Hearing at night that the Han army was besieged on all sides, King Xiang was shocked and said: 'Have all the Han troops been in Chu? How many people in Chu!' So King Xiang sang a tragic song generously and composed his own poem: "Strength can lift the mountain and the energy is o

2024/07/0114:19:32 erciyuan 1653

" King Xiang 's army lay down on the wall. The few soldiers were exhausted, and the Han army and the princes were surrounded by many soldiers. At night, he heard that the Han army was embarrassed on all sides. King Xiang was shocked and said: 'All the Han are already in good shape? What kind of bad situation is it? There are so many people!" King Xiang got up at night and was in the drinking tent. There was a beautiful woman named Yu Ji , who was often lucky to follow him, and a horse named Zou, who often rode on it. So King Xiang sang a sad song and wrote a poem to himself: "Strengthen the horse. The mountains are full of energy, and the times are unfavorable. What can I do if the time is not gone? How can I be afraid of dangers?" The song was filled with beauty, and King Xiang was weeping for several lines. Everyone on the left and right was weeping, and no one could look up at him. "——"Historical Records"

The end of the hero and the peerless beauty, it makes people shed tears after reading it.

Although I was moved, it is only logical to think about it - Overlord of Chu Xiang Yu has always been invincible, but in the end he was defeated by Liu Ji, the street kid who started his career by killing the white snake. So, which one of Xiang Yu's good cards was wrong? In the first season of "Fairy Story Series", let's explore why this brother with diverse personalities failed!

On the one hand, he was inseparable from his beloved, and on the other hand, he abandoned the army and ran away with 800 people. Xiang Yu was obviously divided. A correct view of history tells us that we must get to the bottom of everything before we can see the true answer. So, what exactly is the reason for Overlord’s split?

Throwing the question to the bloody yellow sand, in the character series "Fei Story Season 1", we can fully experience the inner torment and entanglement of Xiang Yusi, and see how a person who believes that force can defeat everything loses realistic.

A big boy who lets his chivalrous spirit

Learn literature first, but it will not work; later, he will learn martial arts, but it will not work either. When asked about his ambition, he replied: "Ten thousand enemies". The youth of Xiang Yu, the third rich generation of Chu Kingdom , can be roughly summarized like this. A turning point in life appeared in Julu. The enemy was facing a formidable enemy. Young Xiang Yu was full of energy. A speech brought out the tactical myth of "burning the cauldron and sinking the boat", which reversed the situation where Qin was strong and I was weak, and brought a real blow to the Qin Dynasty's family fortune. of large consumption. The young man of the Xiang family became famous in one battle and began to run towards the throne.

However, " burns all boats " is not a reckless impulse. There must be the interweaving and mutual exchange of energy from many parties. In the character series "Fairy Story Season 1", let's take a look at how Xiang Yu, the young general at that time, negotiated the game among various forces, and finally dared to fight against the odds.

The fear and entanglement caused by hatred

After the Battle of Julu , Zhang Han led 200,000 people to surrender, and was treated with indiscriminate entrapment and killing. After taking over Xianyang, he directly cut Ziying in half and burned the city of Xianyang. Seeing the top cities and the most luxurious buildings being burned down, a man named Han Sheng sighed and repeatedly advised him to be a good person, live in these spacious buildings and houses, and take care of this vast land. However, Xiang Yu, the die-hard, said he would not listen if he did not listen, and gained the reputation of "the crown of the monkey".

Hearing at night that the Han army was besieged on all sides, King Xiang was shocked and said: 'Have all the Han troops been in Chu? How many people in Chu!' So King Xiang sang a tragic song generously and composed his own poem:

(Pictures are taken from the Internet and have been deleted)

A series of big actions made everyone frightened and panicked. Not only Han Sheng didn't understand this set of combined movements, but even we today have a hard time understanding this wave of operations. Maybe in Xiang Yu's heart, he hates and fears the imperial fortress of Da Qin, hates its cruelty, fears its power, fears that it will resurrect and change the world...

character series "Fei Story Season 1" step by step The screenwriters and starring actors got close to these past lives, and restored the past characters and past mentality from one incident to another.

Idealist Overlord of Western Chu

After venting the anger in his chest, he wondered how Xiang Yu felt when faced with the chaos in the city. Should he destroy the order and rebuild a new one, or should he leave immediately and open up a new world?

The fighting guy also has a Buddhist side. He took the capital but did not want to be the emperor. He divided these lands according to the old system and gave them to new and old followers who liked them. Everything goes well, it's enough for me to have the title of "Overlord" alone.

However, this "overlord" does not contain enough "overlord" - it is preceded by "西chu", not "chu", nor "big", nor "quan".This shows that the Overlord himself only occupies such a small territory, that's all! In this way, the title "Overlord" is more like everyone giving you face and reluctantly respecting you as the stronger one.

Xiang Yu, who started his career by relying on huge combat values, may not have thought about how to stabilize and unite the overall situation. There are 18 other small groups outside of Xi Chu. In a short period of time, they fought and looked after each other. I wonder if the "Overlord of Xi Chu" has ever tried to persuade him - such a young man does not seem to have such lofty ambitions... …

A romantic performance artist

I dare say that you have known the story of "Farewell My Concubine" since you were a child. Maybe you played house when you were a child, and even affectionately performed the scene where Yu Ji committed suicide - this "Overlord of Western Chu" "He is really the overlord in the eyes of others, but the "Oppa" in the eyes of "you" is handsome, wealthy, young and promising. It's a pity that the current situation does not spare lovers, and the winner is the king and the loser is the last word. A defeat is enough to ring the final bell, Wu Zi will not die, Yu Ji is reluctant to leave, standing at the last crossroads of life, the Overlord sings loudly, all the soldiers shed tears, and reaches emotional resonance with the Overlord , thinking that this is inevitable It's destiny.

Hearing at night that the Han army was besieged on all sides, King Xiang was shocked and said: 'Have all the Han troops been in Chu? How many people in Chu!' So King Xiang sang a tragic song generously and composed his own poem:

(Pictures are taken from the Internet and have been deleted)

Standing on the bow of the ship, Xiang Yu said another famous saying in life, "I have no face to see the elders from Jiangdong" in his endless memories - the life of a passionate man is full of artistic sense. In his life, the final ending is also a beautiful picture, winning endless sighs from future generations. Is it because our ambitions have not been fulfilled, or because times have changed? If it passes Jiangdong, will it rise again? Endless questions, endless reveries...

Come on, discuss together in the character series "Fei Story Season 1", use your imagination in the community, listen to the bloody and yellow sand shaking the historical baggage, and look at the history of inspection The boundless brain power of the members. Only by using wisdom to lift the veil, using reason to confront legends, and uncovering fancy story interpretations and emotional coercion can we see the true colors of historical figures!

character series "Fei Talk Season 1" 10 characters ( Chen Ping, Xiao He , Han Xin, Shang Yang, Zhao Kuo, Xiang Yu, Lu Pheasant , Wang Mang , Huo Guang , Ying Zheng ), have been Completed; the second season of 10 characters ( Liu Heng, Liu Che, Liu Xiu, Cao Cao, Zhuge Liang, Sima Yi, Zhao Yong, Le Yi, Su Qin, Sun Quan) will start at the end of the year Even! !

Hearing at night that the Han army was besieged on all sides, King Xiang was shocked and said: 'Have all the Han troops been in Chu? How many people in Chu!' So King Xiang sang a tragic song generously and composed his own poem:

Audio·Character "Fei Talk Series" Season 1

[The big-breasted brother said this after listening to the first season...]

Hearing at night that the Han army was besieged on all sides, King Xiang was shocked and said: 'Have all the Han troops been in Chu? How many people in Chu!' So King Xiang sang a tragic song generously and composed his own poem:

Hearing at night that the Han army was besieged on all sides, King Xiang was shocked and said: 'Have all the Han troops been in Chu? How many people in Chu!' So King Xiang sang a tragic song generously and composed his own poem:

Hearing at night that the Han army was besieged on all sides, King Xiang was shocked and said: 'Have all the Han troops been in Chu? How many people in Chu!' So King Xiang sang a tragic song generously and composed his own poem:

Hearing at night that the Han army was besieged on all sides, King Xiang was shocked and said: 'Have all the Han troops been in Chu? How many people in Chu!' So King Xiang sang a tragic song generously and composed his own poem:

Hearing at night that the Han army was besieged on all sides, King Xiang was shocked and said: 'Have all the Han troops been in Chu? How many people in Chu!' So King Xiang sang a tragic song generously and composed his own poem:

Hearing at night that the Han army was besieged on all sides, King Xiang was shocked and said: 'Have all the Han troops been in Chu? How many people in Chu!' So King Xiang sang a tragic song generously and composed his own poem:

Hearing at night that the Han army was besieged on all sides, King Xiang was shocked and said: 'Have all the Han troops been in Chu? How many people in Chu!' So King Xiang sang a tragic song generously and composed his own poem:

Hearing at night that the Han army was besieged on all sides, King Xiang was shocked and said: 'Have all the Han troops been in Chu? How many people in Chu!' So King Xiang sang a tragic song generously and composed his own poem:


Hearing at night that the Han army was besieged on all sides, King Xiang was shocked and said: 'Have all the Han troops been in Chu? How many people in Chu!' So King Xiang sang a tragic song generously and composed his own poem:

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