Few people know that during the audition that year, there was another person who was more suitable than Deng Jie. Even director Wang Fulin said that she was Wang Xifeng who came out of the book. This person was Le Yun. Unfortunately, the beauty was ill-fated and she committed sui

In the 1987 version of "A Dream of Red Mansions", Wang Xifeng, played by Deng Jie, became a generation classic.

Very few people know that during the audition for actors, there was another person who was more suitable than Deng Jie. Even director Wang Fulin said that she was Wang Xifeng who came out of the book.

This is a photo of the two of them when they were trying out makeup.

This person is Leyun . Unfortunately, the beauty was ill-fated and she committed suicide by jumping off a building at the age of 28.

What exactly has Le Yun experienced? Today, let’s tell the story of Le Yun.

1. Beauty's fate

One early morning in 1995, the sky in Hong Kong was cloudless. After a while, the sun was about to rise, and it was another beautiful day.

Le Yun didn't sleep all night. She dragged her tired body and stood in front of the mirror. Is the woman in the mirror her? Why are you so haggard and lonely?

She picked up an eyebrow pencil, but put it down again. Her eyebrows were curved, so there was no need to draw them again. This almost perfect face could be stunning without adding any decoration.

Le Yun put on her favorite clothes and walked slowly to the balcony. The morning breeze brought a hint of coolness and felt extremely comfortable on her face.

Today is her eleventh year in Hong Kong.

Eleven years ago, Le Yun was only 17 years old and had just begun to fall in love. Luo Lie said: I love you.

Le Yun believed it.

Luo Lie said: Come with me to Hong Kong to develop. I know the great directors in Hong Kong. I will make you famous and even marry you.

Le Yun asked her mother. After hearing this, her mother was overjoyed and encouraged her daughter: Go ahead, follow Hong Kong stars, it is your blessing, and your mother will also benefit from it.

My thoughts drifted back to the day when I participated in the audition for "A Dream of Red Mansions". When I first entered the crew, everyone's eyes were straightened. Director Wang Fulin patted the armrest of the chair and stood up directly: Isn't this Wang Xifeng?

That day, she became recognized by the entire crew as "the most beautiful woman in the Red Mansion" and Wang Xifeng's best choice.

If she had not met Luo Lie, she would have already become one of the first-tier celebrities in the Mainland.

But she happened to meet it.

On the day he said goodbye to Director Wang, Director Wang couldn't help but sigh: Why don't you consider playing the role of Third Sister You? Third Sister You has very few roles. If you want to leave, you won't have to leave in just a few days!

Le Yun and Luo Lie intertwined their fingers and shook their heads happily: Luo Lie is going to take me to Hong Kong for filming.

In this way, Le Yun followed Luo Lie to Hong Kong without hesitation.

But the result was that Luo Lie had lied to her for eight years, and Luo Lie was a married man.

The original wife came to the door, smashed the residence to pieces, and slapped Le Yun several times.

Covering her hot cheeks, she couldn't believe that she was a mistress.

Seeing Luo Lie's evasive eyes and the obedient apologies and promises he followed behind his wife, Le Yun finally recognized the true face of this man.

She was kicked out, and the paparazzi wasted no time in exposing the matter.

Everyone knows that she is a mistress. She wants to act, but no one can even give her a role as a passerby. She has trouble eating.

She thought her mother could comfort her, so she brought her to Hong Kong. Unexpectedly, her mother scolded her for being useless all day long.

"My neighbor's girl has met a rich boss within two years of coming to Hong Kong. Now she wears gold and silver and you are the only one hiding at home. It's really useless."


Mom's words are like needles The same thing pierced Le Yun's heart. She was completely desperate and retorted angrily: I am such a useless person. I should die at most!

Le Yun closed her eyes, tears flowing down her beautiful face. She wiped the tears on her face, jumped from the 13th floor, and fell heavily on the cement platform.

A beautiful lady of a generation has passed away since then.

At this time, the sun rose as usual, the city began to become lively, and everyone was living according to the established track.

2. Falling in love with a scumbag by mistake

In 1967, Le Yun was born in an ordinary family in Shanghai. In her memory, she had never met her father. Her mother single-handedly raised her and her younger brother.

Leyun was used to seeing her mother's hard work since she was a child, so she always obeyed her mother's advice.

Her mother is a Cantonese opera actress. Influenced by her mother, Le Yun has loved literature and art since she was a child and is good at singing and dancing.

When she was four years old, Le Yun's beauty began to show, and she looked like a beautiful woman. Everyone who saw her liked her.

Her mother sent her to the Children's Palace to learn various talents in order to enter the entertainment industry and become a star in the future.

After graduating from junior high school, Le Yun entered the drama academy at the suggestion of her mother.

In 1983, 16-year-old Le Yun got the opportunity to participate in the first work in her life - the movie " under the bridge ".

Although the character is just an unknown girl, and there are only a few scenes, Le Yun plays the role very well. Coupled with her beauty and agility, Gong Xue's aura as the protagonist is eclipsed a lot.

With this first clue, Le Yun began to be favored by other directors.

Le Yun loves acting from the bottom of her heart. Whether it is a positive role or a negative role, no matter how big or small, she will play it seriously.

From the female gangster Danfengyan in "Wanted", to Qiao Longhua in "Qiao Longbiao", to the female reporter in "Meet in the Caravan", Le Yun finally became famous.

In 1984, the crew of "A Dream of Red Mansions" began to audition actors across the country. As soon as Le Yun joined the crew, she was selected by director Wang Fulin as Wang Xifeng's best choice.

But not long after, Le Yun quietly approached Director Wang and offered to resign from the role of Wang Xifeng.

Director Wang looked at Le Yun in surprise and asked her why? You know, when the filming of Red Mansion started, it caused a sensation all over the country. How many actors were willing to come in to play a maid, and the leading role was something that other actors could only dream of.

Seeing Director Wang appreciating herself like this, Le Yun hesitated to tell the truth.

It turns out that "Dream of Red Mansions" is still in the actor training period, and it will take some time before the official start of filming. Actors are not paid during the training period. Ke Leyun also wanted to earn more money so that her mother could retire early, so she participated in "Red Mansions" while participating in the training period. While training the crew, I took over the filming of another movie - "The Legend of Nanling".

During the filming of "Legend of Nanling", Le Yun and Luo Lie fell in love.

Who is Luo Lie?

Luo Lie, 46 years old, is a full 29 years older than Le Yun. He has dark skin and upturned lips. He can be said to be unattractive. He also has a family. His wife is Tang Jiali, who he fell in love with through drama. Moreover, Tang Jiali is his 's second wife.

Tang Jiali has a younger brother, the great director Tang Jili who has been in love with Ruby Lin for eight years.

Although his wife's mother-in-law is not easy to mess with, Luo Lie has always loved to steal sex. Especially when he went to the mainland, where his wife was beyond his reach, he became bolder, and the beautiful and innocent Le Yun became his first choice for hunting.

He coaxed Le Yun with sweet words, saying that he was a well-known action actor in Hong Kong and knew many great directors. He could introduce her to Le Yun and make her famous.

The most important thing is that he has been focusing on his career these years and has no time to get married, so he can still marry Leyun.

At that time, Hong Kong actors were the envy of everyone. First of all, there was a huge pay gap between Hong Kong actors and mainland actors.

For example:

In 1983, Hong Kong director Li Hanxiang's movie "Burning the Old Summer Palace" starred Liu Xiaoqing and Tony Leung Ka Fai . At that time, Liu Xiaoqing had already become popular all over the country, and Liang Jiahui was just a fledgling, but Liu Xiaoqing's The monthly salary is only 50 yuan, but Tony Leung's salary reaches 500,000 yuan.

Faced with the temptation of love and career, Le Yun was tempted.

Director Wang was very sorry for Le Yun's departure, but he could not interfere with her own decision.

Le Yun’s exit made Deng Jie successful.

3. The truth and downfall

In view of the power of the Tang family, Luo Lie was very careful after returning to Hong Kong. He hid Le Yun in a rented villa.

Le Yun was still kept in the dark at this moment. She was immersed in the fantasy of getting married to Luo Lie all day long. She urged Luo Lie to get married again and again. Luo Lie either said that he was too busy filming or that he was not well prepared for the wedding. Every time They all gave various excuses.

For a veteran in love like him, it is not easy to deceive a little girl.

The innocent Le Yun believed in Luo Lie's words at first and continued to wait with hope.

But as time goes by, Le Yun will have doubts even if she is innocent.

As soon as Luo Lie saw that the lie was about to be exposed, he began to comfort Le Yun with his career.

He used his status as a veteran actor of the Shaw Brothers Group to introduce Le Yun to Pan Asia Company under Jiahe , and changed her name to Le Hui.

Although Le Yun has an outstanding appearance and good acting skills, she can only take on some small roles because she cannot speak Cantonese.

passed like this year after year.

In 1992, Le Yun was 25 years old. She was caught off guard. Her underground relationship with Luo Lie was exposed by the paparazzi, and Tang Jiali came to her home domineeringly.

She didn't know until that day that Luo Lie had a family, but it was too late.

In order to express his loyalty to his wife, Luo Lie kicked her out of the villa that night.

Le Yun had very little money left, so she could only rent a dilapidated apartment to temporarily settle down.

Lying on the dirty bed in the apartment, Le Yun shed tears, thinking about everything she had with Luo Lie over the years, she was unwilling to accept it, she was a victim!

So, she found out Luo Lie's address and ran to Luo Lie's house. She just wanted Luo Lie to give her an explanation.

But at this moment, Luo Lie couldn't care less about her. In front of Tang Jiali, the man who claimed to love her deeply called the police on the spot for Le Yun's interference with the family.

The police took Le Yun away.

The moment she came out of the police station, Le Yun was so heartbroken that she couldn't breathe.

But no matter what, life must go on, and Le Yun began to go out to find a job.

However, due to the suppression of the Tang family and the overwhelming reports of mistresses, most film and television companies have shut out Le Yun, and it has become a problem for Le Yun to eat.

At that time, many businesses and restaurants contacted Golden Harvest to find celebrities to cut ribbons and draw prizes, and to give them larger rewards. Some friends sympathized with Le Yun's experience and asked her to go, but Le Yun was arrogant and felt that it would damage the image of a star, so she refused. willing to go.

In the end, there was really no other way out, so Le Yun had no choice but to take on some low-end movies and one of Wong Jing's romantic movies.

Leyun is noble at heart, and her heart is full of depression.

4. What is maternal love

In order to relieve her depression, Le Yun made another wrong decision, which directly became the last straw that overwhelmed her.

In 1995, Le Yun brought her mother to live in Hong Kong. She thought her mother could give her some comfort.

When children encounter difficulties, parents’ comfort and companionship are often a good medicine for healing.

Coke Yun never imagined that her mother would nag and scold herself every day.

As a result, Le Yun was completely desperate for life, and finally committed suicide by jumping off the building early one morning.

Le Yun died suddenly, and the family had nothing to live on. Fortunately, her loyal daughter " Sister Sha " Lin Jianming took care of all the funeral arrangements for her in the name of the Performing Artists Association, while Adu allowed Jiahe to bear all the expenses.

Le’s mother refused to attend the funeral on the grounds that people with white hair could not send gifts to people with black hair, and later returned to Shanghai alone.

But Luo Lie never showed up, or even said a word.

Later, Tang Jiali saw through Luo Lie's face and divorced him decisively. After that, Luo Lie went through two more marriages.

In the late 1990s, Luo Lie's career in Hong Kong declined and he moved to the mainland to do business and opened an acting school in Hunan. In 2002, he suffered a heart attack and died on the way to the hospital at the age of 64.

5. Reflecting on

Le Yun’s tragedy, Luo Lie was certainly at fault, and Le Yun’s mother should also bear the responsibility, but more of the reason lies with Le Yun herself:

First, no matter what time, don’t give up because of unreliable love. Give up low-hanging fruit.

Love and career, which is more important, have always been debated endlessly, but one thing must be admitted, career is easier to grasp than love, because love is in the hands of two people. If the other party changes their mind, no matter how hard the other party tries, it will be of no avail, and Career, as long as you work hard, you will be rewarded.

Second, we must know how to seize opportunities and never forget to learn.

Le Yun has been in Hong Kong for many years, but has never thought about learning Cantonese. She can't get good roles, largely because she doesn't know Cantonese. If she learns Cantonese, with her appearance and her network with Luo Lie, Are you still afraid of working hard to create a world?

If a woman has a career, she will live a wonderful life. Are she still afraid of a scumbag abandoning her?

Third, bow your head when it’s time to bow your head. If you take the wrong path, you can come back. There’s no harm in starting all over again.

I remember there is a saying among the people: Three poor and three rich will live together till old age! Everyone will experience a low point in life. If everyone commits suicide when they encounter a low point, then there will probably be very few people in this world who can survive.

If Le Yun can put down her face and return to the mainland to develop again, can she still make a comeback?

Fourth, foolish filial piety is necessary

For Le's mother, it is obvious that she regards her daughter as a cash cow. Le Yun should know very well what kind of person her mother is - picky, blaming, complaining, negative energy, in her own precarious situation, Why did you bring her here? To consume yourself? When I develop well, it’s not too late to take her over to enjoy the blessings!

Life is short, so cherish it and take advantage of it!