Hello, webmaster, my husband and I have been married for 12 years, and our children are already in high school. However, I discovered that he has a woman outside, and she is not very old. I have read many of your articles, and I understand that little girls may also be raped. The

Hello, webmaster

, my husband and I have been married for 12 years, and our children have already gone to high school. However, I discovered that he has a woman outside, and she is not very old. I have read many of your articles, and I understand that the same may be true for little girls. I was deceived by a scumbag, just by a mistress, so with my remaining rationality and kindness, I found this girl, but what surprised me was that the other party knew that my husband was married, and she didn’t know about our family’s situation. She basically knew it, and her calm and indifferent look made me feel angry and ashamed for her.

How can there be such a woman? She is only in her early 20s and does not fall in love well. Why would she get into the arms of a man even though she knows he has a family? Is she a born bastard? After all, our family is not rich, and she can't do anything with money. It's really puzzling.

Being able to get money

When we choose a person, we must have a purpose. Of course, the most intuitive one is profit. Money and material things are the inducements for many women to find men, especially poaching and finding other people's husbands.

But it is not worth it. It is not judged from the perspective of a wife. It depends on the family and social status of the woman involved in the marriage. You think it is only enough to buy a bag. Maybe in some areas and some families it is a month. The living expenses may be a bit exaggerated in most cases, but it is true that everyone's situation and actual living situation are different. Since she knows that the other person has a family and will continue to entangle her, there must be actual financial compensation that can be obtained. You can satisfy yourself.

Even if it is not such a rich industry, it may be a big "investment" for her.

​ Being able to get care

Each woman's own shortcomings and what she wants from a man are different. Some people want to make money. , and some people are just looking for their own tenderness.

A married man has rich experience in the relationship between the sexes. His biggest advantage is not only his financial foundation, but also his stable social status. At the same time, he really understands women better than boys and is better at taking care of people. Don’t look at him at home. He holds out his hand and opens his mouth, just like a big boy who is holding the shopkeeper's hand, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have the skills to care for others.

So whether it’s because you really meet the woman you love, or you just use coaxing to get the other person, in the process of dating, you must give the other person the love they most want to miss.

Lin Youyou in " Thirty Only ", a band-aid instantly made her fall in love with the man in front of her, so some women really need the care and pampering of men because of their own growth experience, and now Regardless of whether this man is married or not, no matter what the situation is, she will never look back and selfishly seize her own happiness.

Being able to get help from connections

Married men usually have their own connections and social circles. Whether a woman is married or unmarried, the key to why she has no scruples and does not care about the reputation of being a mistress is that men can give her She truly helps.

Song Siming in " Snail House " can not only easily solve money problems, but also allow Guo Haizao to transform from a little white rabbit who was once suppressed to a role respected by the boss in the company. After my brother-in-law returned to the company, he was chased by countless people to fawn over him.

So this woman may have a strong career ambition and needs this man to do the pedal dance to get better, or she may just be incompetent and miserable, hoping to rely on the man to protect her from wind and rain and become her refuge.

​ It can satisfy a woman’s vanity

Maybe it’s because the man has a certain social background, maybe it’s because of his personality and temperament, or even his appearance is handsome according to her aesthetics. In short, there must be something that this woman thinks she can show off.

And under such conditions, if a man can be conquered by herself, she will have a sense of superiority and show off to the people around her, "Look at how capable I am, such a man will fall under my pomegranate skirt." How capable she is.

Although not all of them, there does exist a type of people who regard being able to poach people as their own charm and ability.


text/emotional transfer station

(Author: Xiao Yu, psychological counselor, focusing on the emotional field), specializes in the restoration and repair of love relationships, marital conflicts and differences, and the healing of spiritual trauma caused by original ecological families. On the lonely journey of life, we listen to your grievances and pressures, help visitors improve their skills in getting along with each other, win back their lovers, manage their relationships well, and strive to become a happier person.