Love is a constant work in progress: practice respecting your partner, saying thank you, going out and doing new things together to keep the spark alive, always communicating in a respectful manner about what we like and don't like, and changing what hurts the other person by see


User B reply:

First define what "love" you are talking about. Lasting love means you care about someone deeply. Commitment and trust can arise from this love. Romantic love that involves physical attraction is a fleeting feeling that can come or go based on your chemistry and positive attention to each other. I still have a crush on my husband sometimes, but we also have our rough times. We are committed to each other, the relationship, and the family, and keep in mind that there will be ups and downs, but they will soon be replaced by appreciation for each other, and we work patiently. This requires 100% effort from both people. If only one person does the work with a positive attitude, it is not mutual lasting love. If you are the one who is not showing love, ask yourself why you stopped. Make time alone, go on fun dates, express your appreciation and admiration, and give them a reason to reciprocate.

User C replied:

Frankly speaking, love fades over time.
Those of us can't love someone forever, we also have other responsibilities to do.
However, the commitment there means the presence of love.
This is why we use the word "commitment" in relationships.
If he is not committed, which means he will not be in a committed relationship, he may be mentally fragile.

User D replied:

I completely agree with the other answers. I would add that long-term relationships need to be nurtured for the benefit of both parties. In my experience, I'm going to be married 30 years this year, and it's possible to go through periods of feeling horrible or apathetic about the relationship. For me, there comes a point where I have to really make an effort to look at myself, think about what is important to me, and recommit to our mutual happiness. I'm not talking about infidelity; I'm talking about feeling like there was no spark in our relationship and feeling like we would never be close again. I've seen some people mention being in a loveless marriage. Of course I don't know their situation. My point is that without a conscious commitment to the relationship, and regular review and updating, you may start to feel like "the feeling is gone." But you will most likely still be able to control the quality and future of your relationship.

User E replied:

Is it a concept that feelings can be lost? No, they are never lost. At some point in your life, someone comes into your life and you both have feelings for each other and have a pretty good time with each other, but unfortunately, things start to turn negative and things don't go well for you.. ..
When something like this happens, it's a real emotional shock! An emotional toll on your heart. Even if you get hurt anywhere on your body and you bleed, it will heal and it will take time but it will heal and it will leave a scar.
Feelings can also be thought of as those scars, they never go away, they are still there. And you try to manipulate the scar and it starts to bleed again.

The same goes for emotions, feelings and love, when you really love someone and things go bad, what you do is try to figure out how to get rid of the emotional onslaught and you do everything possible to get rid of the pain. When you feel like you can laugh again one day, it means you have forgotten things and you move on, but when life brings you back together, the scar opens up and it starts bleeding again and you try to process it in that meeting. Clear everything, but that's impossible, so the story starts over from there. So, no matter how far you are in life, the people who have signed on the wall of your heart will stay there no matter what!

User F replied:

I have adopted a different attitude towards love. To me, you love whomever you love. Sometimes circumstances prevent you from being with that person, or maybe the feelings aren't equal. Sometimes time also plays a role.Sometimes you don't see someone for years and when you see them all those feelings come back and you're right back where you left off. Sometimes when it's over, it's really over.
Personally, I never stop loving someone, but to me, that's not the most important thing. For me, it’s trust, respect and honesty. I can love someone but not trust them. We will never have the same relationship we had before. I will always love her, (unlike my wife) but it's totally okay for us to be friends (as we are now).
I'm very ill-informed, it depends on what you value in life and among those you relate to.

User G replied:

First of all, remember that nothing is more important than a lost relationship.
The problem with the human brain is that no matter what you do, something to do with love and affection will always come up for you. No matter how hard you try, you just can't stop loving someone you once had feelings for.
It's just that over time you will understand that nothing you throw at your loved ones has any value and eventually you will move on. This feeling is only temporarily contained because humans have a busy lifestyle and we tend to be busy with our daily lives and work.
example, many people tend to go back to their ex (girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, wife) just because it's easy and they still have feelings. The only thing that happens with
feelings is that they become less common or more subtle. If a person falls in love again, the feeling will appear in a new way for the other person, and the previous feeling will be suppressed by the new feeling. You can't forget someone you once had feelings for. This is why one-sided relationships are quite painful because there is no mutual expression of affection.

User H replied:

Love is a decision. Once you decide to love someone, you love them forever. If you don't love them now, you never did.

User I replied:

What do you mean by losing feeling? Are you saying you've lost attraction to them? This can happen, but that's why there is a difference between lust and love. Love is the stronger, better, and more lasting of the two. Love sometimes requires a lot of sacrifice. I don't really like to use the word love. I use the word care. If someone cares about you, then they won't do anything (intentionally) to hurt you. I think this is much more important than simple "love". You can "love" ice cream, or go to the beach...but if you love or care about someone, that's different. Life can be messy and bad. If they are there during those times, you have found your treasure!
As for your question, if you love someone, I mean truly love, care about them, it will never go away….
Sure, you can be angry at them, but you'll always find a way to forgive them, really. Try it on yourself.

User J replied:

Yes, those feelings you lost towards someone can come back. Everyone sometimes feels confused about what they feel about someone. We think we don’t have feelings for them anymore, but in fact we do, we’ve just become numb to our own feelings and tell ourselves we’ve lost them. In other cases, others actually lose feelings for someone they once loved. But it comes back after a while, after realizing that the person they really want and need is the person they have feelings for at the time.