However, when many companies in Shandong and Sichuan came out with high-profile marketing and said that they were the legal owners of real snow lotus, many people were shocked! On June 29, Shandong Linyi Gu Chunzhai Food Co., Ltd. was registered Registering "Snow Lotus Ice Cube"

2024/05/2712:58:33 finance 1240

China Economic Weekly-Economic Network News (Reporter Hou Jun) When consumers' wallets are deeply "stung" by "ice cream assassins" such as Moutai ice cream, Zhong Xuegao and others, "50 cents per pack" Qian's "Snow Lotus Ice Cube" suddenly became popular and became the most popular new star in the cold drink industry in summer, known as the "Guardian of Ice Cream".

Even netizens called on consumers to carry out ice cream defense actions, and many versions of "ice cream literature" were born. The protagonist of the defense was the 50-cent "snow lotus". However, when many companies in Shandong and Sichuan came out with high-profile marketing and said that they were the legal owners of real snow lotus, many people were shocked!

html On June 29, Shandong Linyi Gu Chunzhai Food Co., Ltd. registered "Snow Lotus Ice Cube" on Douyin and said, "It is false that the snow lotus house collapsed on the Internet! The purification workshop has been fully automated, and the sentiment of 50 cents, safe food , no house collapse” and posted photos of the workshop to clarify.

However, when many companies in Shandong and Sichuan came out with high-profile marketing and said that they were the legal owners of real snow lotus, many people were shocked! On June 29, Shandong Linyi Gu Chunzhai Food Co., Ltd. was registered Registering However, when many companies in Shandong and Sichuan came out with high-profile marketing and said that they were the legal owners of real snow lotus, many people were shocked! On June 29, Shandong Linyi Gu Chunzhai Food Co., Ltd. was registered Registering However, when many companies in Shandong and Sichuan came out with high-profile marketing and said that they were the legal owners of real snow lotus, many people were shocked! On June 29, Shandong Linyi Gu Chunzhai Food Co., Ltd. was registered Registering

TikTok screenshot

The person in charge of the snow lotus brand also said in an interview with the media, “The profit of a pack of snow lotus is about 5 cents. It should be the lowest price ice cream on the market, and the profit it brings is not enough to develop other products. For our products, we still focus on ice cream that is affordable to ordinary people. The price of 5 cents per pack has been going on for about 13 years.” After the news of

was released, “Snow Lotus 5 cents per pack has not increased in price for 13 years” was immediately posted. Hot searches on Weibo, using emotional marketing to attract a large number of fans, netizens have turned into the "tap water" of Snow Lotus Ice Cube. In just four days, the number of fans of Snow Lotus Ice Cube's Douyin official account has exceeded 500,000, which is higher than Zhong Xue's. The number of fans is even higher. The latter has been operating for a long time and has only more than 400,000 fans on Douyin.

I am a superstitious person. If something happens to snow lotus, or it is taken off the shelves, or is on the bottom of the freezer, or malicious rumors are spread, I will blame everyone in the freezer. - "Cake Father"

I love your tattered packaging, but I dare to block Xue Gao's madness. I love that you are so similar to me and have the same worth. Do you want to go? Does it match? This tattered packaging, is it worth fighting? Fight! Using the humblest cake to express the whimpering and roaring in the scorching heat. Who said expensive cakes are heroes? ——"Lonely Cake"

However, another "snow lotus" brand from Sichuan, Bayiyi Ranch, showed off various "snow lotus" including snow lotus, snow lotus balls, snow lotus ice cream, snow lotus ice cubes, etc., indicating that it is an original brand As for ice cream, the company's predecessor was Jinan Xiajunle Cold Food Co., Ltd., and its "Xiajunle Snow Lotus" was popular on the market in the 1990s.

The industry believes that behind the competition among enterprises and the carnival of "ice cream literature", on the one hand, it is the call for clear price tags in supermarkets, and more importantly, it is the most direct reflection of consumers calling for the return of products and cost-effectiveness.

From July 1st, the "Regulations on Clearly Marked Prices and Prohibition of Price Fraud" issued by the State Administration for Market Regulation will come into effect. "Ice cream assassins" will be difficult to hide, and value return will be a new topic that all ice cream brands must think about.

Below are some affordable ice creams found by the reporter after investigation. Readers are welcome to add more, so that this summer, all migrant workers in the world can realize the freedom of ice cream!

However, when many companies in Shandong and Sichuan came out with high-profile marketing and said that they were the legal owners of real snow lotus, many people were shocked! On June 29, Shandong Linyi Gu Chunzhai Food Co., Ltd. was registered Registering

(The following prices are for reference only)

1 Yuan Yili Little Pudding

1 Yuan IKEA Sweet Cone

1 Yuan Wangwang Crushed Ice

2 Yuan He Luxue Green Tongue

2 Yuan Mengniu Green Mood

2 Yuan Liangliangzhong Red Bean

2. 5 Yuan Youkang Blood Glutinous Rice

3 Yuan Sunday square cake

4 Yuan Yili three-color cup

4 Yuan Yili Qiaolezi

(Copyright belongs to "China Economic Weekly" magazine. No media, website or individual may reproduce or reproduce without authorization. excerpt, link, repost or otherwise use)


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