accounting for approximately 8.7% of the province's GDP1 GDP. Liquor has become a pillar industry of Guizhou Province's economy. From production, processing, sales, to the integration of wine and tourism, it completely covers the primary, secondary and tertiary industries, effectively driving the all-round development of the local economy.

Therefore, the high-quality and healthy development of the sauce and wine industry is related to the overall economic development of Guizhou Province. In this context, the importance of the “gatekeeper of sauce and wine” has become increasingly prominent.

02. Qualityism is the foundation of Yuanming "Gatekeeper of Maotai Wine"

With the rise of the live broadcast market, Yuanming Maotai Wine has made a breakthrough in the online live streaming platform, ranking among the top five in the Douyin wine brand list , the most fundamental factor is excellent product quality.

Mr. Ren Yuanming once mentioned in an interview: "Winemaking is for persistence and inheritance. I used my personal name and portrait reputation as the name of the winery, which means that I am prepared to live and die with the winery. It is to put myself Our reputation and quality are bound together, and we are responsible for our employees and our consumers.”

Under the current industry background of full competition in the wine industry, it is very difficult for wine companies and brands to stand out in a short period of time and form brand recognition in the market. In recent years, a Maotai-flavor wine named

Mr. Ren Yuanming has his own unique insights into winemaking. The so-called gatekeepers of Maotai-flavor wine are guarding the five gates of the traditional craftsmanship of Maotai-flavor wine: first, the gate of origin, which is close to the Chishui River. There is no factory if it is not near Chishui; It is the live grain gate. The live grain does not get out of the car before it arrives at the factory. Only the live grain that can germinate can make viable wine. Therefore, Yuanming Maotai wine is also called live grain Maotai-flavor wine; the third is Tianshi gate, Chongyang Xiasha , making koji during the Dragon Boat Festival, if the weather is not favorable, no koji will be made; the fourth is the process gate, strictly adhere to the 36 processes, if there is any deficiency in the 165 processes, the wine will never be produced; the fifth is the vintage gate, good wine is precipitated by time, There is as much old wine as there is in the market, so it is named Yuanming Old Wine. Obviously, Yuanming Liquor Industry insists on the supremacy of quality on the balance of speed and quality, just like the brand proverb of Yuanming Liquor Industry, "Ren Yuanming of Maotai Town is the gatekeeper of Maotai wine."

Under the current industry background of full competition in the wine industry, it is very difficult for wine companies and brands to stand out in a short period of time and form brand recognition in the market. In recent years, a Maotai-flavor wine named

With the booming offline investment promotion of Yuanming Wine Industry, it is proposed for the first time that wine merchants can truly say goodbye to the dilemma of "famous wines are easy to sell but not profitable, and new wines are profitable but difficult to sell". Adopting the form of online and offline dual-drive, excellent product quality and the support of sweeping advertising by sea, land and air, Yuanming Old Wine can truly achieve the strength of famous wines and the dividends of new wines, making it easy to sell and profitable.

It is reported that on July 29-31, 2022, Yuanming Winery will bring its "Gatekeeper" series of sauce wine products to the 2022 16th China (Shandong) International Wine Expo (Theme Exhibition: 2022 16th China National Food Expo). Interested dealer friends can come to visit and discuss cooperation.

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