Sanmao once said: "Home is a source of joy for everyone." Home is precious to everyone. Everyone likes harmony in their own homes. After all, there will be all kinds of neglect in a disharmonious family. But a harmonious family only has one thing, and that is mutual understanding

Sanmao said: "Home is a source of joy for everyone."

Home is precious to everyone. Everyone likes harmony in their own homes. After all, there will be all kinds of neglect in a disharmonious family. But a harmonious family only has one thing, and that is mutual understanding and support.

But the writer Zhou Chong has a saying that is particularly accurate: "If a person has several relatives, the happiness value of life will plummet." As long as there are several relatives in the family, one cannot even think about living a peaceful life.

01. Her husband is an out-and-out foolish and filial man.

Despite the pressure of her parents’ opposition, she married her husband. However, after only three months of marriage, Luo Min discovered that her husband was an out-and-out foolish and filial man. It's just that she was pregnant again at the time, and she didn't dare to get divorced easily, so she could only endure it.

But she found that the longer she tolerated it, the more her husband pushed further. Every time her parents-in-law cry, her husband will respond to their requests without caring about Luo Min's feelings.

Even though Luo Min quarreled with him many times, her husband did not take it seriously. Instead, he thought Luo Min was petty and unreasonable. After so many times, Luo Min didn't bother to argue with her husband anymore. After all, some people's foolishness and filial piety are engraved in their bones.

As soon as Luo Min gave in, her husband became even more unscrupulous. In the past, I just secretly subsidized his parents behind Luo Min's back. Luo Min had no problem with his son supporting his parents. People should never forget their roots.

But her husband went behind her back and secretly subsidized his brother and sister-in-law's mortgage of 3,000 yuan every month. After being discovered by Luo Min, her husband said confidently that his parents lived with his brother and sister-in-law, and if he didn't help, wouldn't it mean that the elderly would not be able to enjoy their old age? This 3,000 yuan should be used to honor your parents.

But Luo Min calculated the accounts like this. Her husband subsidizes her parents-in-law 2,000 yuan, and then subsidizes her brother and sister-in-law 3,000 yuan. The parents-in-law spend money very cheaply. After all, 2,000 yuan per month is not subsidized to the brother and sister-in-law? Based on this calculation, my husband subsidizes his brother and sister-in-law 5,000 yuan a month for poverty alleviation.

02, "Daughter-in-law, my brother and sister's four children are here to spend the summer vacation. Please treat them well."

Although Luo Min also has a salary to support the family and children, there is not much left every month. If it weren't for her parents to subsidize the family from time to time, Luo Min might not be able to support herself. After all, my husband subsidizes his brother and sister-in-law 5,000 yuan a month, and the remaining 5,000 yuan is used to pay off the mortgage, so there is not much left.

Luo Min sometimes complained, but her husband said disapprovingly that we had a house and a car, and we were living a good life. He subsidized my brother and sister-in-law 5,000 a month, just to make my parents' lives easier. Why are you so fussy about it?

Seeing her husband talking lightly about his filial piety and poverty alleviation, Luo Min couldn't help but slap herself in the face. How could she choose such a man in the first place?

What made her even more angry was that without Luo Min's knowledge, her husband agreed to his brother and sister to take over the two children for the summer vacation, saying that Luo Min was free from work and could help take care of them.

When Luo Min got home from get off work, her husband directly announced his decision, "Daughter-in-law, my brother and sister's four children are here to spend the summer vacation. Please treat them well." Luo Min was very surprised. Aren't her parents-in-law dedicated to helping take care of her brother's and sister-in-law's children? Moreover, my aunt also has a mother-in-law, so why should the whole family appoint her to take care of the children?

03. Wife: 10 people in my husband’s family can’t afford to entertain

After my husband finished speaking, he added that the four children of my brother and sister’s family will live at home for two months, but it’s not okay for the children not to see their parents for a long time, so my brother My sister-in-law, brother-in-law, and my parents will also come.

Luo Min couldn't accept such a large family coming to her home. She asked her husband, if your parents, brothers and sisters all come to our home, who will entertain them? What will happen to my job if I entertain at home?

My husband said disapprovingly, my parents will not stand by and watch, they will definitely help you. If you really can't handle it, quit your job. The monthly salary is not much anyway.

Listening to her husband's words, Luo Min couldn't help but sneered. Her salary is not much, but she basically pays for the monthly living expenses and children's expenses. My husband only paid for the mortgage and nothing else.

Luo Min didn't want to listen to her husband's nonsense anymore and refused directly. Her husband's family of 10 cannot afford to entertain her. If you feel sorry for your parents, brother, sister-in-law, just resign yourself to take care of the children. Anyway, I don't have this obligation.

Before the extended family arrived, Luo Min packed her luggage decisively and returned to her parents' home with her children. Since others have to spend their summer vacation, she and her children also have to spend their summer vacation. She is an only child in the family, and her parents will not dislike her.

As for the big mess in her husband's family, whoever agreed to entertain it in the first place will entertain it. Anyway, she, an outsider, does not have this obligation or ability.

Today’s topic:

Do you support Luo Min leaving her husband’s family alone?