Brother Dayi has not performed recently and has to stay at home. However, there is no time to relax even when staying at home. There is an endless stream of fans and tourists who come to visit Brother Dayi every day. The entrance to Brother Dayi's house is bustling with people ev

2024/07/0222:31:33 entertainment 1914

Brother Dayi has not performed recently and has to stay at home. However, there is no time to relax even when staying at home. There is an endless stream of fans and tourists who come to visit Brother Dayi every day. The entrance to Brother Dayi's house is bustling with people ev - DayDayNews

Brother Dayi has not performed recently, so he has to stay at home. However, there is no time to relax even when staying at home. There is an endless stream of fans and tourists who come to visit Brother Dayi every day. The entrance to Brother Dayi's house is bustling with people every day. Although there are not the legendary twenty or thirty thousand people, there must be at least hundreds of people every day. Brother Dayi is also very hospitable. Whenever tourists arrive, he must take photos with them. Sometimes they will take tourists into the courtyard to visit their own small vegetable garden. If they are in a good mood, they will also invite them into the house and sing a few songs to the tourists. Even if he has something to do, Brother Dayi will take photos with tourists and then get in the car driven by his agent Lao Wu to go to work.

Brother Dayi has not performed recently and has to stay at home. However, there is no time to relax even when staying at home. There is an endless stream of fans and tourists who come to visit Brother Dayi every day. The entrance to Brother Dayi's house is bustling with people ev - DayDayNews

On this day, Brother Yi got up at 5 o'clock in the morning and got busy. It turns out that there are too many tourists and fans visiting Brother Dayi every day, and now the weather is very hot, especially when the sun is shining, making people feel like they are being roasted. In order to provide tourists with a more comfortable environment, Parkcoat deliberately installed a sunscreen net in the yard to prevent the sun from hitting tourists. For the photographers who went to Brother Dayi’s house to shoot videos, Brother Dayi’s approach was so considerate and thoughtful. The female photographer resident in Zhulou Village praised Brother Yi while filming the video, saying that he thought about his fans and that he would not be so popular when making videos in the future.

Brother Dayi has not performed recently and has to stay at home. However, there is no time to relax even when staying at home. There is an endless stream of fans and tourists who come to visit Brother Dayi every day. The entrance to Brother Dayi's house is bustling with people ev - DayDayNews

Zhu Shankuo, Brother Dayi's nephew, always comes when he has something to do. As long as there is any work at Brother Dayi's house, he will rush to do it. Therefore, Brother Dayi is also very kind to Zhu Shankuo. During the Chinese New Year, he will buy some mutton and other new year products for him. In addition to Zhu Shankuo, Brother Dayi's godson Brother Bald also came to help. Over the years, Brother Bald has also worked hard with Brother Dayi, and he is also very loyal to Brother Dayi. Similarly, Brother Dayi will not treat his godson badly, allowing him to enjoy the treatment of being close to the water. He can also take pictures of Brother Dayi at close range, so that he can obtain first-hand resources and make a lot of profits from it.

Brother Dayi has not performed recently and has to stay at home. However, there is no time to relax even when staying at home. There is an endless stream of fans and tourists who come to visit Brother Dayi every day. The entrance to Brother Dayi's house is bustling with people ev - DayDayNews

This sunshade net cost Brother Dayi a hundred yuan, which was like a drop in the bucket to Brother Dayi. Moreover, the seller also gave away 4 yuan. The original price was 104 yuan, but only 100 yuan was charged. Brother Dayi said that the thing he bought was worth so much, and it was not as expensive as buying it. It seems that the seller is still a conscientious businessman and did not take advantage of Brother Dayi's money to take advantage of him and ask for more of his money. Brother Dayi has lived in the countryside all year round, and he is quite familiar with the prices of various daily necessities. Merchants can't deceive them even if they want to, because unlike other celebrities who have assistants do everything for them, Brother Dayi does it all by himself. Very rich life experience.

Brother Dayi has not performed recently and has to stay at home. However, there is no time to relax even when staying at home. There is an endless stream of fans and tourists who come to visit Brother Dayi every day. The entrance to Brother Dayi's house is bustling with people ev - DayDayNews

Brother Dayi’s building is relatively high, and the sunshade net needs to be hung on the roof of the first floor, which requires a ladder to reach it. Brother Dayi’s house has all the tools for working, including two ladders. Zhu Shankuo stepped on one, and Brother Dayi also took a handful in his hand. After everyone's cooperation, the sunshade net was finally installed, and I felt much cooler immediately. Even Wangcai stuck out his tongue and looked at Brother Dayi happily, as if to say that Brother Dayi had done a good job. In fact, this kind of sunshade net is mostly used in farmers' markets, roadside stalls or food stalls to block customers from the sun and prevent it from being exposed to the sun. This will attract more customers, but very few people have this installed in their homes, so they don’t use it at all.

Brother Dayi has not performed recently and has to stay at home. However, there is no time to relax even when staying at home. There is an endless stream of fans and tourists who come to visit Brother Dayi every day. The entrance to Brother Dayi's house is bustling with people ev - DayDayNews

Brother Dayi installed a sunshade net at his home to facilitate tourists and prevent them from being exposed to the sun. In fact, if you think about it carefully, Brother Dayi’s purpose should be the same as that of the food stall owner. It is also to facilitate tourists, photographers and provide convenience to photographers. condition. Netizens also have different opinions on this. Some netizens said that Brother Dayi's approach is very heartwarming and he always thinks about his fans. However, some netizens pointedly pointed out that Brother Dayi did this just to make it easier for photographers to take pictures of himself, and ultimately for publicity. Besides, being exposed to the sun is not terrible. The most important thing is epidemic prevention. Brother Dayi should give each tourist another mask.

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