Don't be a "fake illiterate" fifth grader Wen Jiangtao often hears people say don't read comics, it is a useless pastime. But in my opinion, it is not the case. In many cases, it can give us simple and easy-to-understand enlightenment. Recently I saw a cartoon of "Fake Illiteracy

2024/07/0104:25:32 erciyuan 1199
Don't be a

Don't be a "fake illiterate"

Fifth grade Wen Jiangtao

I often hear people say don't read comics, it is a useless pastime. But in my opinion, it is not the case. In many cases, it can give us simple and easy-to-understand enlightenment.

Recently I saw a cartoon of "Fake Illiteracy", which impressed me very much. There was a notice at the bus stop indicating a mother and son boarding area, but four men were standing at the mother and child boarding area waiting for the bus. The first man was a middle-aged man, holding a mobile phone in his hand and kept saying: "Hurry up." He stood there indifferently. The second man was a fat young man. He ignored the notice and stood there blatantly. The third man was also a young man. He looked very anxious and said on the phone, "He'll be here soon. Wait a minute." The fourth man thought he was doing everything right. He looked at the notice and said: "It's not shameful for so many people to stand here." A woman stood at the back holding her child. She was speechless as she looked at the men who squeezed her out of the "mother and child boarding area" passage.

"Fake Illiteracy" cartoon is a very humorous and highly satirical cartoon. The author Hua Junwu used this painting to satirize those who only care about their own convenience, are greedy for small profits, ignore the difficulties of others, and lack public morality. Some people pretend to be "illiterate" even though they are clearly literate. In modern society, materials are getting richer and richer, and our lives are getting better and better. Why is the quality of some people declining? Those people are selfish and often do things that benefit themselves at the expense of others just for the sake of small gains.

If you think about it carefully, there are still many "fake illiterates" in life. The "fake illiterate" is in the garden, ignoring the warning sign that says "Please do not step on flowers and plants" and insisting on walking in, leaving a string of footprints and a lot of garbage; the "fake illiterate" is in the elevator, ignoring the sign that says "Please don't step on it" "Smoking" sign, you must smoke in the elevator, causing harm to the health of others; "fake illiterate" in the subway, ignore the sign saying "Seats for the elderly, weak, sick and disabled" and sit on them as if nothing happened Above...they pretend to be illiterate for their own convenience and comfort, with no regard for the feelings of others.

If people all over the world are "fake illiterate", then the world will become indifferent and selfish, and there will be no use in having rules. Therefore, I call on everyone not to be "fake illiterate" and not to think about their own interests before doing things, but the collective interests of everyone, so that the world will become a better place.

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