Actress Guan Xiaotong is a child star. Her family background is prominent. Her father is also an actor. She has been in contact with many famous actors since she was a child. As she grows older, she becomes more and more beautiful. Not only is she named the most beautiful child s

2024/07/0216:43:33 entertainment 1080

Actress Guan Xiaotong is a child star. Her family background is prominent. Her father is also an actor. She has been in contact with many famous actors since she was a child. As she grows older, she becomes more and more beautiful. Not only is she named the most beautiful child s - DayDayNews

actress Guan Xiaotong is a child star. Her family background is prominent. Her father is also an actor. She has been in contact with many famous actors since she was a child. As she grows older, she becomes more and more beautiful. Not only is she named the most beautiful child star, she is also the most beautiful child star. "Four little beauties born in the 1990s" have a bright future. However, it was revealed that Guan Xiaotong had committed a crime and was suspected of money laundering and extortion. This also caused Guan Xiaotong's studio to rush to clarify, and many fans also scolded the rumor mongers for their wickedness.

However, since May this year, there have been rumors that Guan Xiaotong will be imprisoned, and there is more than one crime. Recently, anonymous accounts have even claimed that Guan Xiaotong is suspected of money laundering, extortion, murder and other crimes. It is also said that her sponsor has long been She is already in jail, and everyone in the Beijing circle is avoiding her. They even said that Guan Xiaotong had broken up with Luhan and "now she is waiting for her to go to jail."

Actress Guan Xiaotong is a child star. Her family background is prominent. Her father is also an actor. She has been in contact with many famous actors since she was a child. As she grows older, she becomes more and more beautiful. Not only is she named the most beautiful child s - DayDayNews

As soon as the news of the rumors came out, Guan Xiaotong's studio was furious. Media reports pointed out that the studio responded, "I have never seen such outrageous rumors. Our lawyers have collected evidence. Rumors stop with the wise, but we will never tolerate the rumor makers. We will definitely Prosecution of individuals who spread rumors." Other netizens were also quite disdainful of such revelations. They believed that revelations without evidence were not worth trusting at all. "If you make such evil rumors, you should be held accountable legally." It has been repeatedly banned, and I really suggest that the relevant judiciary can seriously pay attention to relevant issues."

Actress Guan Xiaotong is a child star. Her family background is prominent. Her father is also an actor. She has been in contact with many famous actors since she was a child. As she grows older, she becomes more and more beautiful. Not only is she named the most beautiful child s - DayDayNews

Since there was no relevant evidence for the rumors, many netizens felt wronged for Guan Xiaotong, complaining about "such outrageous rumors", "passers-by think it is outrageous", "the hot searches these days are a bit inexplicable", "everything can be done now" Have you spread rumors? Although celebrities are public figures, can criminal cases be slandered casually?" Fans also called on everyone, "I hope everyone will be sensible and not listen to rumors."

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