The TV series "Brilliant Star" starring Wu Lei, Zhao Lusi, etc. is currently on the air. It is full of ancient style, coupled with exquisite etiquette and humorous plots, becoming the most popular drama this summer. Cheng Shaoshang, played by Zhao Silu, is smart. He also has a so

2024/06/2901:14:32 entertainment 1429

The TV series "星汉Brilliant" starring Wu Lei, Zhao Lusi and others is currently on the air. It is full of ancient style, coupled with exquisite etiquette and humorous plots, it has become the most popular drama this summer, Zhao Silu Cheng Shaoshang, played by the actor, has a smart and somewhat rebellious character. Although he is incompatible with that era, he has become the favorite of many men.

The TV series

In the latest updated plot, Cheng Shaoshang is finally planning to marry Lou Yao. But Ling Buyi and Yuan Shanjian were anxious. The two men who secretly liked her were making secret jokes, which made many viewers extremely happy. Many people felt that Ling Buyi was obviously Cheng Shaoshang's official wife. , but now it seems that Lou Yao is also very good. Cheng Shaoshang is always the main choice everywhere. I have to say that he is the best choice for Cheng Shaoshang to marry. Thoughtful and considerate, if the two can finally get together, they will definitely be a loving couple. However, if you analyze it carefully, Lou Yao is not suitable for Cheng Shaoshang, because Cheng Shaoshang is not only marrying Lou Yao, but actually his entire life. In the family, although Lou Yao is obedient to Cheng Shaoshang, he relies on the power of Dafang all the year round, so he is soft-spoken and is destined to have no say.

The TV series

In fact, the reason why the two of them are not suitable is because Lou Yao has made a big taboo, so It's just that he can't protect Cheng Shaoshang. He may be obedient to her in many small things, but in the overall situation, Lou Yao is destined to be unable to protect Cheng Shaoshang, and this sense of security is very important to Cheng Shaoshang, who has been fostered since he was a child. It is said that it is the most important thing, but it is this sense of security that Lou Yao can never give.

The TV series

The reason why the second roommate of the Lou family agreed to marry Cheng Shaoshang was because of her family background, because the Cheng family was a military general. So I also want to use the Cheng family to support their second wife. After all, this marriage has a purpose, so the marriage between the two is destined to not be happy. Cheng Shaoshang does everything to give him a sense of security that Lou Yao cannot give. What Ling Buyi has is exactly what Lou Yao cannot give, and this sense of security is exactly what Cheng Shaoshang needs most.

The TV series

So even though there are a lot of good things about Lou Yao, they are still not suitable for Cheng Shaoshang. The taboo he committed is what Cheng Shaoshang values ​​the most, so the two are destined not to get together. So, what happens next? In the plot, Ling Buyi is sure that the emperor has granted marriage, we might as well continue to follow the drama together

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