Eyes are the windows to the soul, they can express to a certain extent what a person's inner thoughts are. For example, people who have experienced a lot of things seem to have many stories hidden in their eyes, while those who are not familiar with the world have eyes that look

Eyes are the windows to the soul. They can express to a certain extent what a person is thinking in their heart.

For example, people who have experienced a lot of things seem to have many stories hidden in their eyes, while those who are not familiar with the world have eyes that look particularly clear.

Liking for someone is something that cannot be hidden in this world, except for poverty and coughing.

Even if you cover your mouth, it will still find ways to escape from a person's eyes, and you can't control it at all.

Therefore, we can rely on this to judge whether a man loves us or not, instead of pestering the other person all day long to ask meaningless questions such as "Do you love me?"

A person's mouth can lie, but a person's body language cannot. It reflects a person's true subconscious thoughts, and it will tell us the most authentic answer.

In a relationship between the sexes, if you want to judge whether a man loves you or not, just look at his "eyes".

The man who loves you, I will see you everywhere

In the TV series " The Star is Brilliant , Fortunately Zhizai", Ling Buyi likes Cheng Shaoshang very much. When he learns that the other party is in danger, he will go forward regardless of his own safety. Go to the rescue;

When visiting the lantern festival, as long as he sees the figure of Cheng Shaoshang, he will not take his eyes away. Wherever Cheng Shaoshang goes, his eyes will be focused on that, and he will not leave it for a moment.

This proves how important Cheng Shaoshang is in Ling Buwei's heart.

The book " The Five Love Languages ​​" talks about: "Physical touch can make or break a relationship, it can convey hate or love. For people whose primary love language is physical contact, physical touch Far better than the words 'I hate you' or 'I love you'."

Eyes are also a part of the body, and visual contact can also build a relationship to a certain extent and can also convey the emotion of love.

Only when we see someone we like will we be willing to continue to see more. Otherwise, even one more look will feel like a kind of torture.

And a man's body language is the truth worthy of our trust.

From this, we can use this to judge whether a man's love for himself can withstand scrutiny.

A man who doesn’t love you, the eyes he meets are all luxurious

Xu Bochang in the movie " Wuwen Xidong" once promised Liu Shufen that if she was willing to pay for her to go to college, she would marry him when he completed his studies. She is a wife.

Liu Shufen believed it, so she gave it happily. However, when Xu Bochang became successful in his studies, he refused to fulfill his promise because he felt that the uneducated Liu Shufen was not worthy of him at all.

So, he wanted to break the contract, but in the end Liu Shufen threatened her with death, so he chose to marry her.

Liu Shufen thought that as long as she married him, things would turn around, but this was exactly the hand of the devil that pushed her into the abyss.

After marriage, Xu Bochang would not touch her, would not take the initiative to say a word to her, and would not even look at her and would not interact with her.

It’s easy to judge whether you love or not love you. A man who loves you will see you everywhere he looks. A man who doesn’t love you will have the luxury of even looking at you. This is a simple and clear truth, but many women don’t know it, or they know it. I don't want to accept it.

Sanmao once said: "Things you deliberately look for are often not found. Everything in the world comes and goes in its own time."

Love is a matter of two people. If one of them is not there at all If you are determined to go on, then there is no need to continue to maintain this relationship.

We can believe in the beauty and loyalty of love, but we should also understand that not all love is meaningful if it persists.

Rather than persisting blindly, it would be a wiser choice to stop losses in time.

Love or not, the answer has long been given in body language

John Gray, author of the book " Men are from Mars , Women are from Venus" once said: "Love causes people to have four reactions. Physical reactions, emotional reactions, psychological reactions and spiritual reactions. "

Among them, the physical reactions can arouse each other's desire;

emotional reactions can generate love, and psychological reactions can arouse interest in each other, and come from the spirit. The reaction above can create love.

In a relationship between the sexes, a partner who has the same interests as us will definitely be able to trigger these four reactions.

is like Ling Buyi in the TV series "The Stars Are Brilliant", as long as he sees Cheng Shaoshang, he will follow her figure with his own eyes;

is like Xu Bochang in the movie "Wonder of the West", He didn't love Liu Shufen, so he didn't even want to look at her. Even if their eyes met, it was full of disgust.

So you see, the answer to love or not is already given in body language.

For women, now that they have established a relationship, a man’s love must be particularly important to them. Otherwise, who would want to waste their emotions on something that does not allow them to experience happiness? Therefore, there is no need to force yourself if you don’t love.