The wonderful thing about text is that it is just a simple sentence composed of a few Chinese characters, but it can have different emotional feelings in the eyes of different people. I have compiled some comments from netizens on the topic "I come to the human world". When I cam

The wonderful thing about

text is that it is just a simple sentence composed of a few Chinese characters, but it can have different emotional feelings in the eyes of different people. I have compiled some comments from netizens on the topic "I come to the human world".

I came to this world, I wanted to shine brightly,

Who knows what the world looks like, just for a few taels of silver!

I came to the world just to be with you.

Who knew that the coolness of the world would fade away from your appearance!

I came to the world for a visit, and I am not afraid of tigers, leopards, wealth and wolves.

I resolutely put on the military uniform and guarded the motherland.

I came to the human world. I wanted to put on makeup and go out for a romantic trip.

However, my conditions were limited and I could only cook and make soup.

I came to the world for a visit, and I was not afraid of the wind and rain, but

I lamented the harshness of the world and lost the original appearance.

I came to the world for a visit, but I had no intention of breaking the moonlight.

The coldness fell all over the shoulders, and the temples were stained with wind and frost.

I came to the human world and tasted all the bitterness and coldness.

is now smiling and silent, watching the panic in the world.

I came to the human world and saw no mountains and rivers.

But I only had a few taels of silver and I was already physically and mentally ill.

I came to the human world, just to wander around.

I was confused all day long and forgot the direction I came from.

I came to the world for a trip, for my original dream,

took advantage of the youthful pen and ink to describe youth and frivolity.

I came to the world for a visit. When I was young and frivolous,

saw people walking away from the tea, and from now on I only strive for the morning sun!

I come to the world to pursue the light of my dreams.

I am young and frivolous, so I should not miss my ideal!

I came to the world just to accompany you.

The world is miserable and vicissitudes of life, how can I let you go alone!

I come to the human world and break into the hearts of my parents.

I don’t want to be rich or powerful, but I want my parents to be healthy!

I come to the world for a visit, the sun shines on my face,

Looking back on the long life of the world, it will eventually end in confusion!

I come to this world once, only once...