I always advise many people around me not to always be immersed in Naitaule's plans. For example, the old man who cooks in our company, his daily tasks are 100% of the time except cooking. All spent on short videos, this is the plan to be completely immersed in nipple fun. Why do

I always advise many people around me not to always be immersed in the plans of Nipple Music. For example, the old man who cooks in our company, his daily tasks are not only cooking, but also spending the rest of his time. 100% is spent on short videos, which is a plan to completely immerse yourself in nipple fun.

Why do I say that everyone’s time value is different? must set a price for your time. has two dimensions: one is social interaction and the other is self-growth.

Let us first look at the social dimension. People are social animals. Without social interaction, it is impossible. Even if you become a monk and practice, you will still have fellow practitioners, Taoist friends, and brothers in the same discipline. This is also a kind of social interaction. , but the circle is cleaner and the value of your time is almost the same.

But in the world of mortals, we must also think socially. means that different income groups, people working in different industries, and groups in different social strata have different values ​​of time. To give a very simple example, for example, a person with a monthly salary of 30,000 yuan, the value of his time every day is 1,000 yuan. If he works 10 hours a day, then each hour is worth 100 yuan. At this time, if a person with a monthly salary of 8,000 works 10 hours a day, then his time is 27 yuan per hour.

At this time, there is a comparison. If a person with a monthly salary of 30,000 yuan and a person with a monthly salary of 8,000 yuan communicate for one hour, then the direct loss of the person with a monthly salary of 30,000 yuan is 73 yuan per hour. This method of using money to convert time is indeed incomprehensible to many people and feels ridiculous, because it is impossible for everyone to calculate time so clearly and clearly. Some people even say, if everything is measured by money, is there any meaning in life?

But if you think about it seriously, the people in the world who can basically respond like this are generally low-income groups. Why do I say that? You can understand this phenomenon if you put yourself in their shoes. If your monthly salary is 30,000, the person with a monthly salary of 5,000 may be a security guard or a temporary worker, who is about the same age as you. Then he often finds time to chat with you, and even wants to invite you to dinner and play with you. What are you thinking at this time?

Under normal circumstances, most people may dislike this person with a monthly salary of 5,000. They will think that playing with him has no future, and even feel that they have nothing to gain and cannot bring growth value. They may even feel that they will be monthly. People who invest 5,000 will suck blood. So essentially, everyone’s income is different and the value of their time is also different, so it’s difficult to play together. Some people may also say, don't they two have common interests and hobbies? Yes, but hobbies still cannot transcend money.

Especially when two people with common interests and hobbies but different incomes chat together, it is impossible not to talk about their outlook on life, values, and world view during the communication process. At this time, differences will inevitably arise. Because every penny is the realization of the understanding of the world, the results are different. First of all, prove one point: the cognition is different, and the result of different cognitions is that there will be differences.

Let’s talk about it from the perspective of personal growth. If you want to make your life more exciting, let’s draw a conclusion first. Don’t do worthless things easily. What kind of things are worthless? If you can earn 100 yuan an hour, then don’t spend an hour at work doing something worth less than 100 yuan, unless you are particularly interested and you feel that this job is a kind of enjoyment for you. , that is a spiritual need.

If you have read this article here, then there will be a bigger surprise next. I will raise your dimension a little higher. What I have mentioned above are all the needs on the material level, which are also what we are in the world of mortals. Everyone Recognize the same thing: time is money.

Of course, all these are just the most basic and essential needs. The next dimension is spiritual needs. But his control over your time and social interaction is more demanding. Because only by focusing on the field of interest can you find the most harmonious energy field and make yourself more comfortable. In this case, your material and spiritual growth will be more advanced. Is there anything beyond

? There are also soul needs. You will find that some people never care about their own time. They are willing to pay for everyone and communicate with everyone. This is a kind of compassion. What is his purpose? In order to eliminate karma and benefit others, what is the purpose of altruism? For the sake of self-interest, what are you doing to benefit yourself? Just to eliminate and .

But what they see at this time is still the appearance, because in this state, their time is more valuable, life is short, and they must focus on practice in time to improve the height of the soul and the purity of life, so they understand the preciousness of time better .

Having said this, I think you should have some insights. Please write your insights in the comment area and let’s communicate together.

Note: The article is forwarded by the video, sorry for typos!

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