Falling out of love is a trivial matter. There is no need to make a fuss and talk about "falling out of love". Whether you are falling out of love for the first time or the last time, this is a profound experience in your life. Haven't you seen that I memorized an article and fin

Falling out of love is a trivial matter. There is no need to make a fuss and talk about "falling out of love".

Whether you are falling out of love for the first time or the last time, this is a profound experience in your life.

I haven’t seen you memorize an article and forget it in the end. Have you ever seen a movie and forget it in the end? Why is this so? It's because this experience is not profound enough, so that your memory is not deep enough, and eventually it slowly fades away.

But lovelorn is different, as long as you invest in true feelings.

After many years, you will still remember the girl who made you lovelorn.

At that time, would you still blame her for making you fall out of love?

The past years, the truest feelings, and the beautiful experiences of the past, although they are "once", they have constructed your "past". Is there any forgotten "past"? I have laughed sincerely and cried sincerely. It's a real memory.

Only with these sweet and bitter memories, this life can be considered complete.

Maybe when lovelorn comes, you can’t believe it. The heavy facts make you believe it, and you will feel pain. At this time, what should you do?

Men, when you fall in love, you must learn to face it alone.

 1. Don’t be a “Xiang Lin’s Wife” and complain everywhere.

There is an indisputable fact:

Falling in love is a matter of two people, and falling out of love is a matter of one person.

If you are lovelorn, it means you are in trouble, in big trouble.

At the same time, you have to solve this problem yourself.

You feel that your troubles are too great, your life is too bitter, you feel aggrieved, you are full of bitterness, and you want to find someone to talk to, like Mrs. Xianglin, who tells you about your sad past and lovelorn experience.

 “If you complain often, no one will sympathize with you.”

 You will eventually find that it is difficult to find someone who can understand you and consider you. Your fragility and complaints will make you a disgusting person, which is sad.

2. Don’t be like “Wei Xiaobao” and show mercy everywhere.

Some men are lovelorn.

I don’t believe in love anymore, I think love is just a game played in the name of “love”.

Maybe he once had too much love for a woman. After the relationship fell apart, he suddenly realized: the love is not deep, but more.

As Li Ao said: "Don't love so much, just love a little. Other people's love is like the deep ocean, but my love is shallow."

He feels that loving many people is better than loving one person deeply. Love only a little, really. Very cool.

So he learned to be "Wei Xiaobao" and distributed his "love" to many members of the opposite sex like a cake, showing mercy to everyone. Even if a member of the opposite sex made him fall out of love again, he was not afraid that no one would "replace him".

 What a shame, a man with too many spare tires.

Because he was driving a broken car with many problems and he was always changing tires, how could he be able to ride around the world?

 3. Be a "good man" and live up to this life.

A man must love himself no matter whether he is loved by others or not.

Be a good man and live up to this life.

As the saying goes, "loyalty may hurt the ears, but it helps the deeds." Listen to my words. No matter when or where you are, be a good man and live for yourself, so that you will not let yourself down.

When you are good enough, like a blooming flower, there is no need to worry about not having butterflies to dance.

When you are warm enough, like the rising sun in winter, why worry about a cat without warmth lying flat in the sun and feeling your warmth?