One Piece Chapter 1054 The Arabian Intelligence has been updated. In fact, the content of this chapter is still mainly about the country of Wano, because Oda wants to explain the movements of the Green Bull and the Luffy Group. The Green Bull is obviously going to deal with it. L

2024/07/0303:50:32 erciyuan 1610

One Piece Chapter 1054 Arabian information has been updated. In fact, the content of this chapter is still based on the country of Wano, because Oda wants to explain the trends of Green Bull, , and the Luffy Group. The Green Bull is obvious He wanted to attack and Luffy , but Oda said that the Straw Hats had already gone to sea. During this period, someone must have stopped the Green Bull. So who is this person? According to the information given by the Arabs, this person is a familiar figure to us. He has helped Luffy three times and is also the friendliest person to Luffy. He is the second in command of the Revolutionary Army Sabo . Let’s analyze it together. Come on.

One Piece Chapter 1054 The Arabian Intelligence has been updated. In fact, the content of this chapter is still mainly about the country of Wano, because Oda wants to explain the movements of the Green Bull and the Luffy Group. The Green Bull is obviously going to deal with it. L - DayDayNews

One Piece Chapter 1054 The Arabian Intelligence has been updated. In fact, the content of this chapter is still mainly about the country of Wano, because Oda wants to explain the movements of the Green Bull and the Luffy Group. The Green Bull is obviously going to deal with it. L - DayDayNews1

Saab makes its grand debut

In fact, in the content of the previous chapter, we have already seen Saab, but at that time Saab appeared in front of the screen, but this also illustrates the truth that Saab is safe for the time being and has already People who conquered other countries, so when the people of Wano saw the shadow of Sabo, they were so happy that they cried. This is also the meaning of Saab's existence, the purpose is to bring hope to the suffering people. The country of Wano needs to rebuild after the disaster, so the people of the Revolutionary Army will naturally not miss such a good opportunity, so it is reasonable for Sabo to come to the country of Wano.

One Piece Chapter 1054 The Arabian Intelligence has been updated. In fact, the content of this chapter is still mainly about the country of Wano, because Oda wants to explain the movements of the Green Bull and the Luffy Group. The Green Bull is obviously going to deal with it. L - DayDayNews

Sabo came to Wano not only because of Luffy’s problem, but also to focus on mass construction of Wano. If Momonosuke founded the country in the later period, how would the people of Wano resist the pirates in the outer seas? , this is a problem. The Revolutionary Army has a very solid management concept. He can help Momonosuke establish a new order. In this way, Momonosuke can also successfully control Wano Country without the involvement of the navy. Wazhi Country The country can also become the strongest country, and with Luffy protecting it, it really kills two birds with one stone.

One Piece Chapter 1054 The Arabian Intelligence has been updated. In fact, the content of this chapter is still mainly about the country of Wano, because Oda wants to explain the movements of the Green Bull and the Luffy Group. The Green Bull is obviously going to deal with it. L - DayDayNews

One Piece Chapter 1054 The Arabian Intelligence has been updated. In fact, the content of this chapter is still mainly about the country of Wano, because Oda wants to explain the movements of the Green Bull and the Luffy Group. The Green Bull is obviously going to deal with it. L - DayDayNews2

Stop Green Bull from chasing Luffy

Sabo also has the function of stopping Green Bull, which is the top priority. Green Bull vows to capture Luffy, but if Sabo comes, then Luffy will definitely be able to leave safely. Refer to the story that happened in the Tokushima chapter. Sabo replaced Luffy and snatched away the Shasha fruit. He also stopped Blackbeard 's men and blocked the admiral's pace. What Sabo did was to help Lu. fly. The current opponent is just Green Bull. Green Bull is a plant type user, while Sabo is a fire type user. There is a conflict between the two, so Sabo stops Green Bull. This plot makes sense. .

One Piece Chapter 1054 The Arabian Intelligence has been updated. In fact, the content of this chapter is still mainly about the country of Wano, because Oda wants to explain the movements of the Green Bull and the Luffy Group. The Green Bull is obviously going to deal with it. L - DayDayNews

One Piece Chapter 1054 The Arabian Intelligence has been updated. In fact, the content of this chapter is still mainly about the country of Wano, because Oda wants to explain the movements of the Green Bull and the Luffy Group. The Green Bull is obviously going to deal with it. L - DayDayNews3

Sabo is indeed a good brother

Of course, Sabo is indeed a good brother . Since Ace died, Sabo has become the epitome of Ace. As long as Luffy is in danger, Sabo will come forward. To solve the problem, whether it is the movie version or the feature film, Sabo will not hesitate to rescue Luffy. Because Sabo feels guilty and did not help Luffy save Ace when he lost his memory, then Sabo can only work silently behind the scenes to redeem the past. fault.

One Piece Chapter 1054 The Arabian Intelligence has been updated. In fact, the content of this chapter is still mainly about the country of Wano, because Oda wants to explain the movements of the Green Bull and the Luffy Group. The Green Bull is obviously going to deal with it. L - DayDayNews

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