In the article, "These small-town question-answers go to training classes every day and do real test papers, but they still fail to pass the examination for the position within the establishment that can bring them a sense of security. So when you see a star who can make a lot of

2024/06/2908:15:33 entertainment 1256

Recently, an article about celebrities in the entertainment industry taking editor exams once again brought the group of "small town question writers" to the field of public opinion. In the article, "These small-town question-answers go to training classes every day and do real test papers, but they still fail to pass the examination for the position within the establishment that can bring them a sense of security. So when you see a star who can make a lot of money from the market, you have to distinguish between them." "When I choose several identities within the system, I always feel that I am being robbed of my own advantage." This statement triggered a heated discussion on the Internet.

"Troubleshooting in Small Towns" originated from the Douban "985 Waste Introduction Plan" group. The members are all students or graduates of "985" universities. Currently, the group has more than 120,000 members. They define themselves as "young students who come from small towns, study hard, and are good at taking exams, but lack certain vision and resources" as symbols and labels, and share the confusing, sad, and touching events in their lives.

was originally a self-deprecating term used by netizens as a "small town question maker", but it never became a new name for mocking others.

In the article,

Red Star News: A noble son from a poor family should not be ridiculed

A person who grew up in a honeypot can not see the perseverance of people outside the honeypot and the struggle in the mire, but he cannot subjectively conclude that there is only "honeypot style" "The development model is the only and best path in life. A noble man from a poor family should not be ridiculed, but a small town essayist deserves respect as well. This is common sense and basic ethics that a society should have. It is precisely because of the small town as a problem solver, and precisely because of a group of people who seem to be clumsy in learning and improving, that the "competitive ecology" of this society has become benign and is expected and given confidence. The success of "Huang Guoping and others" just shows the openness, diversity and tolerance of a society. In this sense, we don’t have to care so much about those ridiculous claims.

Chongqing Daily: Ordinary people who do not succumb to their fate

Since there are small towns who are subject writers, are there any villages, counties, or prefecture-level cities that are subject writers? It was originally a self-deprecating term, but now it has become A term used by some people to ridicule others. Like many stigmatized words, this word now has an uncomfortable flavor. Being a question writer in a small town stigmatizes the struggles of ordinary people. It seems that what is buried behind the test papers and exercises is not a living person, but a test-taking machine that only sees the blank space and writes down the answers. Their joys and sorrows were eliminated by a joke, and the stories that happened to them were completely covered up by a label. There has never been a small town problem solver, only ordinary people who did not succumb to fate, were positive, and tried to change the destiny of themselves and their families through personal efforts. If hard work is not worthy of praise, if diligence is not worthy of praise, then please keep smiling or remain silent.

The Paper : Which of us is not a "small-town question maker"?

Of course, you can't just do questions in life. But if you can have the awareness to empathize with others and think from their perspective, and understand the real life situations of many young people from small towns, you will naturally understand what is wrong with immersing yourself in a sea of ​​questions. Of course, regardless of whether they are "questioners in a small town" or not, young people must get out of the closed mind and embrace a broader world, because there is a long way to go in life. They must really get out of the "examination room" and come to the vast world. world. The "small town problem solver" can solve the problem because he works hard enough and is strong enough; but the "small town problem solver" not only knows how to solve the problem, they also have warmth, personality, thoughts and pursuits, and are like all the positive Chinese people. Same as young people. In this sense, who of us is not a "small town problem solver"? "Small town question-answers" can completely forget or overcome the idea of ​​treating life as a test, and discover more possibilities in the world: more acceptance, more trust and love.

Shangguan News: There are too many areas for improvement in education

The popularity of "Town Question Writers" is a phased and helpless phenomenon, which reminds the whole society of our educational needs. There are still too many areas for improvement, and the growth channels provided by society for different groups of people still need to be greatly broadened.Furthermore, there should be a more equitable development environment between urban and rural areas, between different regions, and between different groups, so that different people can receive good and appropriate education, and can fully explore themselves in the process of education. potential, give full play to their own advantages and expertise, and in a benign competitive environment, ultimately achieve the all-round development of body and mind, comprehensive quality and comprehensive ability, and realize the fundamental purpose of education. This is also the proper meaning of "common prosperity".

Youth Daily : Tribute to every essayist in life

Originally it was "self-deprecating" based on self-identity, but now it is labeled condescendingly and quietly converted into a kind of "ridicule" in the article. . The scoffers ignore the favorable conditions they have received and instead mock ordinary people. Such behavior is either stupid or arrogant. No one is born to be a problem solver in a small town, but working hard to solve problems is one of the few ways for us ordinary people to change the current situation. In the past few years of the epidemic, there have been too many sorrows and joys, and the world has changed. The problems of life, the problems of fate, the problems of love, hate and separation, the problems of birth, old age, illness and death, in addition to the test questions on paper, we are all trying to face the "sea of ​​questions" in life. How can the passion be eradicated? Hard work should not be ridiculed. I pay tribute to every question maker in life.

Guangxi News Network : The original intention and purity of dreams are very valuable.

Every "small town problem solver" cannot underestimate it, because the original intention and purity of dreams are very valuable. Bystanders should also be participants and strivers. Some people say that when you can't do anything, try to keep your mouth shut. Yes, as a bystander, when you are unable to provide the best help to the strugglers and when you are unable to bring positive guidance to others, the best attitude is to choose to silently support and stand there to praise. In fact, jokingly calling those students who have changed the generation as "small town problem solvers" is nothing more than the "vulgar pleasure" of psychological comfort of "unequal blows" and the psychology of "self-perceived superiority". With the progress of the times and the development of society, everyone is a striver, enterprising person, and doer. There is no room for bystanders, slackers, and waiters. Working together is the future.

Jingjiang comments: "Top question writers in small towns" are a collective of hard work

"I have traveled a long way and endured a lot of hardships to deliver this doctoral thesis to you. Twenty-two years of study. The journey was windy, rainy and muddy, and it was not easy. It was like a dream, as if the family had just reunited yesterday. "This text comes from the "Acknowledgments" part of a Chinese Academy of Sciences doctoral thesis. The author's more than 20 years of study experience is simple and sincere. Although the narration is calm, the ups and downs of his life experience and the hardships of study are directly touching people's hearts in just a few sentences, making people cry. At the end of the paper, the author said that after studying for twenty-two years, his belief is very simple. Read the book and then go out, so that your life will not be in vain. A noble son from a poor family showed up and said that God rewards hard work, and hard work should not be deceived. No matter how hard you work, you will gain. This shows us the persistence and strength to resist the trajectory of fate. There is no shortage of such poor students in the world. "Small town problem solvers" are a collection of positive energy. Their identities may be "little people", but their dreams are "big goals".

(Huanghe comment mailbox: [email protected])

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