Hi guys! I am a kitten from "Kitten Loves the Kitchen", and I meet you again today to share life, food, and happiness! Today, Mao Mao brings you a cold dish made with tofu and cucumber: "Tofu with Cucumber". This dish is spicy and refreshing, especially appetizing with rice. If y

2024/05/2523:53:32 food 1563

Hi @everyone! I am a kitten from "Kitten Loves the Kitchen", and I meet you again today to share life, food, and happiness! Today, Mao Mao brings you a cold dish made with tofu and cucumber: "Tofu mixed with cucumber" . This dish is spicy and refreshing, especially appetizing with rice. If you like spicy food, you can give it a try .

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Tofu is a very common home-cooked ingredient. It can be found in almost every supermarket and vegetable market. Its price is not high and it will not be affected by the external environment, so it is very popular among bosses. The main raw material of tofu is made from soybeans, so it has a slight fragrance of beans. Tofu is rich in nutrients, including iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and other trace elements necessary for the human body. It also contains sugar, vegetable oil and rich High-quality protein, known as " plant meat ", so eating tofu is more nutritious than eating soybeans.

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Tofu is a soy product that can be eaten all year round. There are many ways to make tofu. No matter what season you make tofu, it is always a good dish. The hot weather in summer is the season for eating cold dishes, so today’s tofu The method of making it is cold salad. It is tender and refreshing in the mouth. It is spicy and has no beany smell. It is very suitable for eating in summer when you have no appetite. It is suitable to eat in hot weather. It is good with wine and rice. Let me share the recipe below.

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- [Cucumber mixed with tofu] -

[Ingredients]: 1 cucumber, 1 piece of tofu

[Condiments]: 2 spicy millets, 1 chive, 1 coriander, 2 cloves of garlic, chili powder 1 spoon, 1 spoon of white sesame seeds, 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of balsamic vinegar, 1 spoon of sesame oil, 1 spoon of sugar, 1 spoon of salt, 1 spoon of oyster sauce

- Production method and steps -

[Step 1]: Put the tofu Cut the cucumbers into 1 cm-sized pieces with a knife and put them on a plate. Clean the cucumbers and cut them into 1 cm-sized pieces with a knife. Put them on a plate. Add 1 tablespoon of sesame oil and mix well. Set aside.

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[Step 2]: Cut the millet into rings, crush the garlic and chop into minced garlic. Put them together in a small bowl, then add 1 spoon of chili powder, 1 spoon of white sesame seeds, chop the chives and cilantro. Cut into small pieces and place on plates separately for later use.

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[Step 3]: Add water to the pot and bring to a boil, add a spoonful of salt, pour the tofu into the pot, and blanch it for 2 minutes to remove the beany smell.

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[Step 4]: After blanching the tofu, take it out, put it into the prepared cold water and soak it to dry, then take it out and drain the water.

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[Step 5]: Heat a spoonful of oil in the pot until it smokes, then pour it into a bowl with minced garlic and millet to bring out the aroma of the seasoning.

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[Step 6]: Wait for the seasoning oil to cool down slightly, then add 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of balsamic vinegar, 1 spoon of sesame oil, 1 spoon of sugar, 1 spoon of salt, and 1 spoon of oyster sauce. Stir evenly to form a sauce.

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[Step 7]: Put the drained tofu into a large bowl, and also add cucumber, chives, coriander, and prepared sauce.

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[Step 8]: Then mix evenly with your hands, put on a plate and serve!

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- Cooking Tips -

The summer cold dish I will share with you today "Cucumber Mixed with Tofu" is ready. It is a particularly refreshing and fragrant dish, spicy, slightly sour and slightly sweet, and particularly appetizing. It’s a great meal to make, especially if you don’t have an appetite in the summer. Do you like salads made with tofu and cucumbers? If you like it, give it a try! Just pay attention to these points when making it.

(1) It is best to use old tofu to make this dish. The old tofu is not easy to break when mixed and has a good taste.

(2) It is best to blanch the tofu in water. When the blanched tofu is mixed, it will not break easily and the beany smell can be removed.

(3) After blanching the tofu, be sure to soak it in cold water to dry. Hot tofu tends to stick together and is not easy to mix.

(4) To stimulate the aroma of the seasoning, the oil temperature should be slightly higher, so that the flavor of the seasoning will be fragrant.

(5) When mixing, in order to prevent the tofu from being broken into pieces, it is best to mix it with your arms or tossing the pot.

The above content is the recipe of "cucumber mixed with tofu" that I shared with you. I hope it will be helpful to you, so I will share it with you here today. I will update food recipes and techniques for you every day. If you have any comments or suggestions, you can interact with me in the comments below. Thank you for your support and your company! See you tomorrow!

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