How many of the eight major friendship allusions in history do you know?

2024/06/2916:52:32 hotcomm 1095

How many of the eight major friendship allusions in history do you know? - DayDayNews

In the Song Dynasty of China, there is a story in Shao Bowen's "Shao's Hearings and Seeings": Wen YanboI heard that Li Ji was very arrogant towards others, and he was very unhappy. He said to people: "Li Ji's father once He is my disciple, and he should be my junior according to his seniority. He is so arrogant, and I have to teach him a lesson." Once, Wen Yanbo was appointed as a guard in Beijing. When Li Ji heard about it, he came to pay him a visit. Wen Yanbo deliberately asked Li Ji to sit and wait in the living room, and it took a long time before he came out to meet him. After meeting Li Ji, Wen Yanbo said: "Your father is my friend, so you can bow to me eight times." Because of his low seniority, Li Ji did not dare to make any mistakes, so he had to bow to Wen Yanbo eight times. As an elder, Wen Yanbo dampened Li Ji's pride. This is where the idiom "Eight Worships at Friendship" comes from. Later, people used "eight worship friends" to express the etiquette when disciples of two families who have been friends for generations meet each other's elders. In the old days, they were also called sworn brothers with different surnames.

The turn of eight worshippers is an old Chinese social custom. Most people think that the eight prostrations for friendship are eight times of bowing down, but in fact, these eight prostrations are eight friendships that touch heaven and earth.

How many of the eight major friendship allusions in history do you know? - DayDayNews

Guan Zhong, Bao Shuya, Guan Bao's acquaintance:

First seen in "Liezi·Li Ming", "My parents are the ones who gave birth to me, and the one who knows me is Bao Zi. In this world, I call Guan Bao a good friend."

Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period During the Qi Kingdom , Guan Zhong and Bao Shuya were very good friends. Bao Shuya was a noble of the Qi Kingdom, while Guan Zhong's family was poor and his life was very difficult. Although the status of the two was very different, Bao Shuya admired Guan Zhong very much. He was very sincere and tolerant towards Guan Zhong, and always helped Guan Zhong financially. Later, it was precisely because Bao Shuya recommended Guan Zhong to Qi Huangong that Guan Zhong had the opportunity to become the prime minister of Qi.

How many of the eight major friendship allusions in history do you know? - DayDayNews

Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi, close friends:

comes from "Liezi·Tang Wen".

During the Spring and Autumn Period, Yu Boya was proficient in music and piano, but no one could understand his music. Once, he was enjoying playing the piano by the riverside, which attracted the woodcutter Zhong Ziqi on the shore to stop and watch. Zhong Ziqi praised: it is majestic and solemn, like Mount Tai, which towers into the clouds; it is broad and mighty, as if seeing rolling water. Yu Boya was so surprised that he finally found a soulmate who understood him. Later, the two made an appointment to meet again on August 15th of the following year. However, fate played a trick and Zhong Ziqi passed away the next year. Yu Boya was so sad that he composed the last piece of music in front of Zhong Ziqi's grave and then stopped playing. The strings of the harp will no longer play the harp in memory of my close friend.

How many of the eight major friendship allusions in history do you know? - DayDayNews

Lian Po , Lin Xiangru , cut off his neck:

comes from "Historical Records·Biographies of Lian Po and Lin Xiangru".

During the Warring States Period, Lin Xiangru relied on his intelligence to go on a mission to the State of Qin with his rare treasures and clan jade. Finally, he returned the jade to Zhao intact, and was appreciated by the King of Zhao, who made him a senior doctor and later a minister. His status was higher than that of General Lianpo. Lian Po thought that he was brave and good at fighting, fighting on the front line for the Kingdom of Zhao, but his achievements were not as good as Lin Xiangru's. He was very unconvinced, so he marginalized Lin Xiangru everywhere. Lin Xiangru, on the other hand, put the overall situation first and tolerated everything. He even gave way after seeing Lian Po. When Lian Po heard about it, he was very ashamed, so he went to Lin Xiangru to apologize to Lin Xiangru with bare chest and back. From then on, they became good friends who shared life and death and worked together to serve the country.

How many of the eight major friendship allusions in history do you know? - DayDayNews

Yang Jiao Ai , Zuo Bo Tao, the friend who sacrificed his life:

It is currently believed that it originated from the Western Han "The Biography of the Martyrs".

During the Western Han Dynasty, Zuo Botao and Yang Jiaoai met each other, and they went together to seek an audience with Liu Jiao, the king of Chu Yuan. They encountered heavy snow on the way. At that time, they were wearing very thin clothes and the food they brought was not enough. In order to help his friend, Zuo Botao gave all his clothes and food to Yang Jiao'ai, while he hid in an empty tree and committed suicide, sacrificing his life for his friend.

How many of the eight major friendship allusions in history do you know? - DayDayNews

Chen Chong, Lei Yi, acquaintances of Qiao Qi:

The incident can be found in "Book of the Later Han Dynasty: Biography of Du Xingxing", which comes from "Kun Zhi and Zhang Qiandai Killed His Wife".

During the Eastern Han Dynasty, Chen Chong and Lei Yi were two gentlemen of noble character and self-sacrifice. They were officials in the same court, supported each other, and walked hand in hand like a glue in the officialdom.At that time, there was a legend in the countryside: Glue and lacquer thought they were integrated and indestructible, but they were not as good as Chen Chong and Lei Yi, who shared weal and woe and depended on each other for life and death. The world praises: Chen Lei's glue paint is sincere and sincere; he serves as an official for the people, and his political voice carries the truth.

How many of the eight major friendship allusions in history do you know? - DayDayNews

paradigm , Zhang Shao, at the turn of the century:

came out of "The Book of the Later Han Dynasty - Du Xingzhuan".

The paradigm is Juqing, and Zhang Shao is Yuanbo. They were both celebrities in the Eastern Han Dynasty. They studied together at Taixue and established a deep friendship. Later, because Shi Shi was going back to his hometown, Shi Shi said to Zhang Shao before leaving that he would visit Zhang Shao and his mother in two years. Two years later, although they were thousands of miles apart, Fan Shi went as scheduled to visit Zhang Shao and his mother. Later, when Zhang Shao passed away, he asked Fan Shi in a dream to come to express his condolences. When it came time to bury him, the coffin could not be put into the ground. It was not until Fan Shi arrived and personally pulled the rope pulling the coffin that the coffin was successfully buried.

How many of the eight major friendship allusions in history do you know? - DayDayNews

Liu Bei , Guan Yu , Zhang Fei , the acquaintance of life and death:

comes from Yuan Zheng Dehui's "Crepe Plum Fragrance".

A descendant of the royal family, a local rich man, and a refugee warrior, in order to serve the country, they became brothers of the opposite sex in Taoyuan. They worked together to rescue the poor and those in danger, reported to the country, and made the common people safe. I don’t want to be born in the same year, the same month and the same day, I just want to die in the same year, the same month and the same day. His love and meaning have been admired by future generations for thousands of years, and he is a model of friendship between life and death.

How many of the eight major friendship allusions in history do you know? - DayDayNews

Kong Rong , Mi Heng , Wang Nian Jiajie:

comes from "The Biography of Mi Heng in the Book of the Later Han Dynasty".

In the late Eastern Han Dynasty, Kong Rong, the 20th grandson of Confucius, loved literature and was well-read. Mi Heng was talented in literature and eloquence since he was a child, and he was unruly and unruly. He only had sympathy with Kong Rong, and Kong Rong also liked his talent very much. Although Mi Heng was less than twenty years old and Kong Rong was already forty years old, the two were very good friends, and they had a lifelong friendship that spanned age groups ever since.

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