The Fuxia High-speed Railway will bring a new "leap" to the economic development of the southeast coast

2021/08/1622:58:10 finance 903

   On August 6, with the installation of the last steel box girder of the mid-span closing section, the first cross-sea high-speed rail bridge in China, the Fu-Xia high-speed rail Quanzhou Bay Cross-sea Bridge main bridge was successfully closed. (Source:

   As everyone knows, " Fuxia High Speed ​​Rail" starts from Fuzhou, passes through Putian, Quanzhou, Xiamen, and ends in Zhangzhou, with a total length of 277.42 kilometers and a bridge-to-tunnel ratio of over 80% , Is my country's first cross-sea high-speed rail. After the full line is completed and opened to traffic, Fuzhou to Xiamen will be shortened to within one hour.

The Fuxia High-speed Railway will bring a new

   Admittedly, Fuzhou is located in East China, East Fujian, the lower reaches of the Minjiang River and coastal areas. It is an important coastal city in southeast China, the first batch of coastal open cities to open to the outside world, marine economic development demonstration areas, and maritime silk The gateway of the road and a part of the China (Fujian) Pilot Free Trade Zone; it is one of the first five trade ports opened in modern China.

   However, Xiamen, a coastal city in Fujian, has always been a popular coastal tourist city in the country. According to the statistics of Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, the number of tourist receptions in Xiamen in 2019 was 10,128,700, a year-on-year increase of 12.50%. Tourism revenue was 165.59 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 18.10%. The growth rate of tourism revenue was 5.6% higher than the growth rate of the number of people. As the second coastal high-speed rail to ease the pressure of passenger transportation on the Xiamen-Shenzhen Railway, the upcoming Fuxia High-speed Railway will allow more passengers to experience the high-quality tourism products of Xiamen and Fujian. Traveling on the Fuxia High-speed Railway will bring more "welfare packages" to Fujian's tourism economy and provide a steady stream of momentum for Fujian's economic development.

The Fuxia High-speed Railway will bring a new

   Therefore, the "Fuzhou-Xiamen high-speed rail" is my country's first cross-sea high-speed rail with a design speed of 350 kilometers per hour. After the line is completed and opened, the two places will realize a "one-hour living circle" and open up mutual " "Circle of Friends" makes it easier and faster for people along the route to travel. It will quickly promote the development of tourism and aquaculture along the coast, let local aquatic products go out, and let people everywhere come to appreciate the charm of coastal areas.It has really improved the living standards and economic income of the people along the route, giving people along the route a sense of happiness and gain.

The Fuxia High-speed Railway will bring a new

   The author believes that the opening of the new "Fuzhou-Xiamen High-speed Railway" will increase the well-being of people along the line and form a "golden line" for economic and cultural exchanges and development. (Zou Yong)


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