When we took stock of the origins of Transformers in the last issue, we mentioned that Yuanshi Tianzun created the original Yuanzu King Kong. In this issue, we take stock of the original thirteen King Kong! In order to fight against the Emperor of the Universe, Yuanshi Tianzun cr

2024/07/0122:41:33 erciyuan 1602

When we took stock of the origins of the Transformers in the last issue, we mentioned that Yuanshi Tianzun created the original Yuanzu King Kong. In this issue, we take stock of the original thirteen King Kong!

In order to fight against the great emperor of the universe , Yuanshi Tianzun created the Thirteen Apostles, which are Yuanzu Thirteen Vajra ! ——Official novel "The Covenant of the Universal God"

They are:

Warrior group: Xianjuetian, Yintianxing, Zhentianzun, Ruitianxiao, Huantianling

Strategy group: Titanium Master, Impermanent Sky, Emperor Maximo, Micro Sky Star

Random group: Jie Tiancui, Sai Tianjiao, Jingtianwei, the Thirteenth Yuan

When we took stock of the origins of Transformers in the last issue, we mentioned that Yuanshi Tianzun created the original Yuanzu King Kong. In this issue, we take stock of the original thirteen King Kong! In order to fight against the Emperor of the Universe, Yuanshi Tianzun cr - DayDayNews. Xianjuetian (Prima), Leader of the Thirteen Vajra , Created by Yuanshi Tianzun The first true Transformers is the first King Kong to have the leadership module , and he is also the original leader of the Autobots ! In some comics, he is also set as the biological father of Optimus Prime !

When we took stock of the origins of Transformers in the last issue, we mentioned that Yuanshi Tianzun created the original Yuanzu King Kong. In this issue, we take stock of the original thirteen King Kong! In order to fight against the Emperor of the Universe, Yuanshi Tianzun cr - DayDayNews

When we took stock of the origins of Transformers in the last issue, we mentioned that Yuanshi Tianzun created the original Yuanzu King Kong. In this issue, we take stock of the original thirteen King Kong! In order to fight against the Emperor of the Universe, Yuanshi Tianzun cr - DayDayNews. Megatronus, Fallen King Kong , later betrayed Yuanshi Tianzun and joined the Emperor of the Universe. It can be understood that he is the original leader of the Decepticons. He is Megatronus 's idol. Megatronus's name is correct. Megatron It’s a tribute to this fallen King Kong!

When we took stock of the origins of Transformers in the last issue, we mentioned that Yuanshi Tianzun created the original Yuanzu King Kong. In this issue, we take stock of the original thirteen King Kong! In order to fight against the Emperor of the Universe, Yuanshi Tianzun cr - DayDayNews

When we took stock of the origins of Transformers in the last issue, we mentioned that Yuanshi Tianzun created the original Yuanzu King Kong. In this issue, we take stock of the original thirteen King Kong! In order to fight against the Emperor of the Universe, Yuanshi Tianzun cr - DayDayNews. Master Titanium (Alpha Trion) can be understood as a prophet. He can communicate with Yuanshi Tianzun through Vector Sigma (magic ball). He is the last Yuanzu King Kong who finally stayed on Cybertron and serves as the president of the planet Cybertron. Commander, led the King Kong (Autobots + Decepticons) on the planet Cybertron to expel the Quintessons, and personally transformed the famous Autobot leader Optimus Prime!

When we took stock of the origins of Transformers in the last issue, we mentioned that Yuanshi Tianzun created the original Yuanzu King Kong. In this issue, we take stock of the original thirteen King Kong! In order to fight against the Emperor of the Universe, Yuanshi Tianzun cr - DayDayNews

When we took stock of the origins of Transformers in the last issue, we mentioned that Yuanshi Tianzun created the original Yuanzu King Kong. In this issue, we take stock of the original thirteen King Kong! In order to fight against the Emperor of the Universe, Yuanshi Tianzun cr - DayDayNews. Vector Prime, the guardian of time and space, maintains the order of various universes. Later, he retired to his own pocket universe and once helped Optimus Prime!

When we took stock of the origins of Transformers in the last issue, we mentioned that Yuanshi Tianzun created the original Yuanzu King Kong. In this issue, we take stock of the original thirteen King Kong! In order to fight against the Emperor of the Universe, Yuanshi Tianzun cr - DayDayNews

When we took stock of the origins of Transformers in the last issue, we mentioned that Yuanshi Tianzun created the original Yuanzu King Kong. In this issue, we take stock of the original thirteen King Kong! In order to fight against the Emperor of the Universe, Yuanshi Tianzun cr - DayDayNews. Solus Prime, the first female Transformer, leader of female Transformers, master of weapon casting, has created Solus Prime's Hammer, Star Sword, Supreme Armor, Blade of Cybertron, and Soul-Suppressing Gun Wait

When we took stock of the origins of Transformers in the last issue, we mentioned that Yuanshi Tianzun created the original Yuanzu King Kong. In this issue, we take stock of the original thirteen King Kong! In order to fight against the Emperor of the Universe, Yuanshi Tianzun cr - DayDayNews

When we took stock of the origins of Transformers in the last issue, we mentioned that Yuanshi Tianzun created the original Yuanzu King Kong. In this issue, we take stock of the original thirteen King Kong! In order to fight against the Emperor of the Universe, Yuanshi Tianzun cr - DayDayNews. Amalgamous Prime, the owner of the transformation power of Transformers. It is said that the transformation ability of all Transformers in the later period comes from him. His weapon is the universal transformation gear, which can be transformed into any shape. !

When we took stock of the origins of Transformers in the last issue, we mentioned that Yuanshi Tianzun created the original Yuanzu King Kong. In this issue, we take stock of the original thirteen King Kong! In order to fight against the Emperor of the Universe, Yuanshi Tianzun cr - DayDayNews

When we took stock of the origins of Transformers in the last issue, we mentioned that Yuanshi Tianzun created the original Yuanzu King Kong. In this issue, we take stock of the original thirteen King Kong! In order to fight against the Emperor of the Universe, Yuanshi Tianzun cr - DayDayNews. The owner of the combined power of Nexus Prime, the ancestor of all combinations King Kong , once divided himself into five single bodies (Celestial Meteor, Earthquake, Disconnection, Top Spin, Heat Wave), until Before the decisive battle between the Autobots and the Decepticons, they reunited with Jing Tianwei.

When we took stock of the origins of Transformers in the last issue, we mentioned that Yuanshi Tianzun created the original Yuanzu King Kong. In this issue, we take stock of the original thirteen King Kong! In order to fight against the Emperor of the Universe, Yuanshi Tianzun cr - DayDayNews

When we took stock of the origins of Transformers in the last issue, we mentioned that Yuanshi Tianzun created the original Yuanzu King Kong. In this issue, we take stock of the original thirteen King Kong! In order to fight against the Emperor of the Universe, Yuanshi Tianzun cr - DayDayNews. Liege Maximo has an excellent mind, similar to the Nordic evil god Loki. It is said that Megatron's clever mind comes from him. He is Megatron's previous life!

When we took stock of the origins of Transformers in the last issue, we mentioned that Yuanshi Tianzun created the original Yuanzu King Kong. In this issue, we take stock of the original thirteen King Kong! In order to fight against the Emperor of the Universe, Yuanshi Tianzun cr - DayDayNews

9. Onyx Prime, the first Beast King Kong, the ancestor of all Beast King Kongs!

When we took stock of the origins of Transformers in the last issue, we mentioned that Yuanshi Tianzun created the original Yuanzu King Kong. In this issue, we take stock of the original thirteen King Kong! In order to fight against the Emperor of the Universe, Yuanshi Tianzun cr - DayDayNews

When we took stock of the origins of Transformers in the last issue, we mentioned that Yuanshi Tianzun created the original Yuanzu King Kong. In this issue, we take stock of the original thirteen King Kong! In order to fight against the Emperor of the Universe, Yuanshi Tianzun cr - DayDayNews0. Micronus Prime, the first mini King Kong , is also the ancestor of all mini King Kongs!

When we took stock of the origins of Transformers in the last issue, we mentioned that Yuanshi Tianzun created the original Yuanzu King Kong. In this issue, we take stock of the original thirteen King Kong! In order to fight against the Emperor of the Universe, Yuanshi Tianzun cr - DayDayNews

When we took stock of the origins of Transformers in the last issue, we mentioned that Yuanshi Tianzun created the original Yuanzu King Kong. In this issue, we take stock of the original thirteen King Kong! In order to fight against the Emperor of the Universe, Yuanshi Tianzun cr - DayDayNews1. Quintus Prime, the ancestor of Quintus Prime, is keen on creating life! His descendants, the Quintessons, are said to have played a key role in the evolution of the Transformers!

When we took stock of the origins of Transformers in the last issue, we mentioned that Yuanshi Tianzun created the original Yuanzu King Kong. In this issue, we take stock of the original thirteen King Kong! In order to fight against the Emperor of the Universe, Yuanshi Tianzun cr - DayDayNews

When we took stock of the origins of Transformers in the last issue, we mentioned that Yuanshi Tianzun created the original Yuanzu King Kong. In this issue, we take stock of the original thirteen King Kong! In order to fight against the Emperor of the Universe, Yuanshi Tianzun cr - DayDayNews2. Alchemist Prime, the guardian of civilization, created the Cybertron civilization with Master Titanium. Later, the Thirteen Ancestors King Kong split and he went after Emperor Maxim.He is a low-key outsider!

When we took stock of the origins of Transformers in the last issue, we mentioned that Yuanshi Tianzun created the original Yuanzu King Kong. In this issue, we take stock of the original thirteen King Kong! In order to fight against the Emperor of the Universe, Yuanshi Tianzun cr - DayDayNews

When we took stock of the origins of Transformers in the last issue, we mentioned that Yuanshi Tianzun created the original Yuanzu King Kong. In this issue, we take stock of the original thirteen King Kong! In order to fight against the Emperor of the Universe, Yuanshi Tianzun cr - DayDayNews3. The Thirteenth Prime has a leadership temperament, is good at strengthening team cohesion, and has excellent melee capabilities. He is the predecessor of Optimus Prime!

When we took stock of the origins of Transformers in the last issue, we mentioned that Yuanshi Tianzun created the original Yuanzu King Kong. In this issue, we take stock of the original thirteen King Kong! In order to fight against the Emperor of the Universe, Yuanshi Tianzun cr - DayDayNews

Let me briefly talk about the ending:

Xianjue Him, Huan Tianling, Impermanence : The ending is unknown!

Yin Tianxing: Stay in your own little universe!

Zhentianzun: Become an alliance between Fallen King Kong and the Emperor of the Universe!

Master Titanium and Xie Tiancui created the Cybertron civilization, but both of them died in the battle!

Wei Tianxing, Rui Tianxiao, and the Thirteenth Yuan transformed into the well of fire source, among which the Thirteenth Yuan was reincarnated as Optimus Prime!

Sai Tianjiao was dug out the fire by Zhentianzun, and later transformed into the well of fire source. The fire source can be injected into inorganic bodies to produce new Transformers life!

Emperor Maxim was on the run, he probably died and was reincarnated as Megatron!

Jing Tianwei transformed into five independent individuals, and the two factions of Kuangbo reunited and returned before the war!

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