The Light of Chinese Comics, this is the word that I have seen the most recently on various web pages, comment pages, and even barrages. The scope of art is really broad. Anything can be called an artistic behavior or an artistic work. As culture continues to globalize, the forms

2024/07/0114:20:33 erciyuan 1249

Guomanzhiguang, this is the word that I have seen most recently on various web pages, comment pages, and even barrages. The dispute between Chinese comics and Japanese comics has continued to ferment. In fact, it is caused by patriotism. There is no need for art to rise to the level of historical issues, and there is no comparative significance. But it cannot be ignored that some Chinese comics now imitate Japanese comics too heavily. In fact, our country’s previous shadow puppets animations, ink animations , etc. can continue to be carried forward.

The Light of Chinese Comics, this is the word that I have seen the most recently on various web pages, comment pages, and even barrages. The scope of art is really broad. Anything can be called an artistic behavior or an artistic work. As culture continues to globalize, the forms - DayDayNews

In fact, art has no boundaries. As Lu Xun once said: "The more national, the more global." The scope of art is really broad. Anything can be called an artistic behavior or an artistic work. As culture continues to globalize, the forms of artistic expression become more diverse. Understand the various forms of artistic expression, take the essence, and constantly innovate.

The Light of Chinese Comics, this is the word that I have seen the most recently on various web pages, comment pages, and even barrages. The scope of art is really broad. Anything can be called an artistic behavior or an artistic work. As culture continues to globalize, the forms - DayDayNews

Here, the editor also recommends some nostalgic animations to students. Different eras create different animations. Only those that are deeply rooted in people's hearts and spread are worthy of being treasured.

" Transformers " (1984) - The United States

The Light of Chinese Comics, this is the word that I have seen the most recently on various web pages, comment pages, and even barrages. The scope of art is really broad. Anything can be called an artistic behavior or an artistic work. As culture continues to globalize, the forms - DayDayNews

Decepticons ( Decepticons ) and Autobots (Autobots). The two sides are fighting for the dominance of Cybertron in a protracted and escalating battle. During the war, a series of technologies were developed, the most famous of which was transformation technology. From then on, these robots were also called Transformers.

Millions of years of war have exhausted Cybertron's resources. The energy-depleted Cybertron forced the Autobots to seek energy from the outside in an Ark spaceship under the leadership of leader Optimus Prime , while the Decepticons were under the influence of leader . Under the command of Zhentian , the battleship Retribution followed. The two sides started a fierce battle in space. Both ships crashed into the nearest planet, and both sides finally came to the earth.

"Baba Papa" (1975 ) - France

The Light of Chinese Comics, this is the word that I have seen the most recently on various web pages, comment pages, and even barrages. The scope of art is really broad. Anything can be called an artistic behavior or an artistic work. As culture continues to globalize, the forms - DayDayNews

In the yard of an ordinary family, one day a round pink ball grew out of the ground. As time went by, the little ball grew bigger and bigger, and eventually he broke out of the ground and grew into a big oval man. The children named him Baba Daddy. Baba is optimistic and kind, and his soft body can change into any shape he wants. Soon, he met Baba's mother, who was all black and beautiful. The two got married and gave birth to seven children with different colors and personalities, namely Babazu, Baba Lala, Baba Libo, Bababo , Baba Bear, Baba Bright, Baba Blab . Baba and his family live in harmony with humans and live a life full of joy and surprise.

" Ranma 1/2" (1989 ) - Japanese

The Light of Chinese Comics, this is the word that I have seen the most recently on various web pages, comment pages, and even barrages. The scope of art is really broad. Anything can be called an artistic behavior or an artistic work. As culture continues to globalize, the forms - DayDayNews

The male protagonist Ranma Saotome is a young martial arts practitioner who accidentally falls into the cursed spring village while practicing in the Bayan Hara Mountains in Qinghai Province, China "Female Drowning Spring" is cursed. From then on, when encountering cold water, it will turn into a girl, and when encountering hot water, it will revert to a boy. And his father, friends, etc. will also transform into pandas, little black pigs, cats, ducks, etc. because of falling into different "drowning springs". Ranma was taken by his father to the dojo of his father's sect, Tendo Soun, and met Akane Tendo, who was married to her fingertips. Many ironic stories happened between the happy enemies and a group of family and friends.

" The Story of the Mole " (1957 ) - Czechoslovakia

The Light of Chinese Comics, this is the word that I have seen the most recently on various web pages, comment pages, and even barrages. The scope of art is really broad. Anything can be called an artistic behavior or an artistic work. As culture continues to globalize, the forms - DayDayNews

tells the story of a chubby little mole who lives in a hole dug by himself. When the house is tidied every day, it will emerge from the hole. Come out and start exploring in the forest. Through various witty and humorous actions and various magical experiences, it tells one warm little story after another.

"Uproar in the Sky" (1961 ) - China

The Light of Chinese Comics, this is the word that I have seen the most recently on various web pages, comment pages, and even barrages. The scope of art is really broad. Anything can be called an artistic behavior or an artistic work. As culture continues to globalize, the forms - DayDayNews

The Queen Mother held a peach banquet and invited all kinds of gods and goddesses, but he was not invited.The Monkey King was so angry that he made a big fuss in the Yaochi, leaving dishes in a mess. He drank to his heart's content alone, and ate Supreme Laojun's Nine Turns Golden Elixir. He collected all the wine, vegetables, melons and fruits, and returned to Huaguo Mountain to play with the monkeys. A fairy cocktail party was held. The Jade Emperor was furious, and the soldiers of Qingtian Palace captured the Monkey King. During the battle, the Monkey King fell into Taishang Laojun's plot and was unfortunately captured. Laojun sent him into the alchemy furnace, but not only was he not burned to death, but it made the Monkey King even more powerful. So the Monkey King fought back and beat the Heavenly Palace to pieces, which frightened the Jade Emperor and made him run away in confusion.

The Light of Chinese Comics, this is the word that I have seen the most recently on various web pages, comment pages, and even barrages. The scope of art is really broad. Anything can be called an artistic behavior or an artistic work. As culture continues to globalize, the forms - DayDayNews

Animations produced in different eras have different senses of the times. Good works of art increase communication among different nationalities, skin colors, and languages, and enrich the spirit of students. The editor will not compare different anime. Good is good. It can enter my heart and touch my emotions.

The Light of Chinese Comics, this is the word that I have seen the most recently on various web pages, comment pages, and even barrages. The scope of art is really broad. Anything can be called an artistic behavior or an artistic work. As culture continues to globalize, the forms - DayDayNews

would like to express our deep gratitude to the students who are striving for the animation career, so that we can be satisfied with spiritual food. ——Salute, let us protect your smile.

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