When steaming steamed buns, remember the "3 kneading and 3 waking up" techniques. Many people can't do it well. No wonder the buns are not soft and collapse.

2021/09/1020:57:02 food 312

Now steaming steamed buns is much easier than before. When I was a child, when my mother steamed buns, she first asked her neighbors to borrow " old noodles" to ferment, and then the dough will have a proper amount of alkaline noodles kneaded in to prevent steamed buns. If the amount of soda noodles is sour, the steamed buns in the hand will be yellow in the end, so there are still many restrictions on steaming steamed buns at that time.

When steaming steamed buns, remember the

is different now. With the help of yeast powder , the sour and yellowing of steamed buns has become history. You just need to knead the dough and ferment well, but even then many people will fail. The most common problem is that the steamed buns do not collapse and are not soft. I guess that the "3 kneading and 3 waking up" techniques did not work well. I will explain it in detail with you today.

Steamed buns steps and "3 knead 3 wake up" skills analysis

First, prepare 2 kg of high-gluten or medium-gluten flour, and then prepare 10 grams of Angel high-active yeast powder, add 30 degrees of warm water and stir to melt, pour Stir evenly into the flour, then add about 500 grams of warm water at 30 degrees, stirring side by side, until the flour becomes a large piece of flocculent.

When steaming steamed buns, remember the

Note here that the yeast powder must be within the shelf life and not opened for a long time, otherwise yeast will lose activity easily, which is also the cause of fermentation failure, and the water temperature should be kept at about 30 degrees. , This is conducive to yeast fermentation.

The next step is the first kneading in "3 kneading"-one kneading into a ball. Start by gathering all the noodles and knead it into a dough initially. To finish the dough, hand-shake and pot-shake, the dough is not too uniform at this time, and there are many dry powder particles inside, so the next step is to "3 wake up." The first awakening in the world-one awakening takes shape.

When steaming steamed buns, remember the

Kneading the dough for the first time

Note that "Yi Wake" here is not fermentation, but let the dough that has been kneaded into a dough stand for 10 minutes to relax, so that some dry powder particles inside can be All wet,This will enhance the extensibility of the dough and lay the foundation for the second kneading in the next step "3 kneading". Remember to cover it with a lid or plastic wrap when it rests to prevent the moisture from evaporating from the dough.

The loose dough should continue to knead, which is the second kneading in "3 kneading"-the second kneading becomes a tendon. This second time kneading is very important, it is a step related to whether the steamed buns are soft and chewy.

The steamed buns are soft. In layman's terms, the gas produced by fermentation blows up the dough. After it is blown up, there must be supports, otherwise it will collapse; what are these supports? The answer is "gluten", where do these gluten come from? Of course it is "kneading the noodles", so this second time kneading the dough a little bit to knead out the "gluten" of the dough. The method is to knead more, more knead, more knead! This is about whether your steamed bun will collapse, whether it is soft and chewy, you must make it well.

When steaming steamed buns, remember the

The second kneading

Cover the kneaded dough with plastic wrap and start to ferment, which is the second awakening in "3 awakening"-the second awakening fermentation. This step of fermentation must satisfy an important The condition is the temperature. It is best to keep the fermentation temperature between 25 and 35 degrees. It takes only 20 to 30 minutes to complete the fermentation at room temperature of 30 degrees. At this time, the dough grows to twice its original size. Poke it with your hand. The dough is perfect without shrinking.

When steaming steamed buns, remember the

second awakening fermentation

The dough after fermentation is taken out for the third kneading in "3 kneading"-three kneading and exhausting. Sprinkle a little dry flour on the chopping board, put the dough on it and start kneading. The purpose of kneading and exhausting is to pave the way for the third proofing, that is, the second fermentation. Because the first fermentation is very full, a large amount of gluten inside the dough is "blown" and broken by the gas. If it is directly steamed in the pot, it will easily collapse and have no taste. Therefore, the kneading and exhausting is to reform the gluten.

When steaming steamed buns, remember the

The dough that has been kneaded and exhausted is divided into small squeezers, and then the small squeezers are grouped into raw steamed bun embryos, and then the third wake (second fermentation) of the "3 wakes"—— Sanxing stereotypes, after this step is completed, it can be formally stereotyped and steamed in the pot. The second fermentation time is about 10 to 15 minutes, depending on the room temperature. It may be longer in winter.It is recommended to put the raw embryos on the steamer, then turn on the heat to heat up slightly, turn off the heat, cover and simmer for 10 minutes, and then turn on the high heat to steam directly. Because the short-term secondary fermentation will not break the internal gluten of the raw embryo, it will also produce stronger supporting force, which can be well supported without collapsing after being heated and expanded, so the final steamed bun will be more soft and chewy , And the internal pores are fine and regular.

When steaming steamed buns, remember the

Note that the steamed buns should not be taken out directly. It is best to cover and simmer for 5 minutes. This uniform cooling is more conducive to the formation of the buns without shrinking.

——Ahu has something to say——

The above is the "3 kneading and 3 awakening" techniques summarized for everyone. The six techniques run through the entire steps. According to the steps, the order should be: one knead, one wake up Forming, two kneading into ribs, two awakening fermentation, third kneading and exhausting, three awakening shaping. Among them, "one wake forming" is not a fermentation step, but simply relax for 10 minutes, while the "two wake fermentation" step is the first fermentation, and the "three wake forming" step is the second fermentation before serving. do you understand?

I am Ahu, a small eater who likes to study and make food. If you like today's content, please follow me. There are more exciting content waiting for you tomorrow. Thanks for reading and see you tomorrow.


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