Text 1 The primary school under the big green tree is bright: bright and beautiful. Colorful: gorgeous, splendid and beautiful. Describes rich and gorgeous colors. Respect and love: respect and love. Floating: Floating in the air with the wind. Attract: Attract. Curiosity: Feelin

2024/06/2916:56:33 hotcomm 1633

Text 1 The primary school under the big green tree is bright: bright and beautiful. Colorful: gorgeous, splendid and beautiful. Describes rich and gorgeous colors. Respect and love: respect and love. Floating: Floating in the air with the wind. Attract: Attract. Curiosity: Feelin - DayDayNews

Text 1 The primary school under the big green tree is bright: bright and beautiful. Colorful: gorgeous, splendid and beautiful. Describes rich and gorgeous colors. Respect and love: respect and love. Floating: Floating in the air with the wind. Attract: Attract. Curiosity: Feelin - DayDayNews

Text 1 The primary school under the big green tree is bright: bright and beautiful. Colorful: gorgeous, splendid and beautiful. Describes rich and gorgeous colors. Respect and love: respect and love. Floating: Floating in the air with the wind. Attract: Attract. Curiosity: Feelin - DayDayNews

Text 1 The primary school under the big green tree is bright: bright and beautiful. Colorful: gorgeous, splendid and beautiful. Describes rich and gorgeous colors. Respect and love: respect and love. Floating: Floating in the air with the wind. Attract: Attract. Curiosity: Feelin - DayDayNews

Text 1 The primary school under the big green tree is bright: bright and beautiful. Colorful: gorgeous, splendid and beautiful. Describes rich and gorgeous colors. Respect and love: respect and love. Floating: Floating in the air with the wind. Attract: Attract. Curiosity: Feelin - DayDayNews

Text 1 The primary school under the big green tree is bright: bright and beautiful. Colorful: gorgeous, splendid and beautiful. Describes rich and gorgeous colors. Respect and love: respect and love. Floating: Floating in the air with the wind. Attract: Attract. Curiosity: Feelin - DayDayNews

Text 1 The primary school under the big green tree is bright: bright and beautiful. Colorful: gorgeous, splendid and beautiful. Describes rich and gorgeous colors. Respect and love: respect and love. Floating: Floating in the air with the wind. Attract: Attract. Curiosity: Feelin - DayDayNews

Text 1 The primary school under the big green tree is bright: bright and beautiful. Colorful: gorgeous, splendid and beautiful. Describes rich and gorgeous colors. Respect and love: respect and love. Floating: Floating in the air with the wind. Attract: Attract. Curiosity: Feelin - DayDayNews

Text 1 Primary school under the big green tree

Bright: bright and beautiful.

colorful: gorgeous, brilliant and beautiful. Describes rich and gorgeous colors.

respect and love: respect and love.

fluttering: fluttering in the air with the wind.

attract: attract.

Curiosity: Feeling novel and interested in things that you don’t understand.

Frontier: Territory close to a national border.

stout: refers to thick and strong.

Text 2 The School of Flowers

moist: moist; moist.

wilderness: the desolate wilderness.

Carnival: Indulge in joy.

touch: contact, collision.

raise: raise high, roll up.

Text 3 If you don’t understand, ask

Private school: It is a kind of private early childhood education institution established within families, clans or villages in ancient Chinese society.

moment: very short time.

As usual: According to convention or common sense.

Ruler: The wooden board used by teachers in the old days to punish students corporally.

confused: vague understanding, unclear, describing things that do not understand at all.

Shaking one's head: describing one's contentment or self-righteousness.

Silence: Not even the sound of crows and sparrows, describing it as very quiet.

Chinese Language Garden 1

Shaking one's head and shaking one's head: describing the appearance of enjoying oneself or being self-righteous.

disheveled: describes hair that is long and messy.

Bare teeth and claws: describe a rampant and ferocious appearance.

be on tenterhooks: describe being very worried or scared.

flushed face: describes the appearance of redness on the face due to impatience, shyness, etc.

being in a hurry: describing things done in a hurry and without order, and also describing being panicked.

quick eyes and quick hands: describes being alert and quick in doing things.

dry mouth and tongue: dry mouth and tongue. Too many descriptions and too many words.

These words all contain two words that represent human body parts.


Contains words that represent human body parts. Also:

Duplicity, whispering, embroidering legs, smooth tongue

Text 5 The cement road covered with golden slaps

With : leave traces.

rules: rules, laws.

patterns: various pictures.

bright: plenty of light (mostly outdoor).

ironing: appropriate and appropriate.

messy: messy and disorganized.

Text 6 Autumn Rain

Pigments: Materials used for coloring.

colorful: colorful, various colors; colorful, numerous and interlaced. It means there are many colors and is very beautiful.

stamps: issued and sold by the national postal department as proof of postage payment.

cool: cool and refreshing.

hook: to bind a person's body and mind.

Harvest: The harvest is good.

nod frequently: nod continuously.

Text 7 Listen to the voice of autumn

Farewell: Farewell. This lesson refers to the yellow leaves leaving the big tree.

exhortation: repeated instructions.

Rhyme: The text refers to the sound made by crickets.

vast: vast.

bloom: split. This lesson refers to the ripening of grains.

in a hurry: in a hurry.

Text 8 The Little Match Girl

Exquisite: The quality is very good. Exquisite, exquisite, perfect; exquisite, delicate, exquisite.

Staggering: having difficulty with legs and feet, walking slowly, and swaying.

Kindness: benevolence, love. This term is generally used between an elder and a younger person.

Soul: Superstitious people believe that it is a non-material thing that is attached to the human body and serves as the master. After the soul leaves the body, the person dies (the old superstitious saying refers to the spirit that can exist without the body.)

Slippers: After A half shoe without an upper.

cradle: furniture for babies to sleep on. Shaped slightly like a basket, it can be rocked to make it easier for babies to fall asleep.

Apron: something worn around the body to protect clothes or body when working.

trembling: trembling due to physical or psychological stimulation. The word "shivering" in this lesson refers to the fact that sex with hunger and cold forces the little girl to tremble all over.

Roast goose: a goose that is roasted in a special stove.

Christmas tree: pine and fir trees used for Christmas. The tree is decorated with small candles, toys and gifts. Christmas is a holiday for Christians to commemorate the birth of Jesus. Most churches stipulate that December 25th is Christmas.

th New Year's Eve: It is the last day of the year. Also called New Year's Eve.

Rich businessman: A businessman who owns a lot of property.

Show window: refers to the glass window facing the street of a store, used to display samples of goods.

fragrance: describes a very strong aroma.

poverty: poverty and hardship.

Text 9 That will definitely be good

Package: wrap; bandage.

Work hard: Use your strength as much as possible.

naughty: naughty.

shake: swing.

Satisfaction: satisfy one's own wishes; conform to one's own wishes.

stretch: stretch and open; not curled; not wrinkled.

whisk: shake gently.

Comfortable: Feeling relaxed and happy physically or mentally.

squeaky: onomatopoeia. Describes the sound made when an object is pressed or rubbed.

strenuous: refers to hard work; fatigue; strenuous, strenuous.

Text 10 Traveling in the Cow’s Belly

Cricket: Insect, with dark brown body, long and thick back antennae, good at jumping. Also known as cricket in China, it eats plant stems, leaves, seeds and roots and is an agricultural pest.

Surprised: to describe being very surprised by what happened.

Chew slowly: This means eating slowly. Take your time to appreciate it.

Storage: Store and collect for use when needed. This lesson refers to the temporary storage of grass eaten by cows in their stomachs.

in a hurry: in a hurry.

carefully: careful.

sad: sad.

Brave: Not afraid of danger and difficulty; courageous.

rub again and again: rub, rub over and over again.

smiling: describing the way your eyelids close slightly when you smile.

Text 11 A piece of cheese

Collection: Many scattered people or things come together.

murmur: whisper; say in private.

scrambling: scrambling to move forward for fear of falling behind.

Attractive: It makes people want to see it again, attractive.

Perseverance: a strong and lasting will.

Prohibition: A decree prohibiting the performance of an activity.

Seven up and down: describing being uneasy.

hesitate: hesitate.

re: again.

Text 12 The old house that will never fall down

Black hole: a black hole.

preparation: plan.

storm: big and rapid wind and rain.

Peace of mind: Peace of mind.

occasionally: sometimes, sometimes.

Egg hatching: The process of keeping eggs at a relatively warm and stable temperature within a certain period of time and hatching new life.

means: fun; interesting.

Text 13 Mr. Carrot’s Beard

Worry: Being depressed because there is no idea or solution.

dense: thick (refers to branches and leaves, smoke, hair, etc.)

jam: a paste made from fruit, sugar, and pectin. Also called jam.

continue: (activity) continue; extend; continue.

Myopia: A symptom in which the eyes cannot see distant objects clearly but can see near objects clearly.

firm: strong; strong.

Dip: Dip it into liquid, powder or paste and take it out.

Kite: A kind of toy, which is made of bamboo strips, etc. and is covered with paper or silk. It can be put into the sky by pulling the long string tied to it, taking advantage of the wind.

flutter: (with the wind, etc.) swing; float.

Text 14 The puppy learns to be called

Alone: ​​Describes being lonely, helpless or without a companion.

Defects: Deficiencies or incompleteness.

unfamiliar: unfamiliar; unfamiliar.

annoying: causing others to be annoyed and dissatisfied.

Criticism: Comments on shortcomings and errors.

Sympathy: Emotionally resonate with other people’s experiences.

Funny: describes words and actions that make people laugh.

simply: means straightforward; simply.

Disappointment: Unpleasant because of failed hopes.

try your best: try your best.

hit the target every time, describing archery or shooting very accurately.

run away immediately: describe the action very quickly.

surprised: I feel strange.

Chinese Garden 4

hit the target every time, describing archery or shooting very accurately. It means that you have full confidence in doing things and will never fail.

Victory in every battle: Victory in every battle, also generally refers to success in whatever you do.

obedient: describes being very obedient in everything.

in all directions: generally refers to all places or aspects around.

Extended in all directions: Describes very convenient transportation.

Steady: Describes speaking, doing things, and writing articles steadily. Sometimes it also refers to doing things without making mistakes and lacking the spirit of innovation.

7 up and 8 down: describing feeling flustered and uneasy.

Chattering: describes people who talk a lot.

Having many hands and feet: describing people with many hands and chaotic movements.

Text 15 Birds Hitching a Boat

Cabin: The place where passengers and cargo are loaded in the ship.

Boat canopy: a covering on a small wooden boat, used to block sunlight, wind and rain.

Coir raincoat: a rainproof equipment made of grass or brown hair and worn on the body.

beautiful: good-looking; beautiful.

emerald green: green like emerald; turquoise.

Quietly: Describes being very quiet and without any sound.

Hold it in your mouth: hold it in your mouth.

Text 16 The golden grass

is in full bloom: (flower) blooms lushly.

serious: the description is very formal and solemn.

Pretend: Deliberately make some action or gesture to hide the truth.

carefully: be careful, careful.

Attention-grabbing: It describes people or things that are distinctive and can attract people's attention.

Observation: Look carefully at (things or phenomena).

Collapse: bring together; close.

Text 18 The rich Paracel Islands

Magnificent: extremely beautiful.

bloom: refers to the plant's skin, shell, etc. splitting, and the flowers blooming.

Creeping: moving like an earthworm crawling.

dense: (vegetation) lush and dense.

Perch: stay; rest (mostly refers to birds).

Rich: many products; much wealth.

ancestors: generation after generation.

Text 19 Seaside Town

Vast: (starry sky, sea) vast, boundless.

Plating: Using electrolysis or other chemical methods to attach a metal to other metals or object surfaces to form a thin layer. The article refers to the fact that the sun paints the surfaces of motorboats and sailboats golden yellow.

Agree: express attitude towards other people's words and actions; express opinions (mostly used in negative form).

loneliness: lonely and deserted.

noisy: noisy and lively.

shrouded: covered like a cage.

Tidy: Neat and clean.

airtight: describing a situation that is so tightly surrounded or defended that even the wind cannot penetrate.

Text 20 The beautiful Xiaoxing'anling

Appreciation: Enjoy beautiful things and appreciate the fun in them.

luxuriant: describes the appearance of lush green vegetation.

Yan Yan Shi Shi: The food is tightly combined with no gaps.

sharp sword: a sharp sword.

Green: (vegetation, etc.) dark green.

precious: famous and precious.

seductive: attractive.

Text 21 The sounds of nature

Wonderful: beautiful, wonderful.

Breeze: A weak wind blew gently.

murmur: the sound of whispering.

power: powerful and terrifying power.

converge: gather.

Gurgling: Describes the sound of flowing streams, springs, etc.

surging: describing the water as being very powerful, with waves hitting each other and making loud noises. It also refers to a huge momentum.

Magnificent: The original description is the vastness of the water. Now it is a metaphor for majestic momentum or huge scale.

Text 22 The Endless Big Book

Reverie: Thinking or imagining in the distance.

orderly: describes a neat and orderly appearance.

Thousands of postures: describing various postures, each different.

Extraordinary: transcending ordinary people, breaking away from the ordinary.

Text 23 Father, woods and birds

Dawn: When the sky breaks.

Deep: (landscapes, woods, palaces, etc.) deep and quiet.

Concentrate and calm down: Concentrate and calm down.

Wuli: upright.

steaming hot: describes the appearance of steaming steam.

Shuchang: cheerful and happy; comfortable and happy.

a moment: in the blink of an eye, describing a very short time.

stunned: surprised and stunned.

Text 25 Applause

Quiet: (character, behavior, etc.) elegant and quiet.

Posture: The way the body appears. The article refers to the way Yingzi walks unsteadily due to polio.

Hesitation: Undecided.

suddenly: suddenly; suddenly.

enthusiastic: high mood, excitement.

Lasting: Lasts a long time.

Calm down: Don’t panic or panic in an emergency.

melancholy: sad and melancholy.

Enduring: It has not stopped after a long time.

Discrimination: Treating others unequally.

encourage: inspire; encourage.

Text 26 Bullfinch

tactful: (songs, bird calls, etc.) melodious and pleasant.

Look up: raise your head and look upward.

severe cold: (climate) extremely cold.

What a pity: It is a pity.

Talking to oneself: "Yan" and "Yu" both mean talking. "Talking to oneself" means talking quietly to oneself.

Jumping and jumping: describing health, liveliness, and strong vitality.

Honesty: words and deeds are consistent with inner thoughts (referring to good thoughts and actions) and are not false.

Text 27 The operating table is the position

Arrogant: a metaphor for a person's high momentum and presumptuousness (mostly derogatory).

Violent: (action, speech, etc.) Violent.

Continuously: means successively, intermittently.

Gunsmoke: The smoke produced after the explosion of explosives.

request: sincerely request.

Agile: Respond quickly and quickly.

Abdominal cavity: The cavity in the abdomen of the trunk that contains the stomach, small intestine, liver, and other internal organs.

continue: (activity) continue; extend; continue.

Race against time: Don’t let go of a minute or a second, describing how to grasp time very tightly.

consecutively: one after another.

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