Perseverance leads to success. My thoughts after reading the comic "Dig a Well" by Yang Yuxuan, a fifth-grade student. "Dig a Well" is a humorous and highly satirical comic work. The author uses this comic to satirize those who are unwilling to persevere to the end, but success i

2024/07/0104:24:32 erciyuan 1716
Perseverance leads to success. My thoughts after reading the comic

Perseverance leads to success

Thoughts after reading the comic "Dig a Well"

Fifth grader Yang Yuxuan

"Dig a Well" is a comic work with humor and strong irony. The author used this cartoon to satirize those who are unwilling to persevere to the end. People who give up even though success is right in front of them. The

comic mainly tells the story of a young man digging a well with a shovel. He dug a well but gave up after less than a third of it. Naturally, no water was found. Then he dug another well, but gave up halfway through. When digging the third well, we gave up three-quarters of the way through. When digging the fourth well, he gave up again when he was about to get water. He said: "There is no water down here. Let's dig somewhere else."

Seeing this, I couldn't help but laugh at him: "Why don't you dig further? The well is only one shovel away from digging. Why don't you But he no longer persisted, saying that there is no water here, which is really ridiculous. "

In our daily lives, there are many people like the well digger. Some students see someone getting high marks in the exam, and they think about it. Study hard and surpass him. Some people dream of becoming stars when they see that those stars are very popular among people. Some people see that the paintings of some famous painters are very precious, and they also want to paint some precious paintings. But in the end, how many people will succeed? Those who give up halfway are always missing out on success because of lack of persistence. There is a spirit in those successful people, and that is the spirit of persistence.

Perseverance can eventually lead to success. The story of our great inventor Edison tells us to persevere. He was obsessed with experiments throughout his life, often encountered difficulties, and experienced many failures before he succeeded.

The painting "Dig a Well" made me understand the principle of perseverance in life.

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