Five years ago, in an interview, Wan Qian used a "clean" introduction to introduce herself to reporters as a "lazy" actor. Even after winning the Golden Horse Award, she still positioned herself as an actor who is not popular.

2024/07/0300:21:33 entertainment 1648

Text / Di

Editor / Little Love Letter

Five years ago, during an interview, Wan Qian introduced herself to reporters as a "lazy" actor with a "clean" introduction.

Even after winning the Golden Horse Award, she still positions herself as an actor who is not popular.

Five years ago, in an interview, Wan Qian used a

"A non-famous actor is just like an office worker. I can go shopping without makeup and eat skewers, pick my feet and pick my teeth without being photographed, and take the subway and fight for seats;

In addition, I can go to and from sports freely. Sports venue...because you are not popular!"

Five years later, Wan Qian not only broke the rules, but also participated in various variety shows and went on the audition stage, singing, dancing, dubbing, and performing various talent shows. The outstanding performance of

has attracted a large number of people's attention.

Wan Qian, who once didn’t want to be popular and didn’t value traffic, finally became popular : “I can finally pick a movie!”

Five years ago, in an interview, Wan Qian used a


Wan Qian, who is turning 40 this year, has been in the industry for 20 years.

In the past twenty years, the turning point divided it into the first ten years of hard work and the last ten years of gradual results.

Unlike other actresses, Wan Qian’s success was not at her most youthful age.

By chance, Wan Qian was admitted to Shanghai Theater Academy.

Five years ago, in an interview, Wan Qian used a

Before learning to perform, she preferred vocal music because she was influenced and nurtured by her father since childhood. In fact, after graduating from the Shanghai Theater Academy, Wan Qian also entered the entertainment industry as a singer.

An actor who cannot sing is not a good craftsman.

In those days when no one noticed, Wan Qian learned a number of skills, truly explaining what it means to have too many skills but not too much.

During her college days, when others were cherishing the opportunity to take over filming as early as possible, Wan Qian put all her attention on her studies.

Five years ago, in an interview, Wan Qian used a

She devoted a lot of energy to rehearsing dramas. She represented the school as the leading female lead three times in international drama festivals and appeared in many works of international drama directors.

During the summer vacation of my freshman year, the school had to put on a play.

In the lounge backstage, Wan Qian looked at a junior fellow student who was about to enter school. He seemed a little timid and nervous, so she took the initiative to talk to this junior fellow student: "Young junior fellow student is good!"

"She was the first one to talk to me, so I left a very deep impression on her. She may have forgotten it, but this scene has always been hidden in my memory."

This junior is Hu Ge .

Five years ago, in an interview, Wan Qian used a

Five years ago, in an interview, Wan Qian used a

A small act of kindness is an inadvertent warmth to Wan Qian, but for Hu Ge, it is a big ripple in his heart.

In 2002, Wan Qian participated in the TV series "The Story of the Golden Lock" adapted from Zhang Ailing's novel of the same name. This was her first time filming in a group.

After graduating in 2005, she firmly chose the path of music.

Five years ago, in an interview, Wan Qian used a

Wan Qian's album

released some singles and sang interludes for several film and television dramas. However, the little achievements she made in the music industry were far from allowing Wan Qian to truly gain a foothold.

’s passion was extinguished by the cruel market.

On second thought, she still had to film, but Wan Qian’s first choice was a drama actor—a profession with depth but low pay.

Under the torture of firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea, Wan Qian had no choice but to put down the drama.

Five years ago, in an interview, Wan Qian used a

But at this time, she was nearly thirty years old.

For an actress, this age will definitely make her unable to get some roles and markets.

Which drama did you first meet Wan Qian?

is "Chen Jiaojiao" in " Naked Marriage Era ", or "An Ran" in " I am the Fire Phoenix of Special Forces ", or " Bai Muxi " in " My Family Is Happy ".

Five years ago, in an interview, Wan Qian used a

Five years ago, in an interview, Wan Qian used a

These roles are actually important roles in Wan Qian's career change.

But at that time, although she could leave an impression on the audience, it was not deep enough.


Compared with other actors in the entertainment industry, Wan Qian is slightly different. Because she first won the recognition of her peers in the industry, and then became known to the audience bit by bit.

The first person to admire her was her junior brother Hu Ge.

In addition to the warm memories of their first encounter at school, Wan Qian’s acting skills were the key to truly convincing Hu Ge.

He is highly sought after. After working with Wan Qian for the first time, he knew that this actress would definitely be extraordinary in the future.

Five years ago, in an interview, Wan Qian used a

So when a crew invited him to collaborate for the second time and learned from the crew that the heroine was Wan Qian, Hu Ge excitedly said why he didn’t tell him earlier, otherwise he would have been more willing to agree.

After watching Wan Qian's performance, Chen Kun came to ask her to act in his play.

"I was very happy when she agreed to cooperate with us. I felt that our good character finally had a good image and performer suitable for it."

Five years ago, in an interview, Wan Qian used a

In 2016, the 34-year-old Wan Qian finally made her debut with "Hello!" "Mad Men", an absurd comedy film, ushered in a turning point in his career.

She is no longer a well-known actress, and her unknown acting career is about to change.

If you want to ask Wan Qian, who entered the industry at the age of twenty and her acting career first shined at the age of 34, what she has learned in the span of more than ten years, she will tell you the answer - Face the fact that she is not popular, and live her own life well. .

The entertainment industry is an extremely realistic place. It is difficult for actors who are not popular to participate in a big production and a good script. The opportunities are slim and hard to win.

Five years ago, in an interview, Wan Qian used a

"But I think as long as you have the ability and are an actor who can act, people in the industry will still recognize it, and good-quality dramas will come to you, so you will slowly live a good life."

So, Wan Akane will devote herself to every role she gets.

If she wants to play a character who knows carpentry, she will spend a long time in advance to learn carpentry skills.

She had to play a putty worker, so she scraped putty for two weeks before filming...

"On the first day of acting, the teacher told us that if we want to act well, we must first learn to be a human being. "

Five years ago, in an interview, Wan Qian used a

This is why, as mentioned earlier, Wan Qian is a good craftsman. She has learned too many skills for those roles.

Can you imagine a beautiful female star whose private hobby is not beauty and manicure, but repairing mobile phones and covering her and her friends’ mobile phones?

"I put the film on my agent's mobile phone, and I changed the screen and buttons on the director's phone just now."

Of course, in addition to focusing on her career, Wan Qian also successfully had her own happy family before the peak of her career.

Five years ago, in an interview, Wan Qian used a

Regarding her personal life, she is a stingy person and is always unwilling to share too much in front of the camera.

only occasionally uses the perspective of "his photo" on social accounts to show off a little affection.

Wan Qian’s husband is a photography enthusiast, and Wan Qian has become the most beautiful scenery in her husband’s lens.

In 2017, Wan Qian gave birth to a daughter.

Five years ago, in an interview, Wan Qian used a

She was once very cold in the eyes of the media, but she also began to share her vulnerable side on the show.

A woman who broke her hand without shedding tears had to leave her daughter because of work. One second she smiled and said goodbye, and the next second she entered the elevator and burst into tears.

Wan Qian’s tenacity over the years began to soften after becoming a mother.

Secondly, what she wants to change is her career - she wants to tear off the label of being like Danju and become a "popular" actor.


Before participating in "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves", everyone thought that Wan Qian was just a "drama lunatic" who was obsessed with acting.

Because in the more than ten years since her debut, she has not made any scandals and only focused on her family and filming.

But when Wan Qian appeared on the stage with beautiful makeup and radiating light, everyone was amazed by him.

Five years ago, in an interview, Wan Qian used a

I remember that when the show was officially announced, many celebrity friends came to Wan Qian’s social account to cheer her on.

Of course, because of this show, the new-look Wan Qian has won attention that she had never had before.

A popular artist represents unlimited commercial value and traffic. While

is being sought after, controversy will come as expected.

After an incident of "swiping to like other female stars' shady material", Wan Qian's acting career also faced the first batch of "black fans" attacks.

Five years ago, in an interview, Wan Qian used a

Five years ago, in an interview, Wan Qian used a

The reason why people are controversial about her is not only because of a small accident, but also because they are disgusted with her labels of "people are like Danju" and "don't want to be famous", and they also started to hype.

In an interview with the famous mouthpiece Yi Lijing, Wan Qian was asked what she thought about the issue of being popular or not.

Faced with many rumors and controversies from the outside world, she gave her answer very frankly and sincerely.

Five years ago, in an interview, Wan Qian used a

"The success of an actor cannot be defined by traffic. Of course, if we get more attention, then we will have more opportunities and possibilities to come into contact with good scripts and good teams.

But it does not mean that I don't have these things. , you can’t be a good actor.”

In recent years, due to the influence of the traffic market, the selection of many scripts will be more biased towards some artists with higher attention.

Some of them may have mediocre acting skills or even poor moral character.

But in the end, due to market demand, many truly good actors have no choice but to have no roles to film, and some actors even have their works unable to be broadcast due to personal problems of the artists they collaborate with.

They had no traffic. After finally getting a good role, their hard work was in vain.

Instead of doing this, it is better to be the person with traffic.

Five years ago, in an interview, Wan Qian used a

In fact, Wan Qian’s choices and changes are nothing to criticize. They are just wise choices made by a smart actor.

For the audience, instead of watching a good script being wasted by some "crooked dates", it is better to leave traffic and opportunities to good actors like Wan Qian who have real strength and ability.

caters to the market appropriately, but can maintain the quality of an actor, which is understandable.

In the past two years, as she said, Wan Qian finally had the opportunity to choose roles and scripts by herself, so we have also seen that she has launched many good works in the past few years.

Among all the roles played by Wan Qian, the repetition rate is not high. She likes to challenge different roles.

Five years ago, in an interview, Wan Qian used a

So in " Outside the Court·Blind Spot " aired on July 14, she changed from her previous positive character and played a ruthless and decisive villain, with a smile that hides a knife and a look that makes people shudder.

This drama is produced by Supreme People's Court Film and Television Center in conjunction with Youku and Maoyan . The screenwriter, director, the entire crew and the starring actors are all very capable. It has been receiving widespread attention since the broadcast date was set.

The super-hot trailers also whetted the audience's appetite.

Five years ago, in an interview, Wan Qian used a

There is no shortage of artists with traffic in the entertainment industry. What is lacking is good artists and actors with traffic.

In fact, as an audience, you don’t need to worry too much about those tags.

As long as she is an actor who really puts her heart into acting and lives up to her profession, then she deserves to enjoy the preferential treatment of traffic.

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