Unknowingly, July has arrived, and half a year has passed by, and time flies. During these six months, I insisted on two things, reading and writing. Half a year is enough to change a person. Compared with his past self, his life has become more fulfilling. He also feels that the

July has arrived unknowingly, and half a year has passed by, and time flies.

In these six months, I insisted on two things, reading and writing.

Half a year is enough to change a person. Compared with his past self, his life has become more fulfilling. He also feels that the days are passing at the pace he likes, and his life is gradually getting on the right track.

Life has also become more and more self-disciplined.

1. Read 8 books.

has read 8 books in the past six months, as follows:

1. "Self-reliant Women are the Happiest" This book mainly talks about how women must learn to be self-reliant, financially independent, and work independently. In short, they must be independent people and live without relying on anyone. Show your true colors and suggest that women read it.

2, " Women Must Have Temperament " This book is also a book for women. Women should not only have external temperament but also inner temperament. The temperament that combines both internal and external qualities gives people a sense of charm, and life will be better.

3, "The world is good, but you are not bad either" . I read the title and thought it was very healing, so I bought it. This is a book suitable for people with low self-esteem, timidity, and anxiety. In short It feels more healing.

4, " The Qualities of a Big Woman and the Feelings of a Little Woman " This book mainly talks about how women should balance family and career, not to be too strong in the family, and to be tender and gentle in front of the husband to make the marriage more happy. .

5, " living method " People should always have a good attitude and maintain a positive and optimistic attitude when facing life. Your attitude determines your life. What kind of love you have in life will determine what kind of life you will have.

6, " method " is mainly about the attitude towards work. The way of working directly determines a person's life.

7, "Heart Method" This is a book that tempers the mind. People should make their hearts stronger and be able to face difficulties even when faced with hardships in life. When one's xinxing improves, people will be more able to feel happy.

The three books of living method, mental method and doing method are the philosophical concepts of Inamori Kazuo. These three books are very suitable for everyone to read. After reading these three books, you can basically see the life experience of Kazuo Inamori and understand the philosophy of Kazuo Inamori's success. They are suitable for repeated reading.

8, " Carnegie's Advice on Lifelong Happiness to Women " This book summarizes some suggestions for women on how to get along with their husbands and how to get along with leaders and colleagues. It is a book that can make women live a happier life. books.

doesn’t read many books, basically 1-2 books per month.

I have been reading books every month for half a year without knowing it. Although it feels like I have read 8 books, the specifics remind me that I may not be able to tell the content of the book, but I know that I will not read the book in vain, it will be in my mind. It subtly affects a person's way of thinking, and also gives people strength invisibly.

As the saying goes,

"The purpose of reading is not to achieve great achievements. It is to give you an inner strength when you are knocked back to your original shape by life and fall into the quagmire."

2. Income from writing

In the half year from January to June, my total income from writing was 3,837 yuan.

However, I currently mainly work on 2 platforms, one is Baijiahao, and the other is headline account .

1, The total revenue of Baijiahao: 2716 yuan

Among them, the data of Baijiahao is relatively objective. Today, the reading volume and the number of fans have basically remained stable.

Baijia account started publishing articles in mid-January. In the past six months, it currently has 8,300 fans.

Baijiahao monthly income

2, Toutiao account: 1041 yuan

Toutiao account has reached a bottleneck period. Nowadays, the number of fans is basically not increasing, and the reading volume is also much lower than before.

has a half-year income of 1,041 yuan. At present, there are 5364 fans

headline account, the total income is

3, and the code words in half a year are about 200,000 words.

html insisted on publishing one article every day for 31-4 months. In May and June, he published 21 articles, totaling 162 articles. The number of words in each article was 1200+

4. He submitted 4 articles and the total manuscript fee was 80 yuan. The manuscript fee for

is 15-30 yuan per article. Due to my limited writing skills, I can only submit manuscripts to some small accounts at the beginning, so it is easier to submit manuscripts and the manuscript fee is relatively small.

3. About children.

1, Dabao goes to kindergarten.

School started in February, and the semester ended in the blink of an eye.

The child cried profusely when he was first sent to the kindergarten. When he saw the child himself, he was sobbing and trying to hold back the tears. It took about a month for

to get used to it, but I developed several bad habits.

Every time I go to kindergarten, I have to push a stroller, and every time I get out of school, I have to argue to buy snacks and toys. If I don’t buy them, I will make all kinds of troubles.

Sometimes I feel that I don’t know how to educate my children...

When faced with naughty, Disobedient children often make people collapse and feel at a loss. The sadness cannot be expressed in words (10,000 words can be omitted here)

2. I became a mother of a second child.

How lucky I am to have both children in this life.

html My daughter was born on June 24th. I originally thought I was pregnant with a boy, but in the end it turned out to be a daughter of gold as I expected. I instantly felt that the beauty of the world was closely connected with me.

is written at the end:

I like to write summaries for myself every once in a while. On the one hand, it is to record every detail of life, and on the other hand, it is to record my own growth.

In fact, in the past six months, compared with excellent people, I am still far behind, but compared with my past self, I have changed.

Because I insist on coding and reading, I feel that I am slowly becoming more self-disciplined, and it also makes me feel that life is more hopeful.

Although the benefits brought by code words are very small, code words have brought me not only a few taels of silver, but more of self-improvement.

Share I recently saw a saying that I like very much, "The real excellence is not to be better than others, but to be better than yourself in the past."

In fact, this is a very healing saying. People should be like this, don't keep comparing yourself with others, and You should learn to compare yourself with your past self.

Make yourself a little better every day, and anything multiplied by 365 days will make a qualitative leap.

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