As early as when human society began to enter the civilized period, the emergence of various laws and codes demonstrated the pursuit of "fairness" by different individuals, whether it was the earliest "Twelve Tables of Bronze" or the "Code of Hammurabi" , or the "Roman Law" and "

The most interesting and practical psychology that we work on every day

As early as when human society began to enter the civilized period, the emergence of various laws and codes demonstrated the pursuit of "fairness" by different individuals, whether it was the earliest "" The Law of the Twelve Tables , "The Code of Hammurabi ", or the medieval " Roman Law ", "Germanic Law", or today's various mature codes are all produced in order to pursue a kind of Fair in an absolute sense.

In China, the classical "Guanzi·Situation Explanation" has already appeared, "Heaven is fair and selfless, so the good and the evil are all included; the earth is fair and selfless, so the small and the big are all included."

Such content, the general meaning is: God It is absolutely selfless, so no matter whether it is good or ugly, it will be covered by God; the earth is very fair, so no matter whether it is big or small, there is nothing that cannot be carried by the earth.

The reason why human beings pursue the so-called "fairness" so unremittingly actually implies a kind of unfairness prevalent in society, and one of the tasks of human society is to eliminate this unfairness.

It seems that after thousands of years of social evolution, people have become accustomed to finding their own way of survival among various rules and regulations. So, can humans' natural pursuit of fairness and society's tendency to fairness bring us absolute fairness? , the answer must be no, because there will be no absolute fairness in society.

The founder of Alibaba Jack Ma was once the leading business elite in the country, and once got involved in politics and education. The industries he founded brought many conveniences to people's lives, and many of his views also made a great contribution to people's lives. certain evaluation.

once caused many people to object because of the statement that "996 is a blessing", but regarding the issue of fairness, Jack Ma's views are relatively objective. He believed that there was no fair statement based on a person's origins.

He gave an example: "Some people were born in rural areas, Gates 's son was born in the Gates family." In fact, it demonstrates the different fates of different individuals. Is this a kind of "determinism of birth"? Not entirely so.

From the perspective of social psychology and family education psychology, as an individual grows up, he will be greatly affected by the environment in which he or she lives. The first person to shape the environment in which an individual lives is his or her family of origin.

This is why many people pay more attention to each other's origin and family when interacting. In fact, it is not discrimination, but to better grasp the scale of interaction with the other person.

For those individuals who grew up in families with relatively difficult living conditions, they will spend much of their lives trying to meet their own needs, and often do not have more energy to improve their spiritual world and contact more people. A high-level social life can only work hard to change one's own social class.

This kind of example will appear more often in those students whose family conditions are not outstanding, but who have very good grades. They left their hometowns through their own efforts, but found that their peers from wealthy families in big cities were inferior to them. If you say it, life will always be easier.

So many times, the height of life is already determined at birth.

Attitude: Should we "lie down" in this "injustice"?

Last year, a term called "lying flat" began to gradually appear in people's vision. On the one hand, this term means "compromise", that is, giving up the idea of ​​​​working against the huge pressure of social life; on the other hand, It means that the heart is calm and unmoved by external interference.

This actually reflects a less positive mentality among young people today: The competitive pressure of society is increasing day by day, and it has nothing to do with me. I just have to hang out every day.

Such a mentality is actually unacceptable. Some people may have questions: Hasn't it been mentioned above that there is no absolute fairness in the world, and the fate of many people has been decided at birth? Why don’t we encourage everyone to give up meaningless “struggle”?

It is true that everyone has his own destiny, this is unmistakable. But in the face of a society that has gradually solidified, can we really just go with the flow and get by? Of course it's not necessary.

In fact, Jack Ma himself said that it does not mean that if there is no absolute fairness between people, we should give up our efforts.

The secret of his own success is that compared with his peers, he has been able to achieve certain achievements. It is because he knows better about finding happiness for himself instead of staring at the unfairness and face-to-face problems in society. They feel dismayed at the social fact that others are far ahead of themselves.

For most people, we might as well make some attempts:

1. Determine the general trajectory of your life

Although a person's life is very long, as the saying goes: "You see your age at the age of three", how far can a person go in his life? In fact, some clues about his height and contribution can be seen at a very young age.

So for most people, at least when they reach adulthood, they already have the ability to think independently and determine the path for their own life.

At this time, it is best to make a rough plan for yourself based on your personality, hobbies and expertise, family conditions and growing environment, and future development. When life has a certain purpose, it will be easier later on.

2. While persisting in your dream, observe carefully

Now that you have formulated a general route for life development, the next task is to work hard towards your dream.

In this process, the road to development is often tortuous. Faced with many obstacles, it is best to persist as much as possible without distractions.

Of course, it is not advisable to move forward blindly. Times are developing, society is constantly progressing, and for individuals, development opportunities are constantly arising.

So while adhering to your ideals, you might as well take a look at the world around you to see if there is any industry suitable for you to engage in. Jack Ma himself took advantage of the "east wind" of the Internet and became one of the founders of the largest e-commerce platform in China.

3. Calm your mind and face the injustice in society

When an individual reaches a certain age and has accumulated a certain amount of social experience, this ability is very important. Faced with the ever-increasing gap between the rich and the poor in society, be able to stay calm. As the saying goes, "It is better to retreat and build a net than to fish in the abyss."

Only by improving one's abilities with peace of mind and narrowing the gap with others can we change the unfair status quo. the only way. The unfairness in the world is not terrible. What is terrible is losing one's direction in this unfairness.

- The End -

Author | Tommy

Editor | It Doesn’t Rain

The first psychological writing team | A group of young people who like to look up at the stars

References: Bruk, A., Scholl, S. G., & Bless, H. (2018) . Beautiful mess effect: Self–other differences in evaluation of showing vulnerability. Journal of personality and social psychology, 115(2), 192-205

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