Number of people: 5 Types: Suspense, Hardcore, Restoration, Mystery, European Release: Thousands of Hands, Thousand Arms "Dye" Script Killing Replay Story Synopsis: A medieval town, with a giant clock tower in the middle of the town.

2024/06/2511:33:33 erciyuan 1067

Number of people: 5 people
Type: Suspense Hardcore Restoration Reasoning European
Distribution: Thousand Hands and Thousand Arms

Number of people: 5 Types: Suspense, Hardcore, Restoration, Mystery, European Release: Thousands of Hands, Thousand Arms

Number of people: 5 Types: Suspense, Hardcore, Restoration, Mystery, European Release: Thousands of Hands, Thousand Arms

"Dye" script kill review story introduction
A medieval town, there is a huge clock tower in the middle of the town. No one knows where this town is. They only know that there is a legend circulating in the world of this town. The "world" outside has been destroyed because of the "Great Plague", and "humanity" has been infected by the Great "Plague". The back of the head will immediately explode into a rainbow... Anyone who has been exposed to the blood of an infected person will immediately become a new latent infection. The residents of the five small towns seem to be the last remaining "survivors" in the world. They are the hope for the continuation of mankind. Their place of hope is called "Paradise Lost".

"Dye" script kill evaluation
experience character: monk
When I first saw the name of the script and the character name, my eyes lit up because I am also a senior blood dye fan. After playing it, I found that the background of the story is very interesting and I will think about it very much. The overall story and reasoning of the book is also very good, especially the many twists and turns, and you are constantly surprised. The investigation of the case is very simple but very surprising. You need to pay more attention to the details. In the end, it is beneficial and makes everyone think deeply. The book is very good and highly recommended! ! !

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