The Leadership Module is one of the most sacred objects in Transformers, and there are many legends surrounding it. In the consciousness of most fans in China, the leadership module is a token of the leader of the Autobots, containing huge energy. However, in the early G1 animati

Leadership module

Leadership module is one of the several sacred objects in Transformers, and there are many legends surrounding it. In the consciousness of most fans in China, the leadership module is a token of the leader of the Autobots, containing huge energy. However, in the early G1 animation, the existence of the leadership module was not reflected until the 1986 movie. The thing that Unicron is most afraid of appears in front of the audience for the first time. However, there are several seemingly contradictory settings about this treasure in the animation.

leadership module stores energy? Or wisdom?

The 1986 movie revolved around the leadership module.

It is said that the leadership module stores the wisdom of the elites of previous generations of Cybertron. It can be said to be all-encompassing and endless. Both Optimus Prime and Rodimus once faced difficulties. , bring awareness into the leadership module to find answers to questions. This also resulted in the origin of , the five-faced monster , and the cure for cosmic madness. At the end of the third season animation of G1, Optimus Prime released the wisdom of all generations of Cybertronian elites stored in the leadership module and wiped out the madness sweeping the universe.

The leadership module illuminates the darkest moment

But at the same time, there is also a saying that the leadership module is a tool of the Supreme Lord, the Creator, and it contains endless energy. If someone can release his power, even terrifying existences like the Emperor of the Universe will be around. It is also vulnerable to a blow. This is how hot rod destroyed Unicron. From this point of view, energy is stored inside the leadership module. Which one should

be based on?

Having the leadership module can increase the power? The

leadership module is considered a sacred object of the Autobots and has been passed down by leaders of past generations. There is no doubt that having the leadership module increases wisdom. But whether it can improve strength is open to question. Because it performs very differently on several different owners.

1, Ultra Magnus

Ultra Magnus obtained the right to save the leadership module

Ultra Magnus obtained the leadership module, but did not obtain its recognition, so he did not get any promotion from it. Instead, he was obsessed with exerting the power of the leadership module. Crushed by the mopping up team.

Ultra Magnus was crushed

This is the shell that only got the leadership module and was not really connected to it.

2, Optimus Prime

Optimus Prime, as the most outstanding leader in the history of the Autobots, is naturally recognized by the leadership module, and has received the wisdom bonus of the sages of the past generations, but whether he has received the strength bonus is open to question. An intuitive example is when Optimus Prime first appeared. Without the leadership module, Megatron could be beaten to a pulp. Megatron had almost no effect on Optimus Prime's attack. However, after Optimus Prime became the leader of the Autobots, Megatron was able to fight back and forth with Optimus Prime, who had a leadership module, and even sent Optimus Prime away during the decisive battle. From this point of view, the leadership module did not bring any improvement in Optimus Prime's military strength.

3, Hot Rod

Hot Rod is the chosen son of the leadership module

The leadership module is undoubtedly the most obvious improvement for Hot Rod. Hot Rod, who was originally just a frizzy young man, has almost no power to fight back against a terrifying emperor like Galvatron. , but under the influence of the leadership module, he transformed into Rodimus, and his strength made a qualitative leap. He could throw Jingvatron from the body of the Emperor of the Universe into the depths of the universe. At the same time, he also had the ability to consult the wisdom of the sages of the past generations. ability. It can be said that the leadership module improves Hot Rod in all aspects.

4, Plague

The Plague

that was backfired by the leadership module is the only Decepticon that has the leadership module inserted into the body. Although the leadership module is a sacred object of the Autobots, it also has a significant effect on the Decepticons.Plague gained terrifying power and could easily defeat Galvatron, so it also had the ambition to replace him. However, the good times did not last long, and Plague soon suffered the backlash from the leadership module, becoming seven parts ghost and three parts human, and almost self-destructed. Therefore, to sum up, the leadership module can only provide a short-term increase in power against the plague, but the effect is no different than drinking poison to quench thirst. In the end, it is a false fire, but it still does more harm than good. Will the

leadership module transform the owner?

This is also a rather contradictory place. A true example of a leadership module that transformed its owner was the birth of Rodimus. Whether it's appearance or interior, Rodimus has improved a lot compared to Hot Rod. But in contrast to Optimus Prime, the leadership module did not make any changes to Optimus Prime's appearance. Even the leadership module that Plague put into his body became "swollen", but the elder brother didn't see any change. I don’t know what the screenwriter was thinking about such inconsistencies.

Galvatron also had a leadership module

Looking at the inconsistencies in the setting of the leadership module mentioned above, the author concluded that it should be that at the beginning of the Transformers animation, there was no introduction of fire and leadership modules. The idea of ​​​​this caused the screenwriter to have difficulties when filling in the holes later. In particular, Optimus Prime's appearance has long been deeply rooted in people's hearts. If Optimus Prime's appearance is changed because of the implantation of a leadership module, I am afraid it will offend the majority of the audience. Therefore, the producers kept these pitfalls.

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