There is an old saying: "It's hard to find a foot in life." When you are fifty years old, your understanding of "fate" will become more profound. What you can get depends on your efforts, but there are always some things that no matter how hard you work, it will be in vain. There

There is an old saying: "It's hard to find a foot in life."

When you are fifty years old, your understanding of "fate" will become more profound. What you can get from

is related to your own efforts, but there are always some things that no matter how hard you work, it will be in vain.

Therefore, smart people will find ways to revitalize existing things instead of asking for wealth and emotions.

After you turn fifty, I suggest you follow the following ways to arrange your life to avoid a miserable life in your later years.


Live a modest life and keep your money.

There is a saying that goes well: "You can live a noble life even if you live a low-end life."

In the past, we tried our best to make money and occupy a good position. A car, a house, and a decent unit are all what we want. If you can make a lot of money easily, so much the better.

When I reached the age of fifty, I suddenly realized that money is an external possession. It is very important, but also very tiring.

When you know how to live a low-end life, money is not so important, and the smaller your needs, the smaller the financial gap.

For example, your daily food expenses are controlled within fifty yuan, then if you earn one hundred yuan a day, you can have savings, and as long as you make more than fifty yuan, you will be satisfied. If you spend two hundred yuan a day, the pressure to make money will be great, but your quality of life may not improve.

The so-called high-profile, in many cases, means "high-achieving" one's own desires.

Live a diligent and frugal life. You will find that you don’t make much money, but you have a lot of happiness. It doesn't cost much, but what you buy is very practical.


rarely socialize and fade out of the circle.

" Zhuangzi·Tian Xia " wrote: "Alone with the spirit of heaven and earth."

Zhuangzi was a solitary person. When he was fishing, the King of Chu sent an envoy to ask him to be an official. He said that he did not want to be a tortoise that was enshrined, but wanted to be a tortoise that crawled freely.

He asked Jianhe Marquis to borrow grain, but was refused. He compared himself to a fish that was about to die of thirst, but he was very brave and would rather become a dried fish than beg for mercy.

He likes to discuss with Keiko and often talks about fish. "You are not a fish, you know the happiness of fish", this is his famous saying.

Yes, how many people in this world feel the same way as you? You are not me and I am not you, why are we tied together?

When you were young, you had to humble yourself and beg for help for your career; after the age of fifty, you will also be a respectable person, and if you endure it for a while, you will be an old man. Don't care about anyone's face, pay more attention to your own mood.

Go out socializing less, drink less, and just let it happen whether you have a circle or not. I go home to eat every day and it tastes delicious.


has high family ties and family harmony.

Writer Huang Xiaoping once wrote about this: The high-speed train runs faster than the green train . That is because the power of the green train is in the front of the car, and the carriages behind it are pulled; the high-speed train not only has a front head, but also each wheel All driving.

If a family is compared to a train, then we must become a "motor train". Get moving every day, exert your strength, and move forward faster.

A fifty-year-old person has multiple roles in the family: pillar, son or daughter of parents, parents of children, husband or wife.

You are the "boss" of the family, and you must understand this. You have to wait until you are sixty or seventy years old before you can truly hand over the burden of the family to your children.

We should pay more attention to family ties, give more praise to our children, look high on our parents, and look up to our lovers.

If the family atmosphere is better, no matter whether you have money now or not, it will get better in the future. When you are very old, family is your backing.


is often paired with books, and he is quick and eager to learn.

According to the "Guijian of Words and Actions", when Zhang Zishao, a minister of the Song Dynasty, lived in Nan'an, he closed the door to thank guests, read alone, and ate simple meals.

He said: "It is a joy to have friends to teach, but if you are unfortunate enough to study alone, you still have friends with the ancients."

A group of friends study together and learn from each other. This is a happy thing, but studying alone will not be lonely. It is like being with the ancients. Make friends and have fun doing it.

The fun of learning is mainly to discover it yourself. No matter what method or tool you use to study, or who you study with, it will be beneficial.

After the age of fifty, if you study more, you will not be eliminated by society. What's more valuable is that your spirit will become better and your temperament will be more outstanding.

Those who have money but sigh every day may appear happy on the surface, but in fact they are very miserable inside. You can't be such a person.


is not worthy of emotions, and is free and peaceful.

Emotions are the most useless things. You can throw them away, step on them a few times, and then walk away.

There was a middle-aged man who worked all day. When he came home and saw his child making noise, he felt very unhappy and scolded the child.

The child got angry and kicked the family cat. The cat was very innocent and ran out to run wild, accidentally rushing into traffic.

This is " kicking the cat effect ".

People who are fifty years old have not yet retired and have to bear the main responsibility of the family. It is inevitable that they will have emotions, but you should not pay attention to them. If you are angry, how can the whole family look good?

Mark Twain said it well: "Kindness is a universal language. It can make the blind 'see' and the deaf 'hear'."

As long as you are kind enough, you can see anything. It's pleasing to the eye, and everything you hear will be harmonious. The key is that your actions will make the people around you feel like a spring breeze.

Emotions are contagious, and there is a process of you kicking me over and me kicking back. If you tolerate everything, then when someone kicks you, you will catch it safely and stop there.

Good mood, good health, good speech, everything is fine.


As the old saying goes: "Clouds match rain, snow matches wind, flowers match trees, birds match insects, green mountains match beautiful water, green willows match pink."

Everything in the world needs to pay attention to the skills of matching. So is life.

A good wife paired with a good husband will lead to a lifetime of love; good parents paired with good children will lead to prosperity for generations; a good book paired with a "bookworm" will teach people tirelessly; money paired with "contentment" will lead to a happy life; a house with good people will bring peace and happiness to the family.... ..

If you are over fifty, when you learn matching skills, you must also find a spiritual balance. In this case, low-matching is a blessing, and high-matching is also a blessing.

I hope you and I know how to arrange our lives, never think about the past, and have no worries for the rest of our lives.

Author: Commoner.

Pay attention to my words and enter your heart.

The pictures in the article come from the Internet.