With the arrival of the "summer season" in the home appliance market, leading brands in the industry are making frequent moves. Recently, Suning.com and Midea jointly launched the "Summer Cooling Festival" event. From June 20 to July 31, they launched a number of features such as

2024/06/0711:09:32 finance 1005

With the arrival of the "summer season" in the home appliance market, leading brands in the industry are making frequent moves. Recently, Suning.com and Midea jointly launched the "Summer Cooling Festival" activity. From June 20 to July 31, they carried out "student welfare", "government and enterprise welfare", "green smart consumption subsidies" and many other activities. This special event will help boost domestic consumption and bring more high-quality home appliances to consumers, with the sales target reaching 2.4 billion yuan.

Since this year, the cooperation between Suning.com and Midea has continued to deepen, with frequent visits between the top teams of both parties. On June 17, Midea Group Vice President and China Regional President Berlin led a team to visit the Suning.com headquarters and had in-depth communication with Suning.com Group President Ren Jun.

In the first half of the year, the two parties further enhanced the scale and efficiency of cooperation by jointly creating "Midea Brand Day", jointly holding a "Global Beauty Fan Festival" mobilization meeting, and co-organizing the "Future Life Plan" 2022 Midea brand tour. Data show that in June this year, Midea’s omni-channel sales on Suning.com reached 2.2 billion yuan, of which self-operated sales were 1.6 billion, a year-on-year increase of 34%. The retail cloud channel for lower-tier markets increased by nearly 400% year-on-year. Among them, the highest single product sales volume from January to June was nearly 200,000 sets.

With the arrival of the

In order to meet users’ needs for high-end smart home appliances, the two parties have launched “whole-house smart solutions”. It is reported that the sales of Midea's high-end brand COLMO in Suning.com's offline channels have increased significantly, with a year-on-year increase of 40% from January to June. The COLMO brand accounted for 12% of the sales of Midea's entire series of products, with a year-on-year increase of 5%.

In recent years, the two parties have continued to deepen cooperation, and Midea's entire range of products has been introduced into Suning.com's omni-channel to provide users with more choices. During the 618 period, Midea products accounted for 54% of purchases in stores. Among them, the offline sales of freezer products increased by 278% year-on-year, and the sales of air fryer category increased by 121%. The true series of washing machines, drums and dryers, and the super tender air fryer KZS7301XM have become the top 1 offline products.

"Suning.com and Midea are strategic partners who support and trust each other." Berlin said, "In the past year, Midea has witnessed how Suning.com has not been afraid of setbacks, overcome difficulties, and faced difficulties. The company's operations have gradually improved. Get on the right track and be positive. Suning.com has been around for more than 30 years and has experienced ups and downs. It is a large enterprise with deep roots. Midea will firmly support the development of Suning.com and work together with Suning.com to move towards a better future.”

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