I saw a topic on the hot search: If I give you 100,000 yuan, are you willing to stand in the sun for a day? While she was picking up takeaways, because the weather was too hot, her body and soul suddenly had an affair with a star filming in Hengdian. Empathy.

2024/07/0222:32:32 entertainment 1516

saw a topic on the hot search:

will give you 100,000 yuan, are you willing to stand in the sun for a day?

I saw a topic on the hot search: If I give you 100,000 yuan, are you willing to stand in the sun for a day? While she was picking up takeaways, because the weather was too hot, her body and soul suddenly had an affair with a star filming in Hengdian. Empathy. - DayDayNews

While she was getting takeout, because the weather was too hot, her body and soul suddenly developed empathy with the stars who were filming in Hengdian.

I saw a topic on the hot search: If I give you 100,000 yuan, are you willing to stand in the sun for a day? While she was picking up takeaways, because the weather was too hot, her body and soul suddenly had an affair with a star filming in Hengdian. Empathy. - DayDayNews

It’s not a disaster for actors, but it’s 37 degrees in Hengdian right now.

How hot it is for "brothers and sisters" to wear costumes and film movies.

also asked at the end: "If it's 100,000 a day, are you willing to stand under the 37-degree sun and mention it?"

I saw a topic on the hot search: If I give you 100,000 yuan, are you willing to stand in the sun for a day? While she was picking up takeaways, because the weather was too hot, her body and soul suddenly had an affair with a star filming in Hengdian. Empathy. - DayDayNews

Fans really feel sorry for big stars, and they will pay 100,000 a day as soon as they make a move.

With the rise of self-media, many children once thought that earning one million a year was the threshold.

Let alone a daily salary of 100,000 yuan, in the eyes of many netizens, it is completely unattainable.

is a heartbreaking data that brings us back to reality.

In China, 600 million people have a monthly income of only 1,000 yuan, and the per capita income is 30,000 yuan.

I saw a topic on the hot search: If I give you 100,000 yuan, are you willing to stand in the sun for a day? While she was picking up takeaways, because the weather was too hot, her body and soul suddenly had an affair with a star filming in Hengdian. Empathy. - DayDayNews

Data released in the "China Internet Development Report" show that among my country's 904 million Internet users, more than 70% of them have a monthly income of less than 5,000.

I saw a topic on the hot search: If I give you 100,000 yuan, are you willing to stand in the sun for a day? While she was picking up takeaways, because the weather was too hot, her body and soul suddenly had an affair with a star filming in Hengdian. Empathy. - DayDayNews

As long as your monthly income is 5,000, it is conservatively estimated that you are already more than half of the Chinese people.

Recently, the National Meteorological Observatory has issued high temperature warnings for 10 consecutive days, with temperatures in many places reaching over 40 degrees.

The summer is hot and the heat is unbearable. Among the sanitation workers, nucleic acid testers, river cleaners, etc. who work in the sun, which one does not spend a whole day in the sun?

Can they get a salary of 100,000 a day? Maybe not even 5,000 a month.

I saw a topic on the hot search: If I give you 100,000 yuan, are you willing to stand in the sun for a day? While she was picking up takeaways, because the weather was too hot, her body and soul suddenly had an affair with a star filming in Hengdian. Empathy. - DayDayNews

If there really was a good thing where you could get money just by standing in the sun, then there would be so many people rushing to do it.

This question seems to me like Jack Ma and give you 100 million and ask you to kowtow, are you willing?

I think most people can figure it out clearly.

Anyone who hesitates for a second and fails to hit Jack Ma bankrupt is disrespectful to money.

Even if you ask a primary school student this question, he will be able to give you the answer you want.

So once you have the opportunity to earn 100,000 yuan a day, what everyone should consider is:

37 degrees seems a bit low, why not just go to 50 degrees, otherwise you will not feel comfortable even if you get 100,000 yuan.

Moreover, is it really hard for celebrities?

What's more, filming is not just one stop or one day. Generally speaking, when filming a movie, the crew of

only comes out to shoot when it's time for their part, and leaves the scene immediately after filming.

The shed is also equipped with all the cooling equipment, including fans, air conditioners, and even RVs .

I saw a topic on the hot search: If I give you 100,000 yuan, are you willing to stand in the sun for a day? While she was picking up takeaways, because the weather was too hot, her body and soul suddenly had an affair with a star filming in Hengdian. Empathy. - DayDayNews

After some popular celebrities finished filming, their assistants immediately brought them iced fruits and sent them to the RV while fanning themselves.

I saw a topic on the hot search: If I give you 100,000 yuan, are you willing to stand in the sun for a day? While she was picking up takeaways, because the weather was too hot, her body and soul suddenly had an affair with a star filming in Hengdian. Empathy. - DayDayNews

Is this considered a day on the website?

Moreover, the current costumes only look multi-layered, but they are actually incomparable to the staff wearing protective suits who are doing nucleic acid tests for you.

are the people behind the scenes, including props artists, makeup artists, costume designers, etc. None of them stand in the sun as long as celebrities.

With this comparison, can you still sympathize with celebrities?

I wonder how speechless the guy who delivered her milk tea was when he saw this hot search.

goes back to "If I give you 100,000 yuan, are you willing to stand in the sun for a day?" This hot search itself is probably because some fans from well-off families have empathy for celebrity brothers and sisters. They don't have to worry about food. Well-dressed, well-dressed upper-class people who have no idea about money.

But there are still some fans who, like most of us ordinary people, have a monthly salary of less than 5,000 and are even still studying.

uses the money earned by his parents' hard work to support those big stars. When he sees that they are obviously suffering a little bit, he has to empathize with them.

I just want to say that some people don't feel sorry for themselves as slaves, but feel sorry for your well-clothed and well-fed master.

I saw a topic on the hot search: If I give you 100,000 yuan, are you willing to stand in the sun for a day? While she was picking up takeaways, because the weather was too hot, her body and soul suddenly had an affair with a star filming in Hengdian. Empathy. - DayDayNews

Sorry, we just can't sympathize with them.

gives you 100,000 yuan, are you willing to stand under the sun for a day? What do you think about this? Please leave comments, forwards, and likes.

@卯有语​Follow me and I will tell you about the warmth and coldness of the world.

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