From 1959 to 1961, the largest famine period since the founding of New China was also the most difficult three-year period. The domestic cultivated land area was 1.6 billion acres, and the disaster area accounted for 2/3.

2024/06/2921:15:33 erciyuan 1096

From 1959 to 1961, the largest famine period since the founding of New China was also the most difficult three-year period. The domestic cultivated land area was 1.6 billion acres, and the disaster area accounted for 2/3.

At that time, the domestic food reserves were extremely weak, and many people gnawed tree bark and ate weeds. Coupled with the international situation repression, people starved to death.

As we all know, there was no support from advanced production lines at that time, and people's survival depended entirely on the weather. If a disaster occurs, a family's foundation for survival will be basically destroyed.

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From 1959 to 1961, the largest famine period since the founding of New China was also the most difficult three-year period. The domestic cultivated land area was 1.6 billion acres, and the disaster area accounted for 2/3. - DayDayNews

From 1959 to 1961, the largest famine period since the founding of New China was also the most difficult three-year period. The domestic cultivated land area was 1.6 billion acres, and the disaster area accounted for 2/3. - DayDayNews

From 1959 to 1961, the largest famine period since the founding of New China was also the most difficult three-year period. The domestic cultivated land area was 1.6 billion acres, and the disaster area accounted for 2/3. - DayDayNews

From 1959 to 1961, the largest famine period since the founding of New China was also the most difficult three-year period. The domestic cultivated land area was 1.6 billion acres, and the disaster area accounted for 2/3. - DayDayNews

From 1959 to 1961, the largest famine period since the founding of New China was also the most difficult three-year period. The domestic cultivated land area was 1.6 billion acres, and the disaster area accounted for 2/3. - DayDayNews

From 1959 to 1961, the largest famine period since the founding of New China was also the most difficult three-year period. The domestic cultivated land area was 1.6 billion acres, and the disaster area accounted for 2/3. - DayDayNews

From 1959 to 1961, the largest famine period since the founding of New China was also the most difficult three-year period. The domestic cultivated land area was 1.6 billion acres, and the disaster area accounted for 2/3. - DayDayNews

From 1959 to 1961, the largest famine period since the founding of New China was also the most difficult three-year period. The domestic cultivated land area was 1.6 billion acres, and the disaster area accounted for 2/3. - DayDayNews

From 1959 to 1961, the largest famine period since the founding of New China was also the most difficult three-year period. The domestic cultivated land area was 1.6 billion acres, and the disaster area accounted for 2/3. - DayDayNews

From 1959 to 1961, the largest famine period since the founding of New China was also the most difficult three-year period. The domestic cultivated land area was 1.6 billion acres, and the disaster area accounted for 2/3. - DayDayNews

From 1959 to 1961, the largest famine period since the founding of New China was also the most difficult three-year period. The domestic cultivated land area was 1.6 billion acres, and the disaster area accounted for 2/3. - DayDayNews

From 1959 to 1961, the largest famine period since the founding of New China was also the most difficult three-year period. The domestic cultivated land area was 1.6 billion acres, and the disaster area accounted for 2/3. - DayDayNews

Written to the end

Nowadays, everyone can afford to eat and have enough to eat. The first person to thank is Mr. Yuan Longping. The emergence of hybrid rice has rapidly doubled my country's grain output and provided basic survival guarantees for the people. This is why education has advocated from an early age that "every drop of sweat goes to the soil, and every grain of it is hard work."

The improvement of living standards has led to many people's ignorant and mindless squandering. History has been forgotten, and the flowers in the backyard are still singing across the river

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