Yu Dan said: "Leaving makes things simpler, people become kind, and like children, we start again." Every journey will allow us to experience many things, and we will gradually become mature among these things. The same is true in relationships. The things that we once held dear

Yu Dan said:

"Leaving makes things simpler, people become kind, like children, we start again."

Every journey will let us experience a lot of things, and among these things we will gradually change You have to mature, and this is also true in relationships.

Things that we once cared about may become insignificant and we don’t pay much attention to them after we experience something.

A woman has experienced more things in relationships, and has experienced more people of the opposite sex. She will be dismissive of certain things, and she will also be dismissive of men.

In fact, after a woman has experienced many opposite sexes, she will have three disdains when facing men. These cannot be hidden.

01. Disdain to be jealous of men.

is always suspicious when he cares about a person. When faced with some situation between this man and other women, he will also become jealous.

But when a woman has experienced a lot of people of the opposite sex, she will become less attached to feelings in relationships. Then when men are with other women, they will not be anxious to be jealous, but will learn to let go.

There is a sentence in "Reader":

"Every outstanding person has a period of silence. During that period, he put in a lot of effort, endured loneliness and loneliness, and did not complain or complain. When he talks about it in the future, he will not hesitate. You can live your life by being moved. "

Only by experiencing pain and loneliness can women be less petty, because women will understand that men are not important. Some people are willing to flirt with other women, so don't do it for yourself. Not happy.

If you are flirting with others when you are together, it can only mean that this person is a person who has different ideas and is not worthy of your sincerity. Then the more you have experienced the opposite sex, the more you will understand this truth, so it is also I won’t be jealous anymore.

02. Disdain to spend men's money

Making money is your talent, saving money is your virtue.

In life, if you just ask for money for others, then you will always be suppressed by others and will never be able to raise your head. The same is true for a woman.

Don’t think it’s natural to spend other people’s money. People are short-sighted. Today this person gave you so many things when he cared about you, but he might not give you anything when he didn’t care about you. So as a human being , we must be self-reliant and strive for self-improvement instead of always asking others for things.

When a woman has experienced more people of the opposite sex, she will understand this truth.

Understand this. When this is true, she will not think about spending other people's money. This woman will also be dismissive of a man's stinginess with her, because a woman's absolute reliance on herself is the most important, although men care about it. Their own money, but women never take this seriously, so they dismiss it.

As a woman, she must be self-reliant. When she is rich, she speaks more forcefully, because when she wants something, she can afford it.

Whether before or after marriage, one must be rich. In this case, a woman will not look at other people's faces and will not be afraid of being abandoned in this family.

03. Disdain for men’s promises

Teenage girls will be moved to tears by other people’s promises, but when a person has experienced more people, he will find that promises are the least worth remembering, because there are many No one keeps their promises.

Some people may stick to a promise for several years, but some people may make a promise to you today and forget it tomorrow, or develop in the opposite direction.

So you can definitely hear it at the beginning, but your ears will also become immune later on. The more you hear it, the less disturbed you will be in your heart, because you understand that these are all fake, so you are not aware of these. Dismissive.

So there are more people who have experienced it, and we are less and less trusting of others.

Just like when we were young, we experienced relatively few people, so when we meet someone, we will think that the other person is a good person, and we will believe whatever the other person says, but in the end, we will find that we have been deceived many times, because we are sad every time. So don't trust others anymore.

So, in the first relationship, a woman must have put all her heart and trust in the other person. In the second relationship, there may be a little bit of trust, and the degree will be lower in the later years.

Maybe these people are still very kind people and pay more attention to feelings, but they gradually lose their expectations of others. Some things are dispensable and don't matter to them, and they will be dismissive of them.

There is this sentence in a TV series:

"Don't bow your head, the crown will fall off. Don't shed tears, the bad guys will laugh. If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight."

In life, as a girl, you must To be self-reliant, you must know how to constantly shape yourself, rather than just thinking about asking for it.