Text | Micro History Interpretation Editor | Micro History Interpretation Some fruit vendors always like to put up this slogan: Sweeter than first love. First love is indeed beautiful, sweet and unforgettable. For example, the Hunan girl Lili (pseudonym) we are going to talk abou

Text | Micro History Interpretation

Editor | Micro History Interpretation

Some fruit vendors always like to put up such slogans: Sweeter than first love.

First love is indeed beautiful and sweet, and it is also unforgettable.

For example, the Hunan girl Lili (pseudonym) we are going to talk about today, even though she is about to get married, she still can’t let go of her deceased first love boyfriend Xiaopu (pseudonym).

In March 2010, after seeking the consent of her boyfriend Xiaofu (pseudonym), Lily planned to return to her hometown to pay homage to Xiaopu.

But she couldn't find Xiao Pu's grave. Even the villagers didn't know whether Xiao Pu was dead or alive.

Lily had no choice but to find Xiao Pu's house to find out, but was turned away by Xiao Pu's family. Under the suggestion of Xiao Pu's mute brother, Lily visited Xiao Pu's house at night.

found a man locked in an iron cage at Xiao Pu's house, and the back of this man looked more and more like his first love boyfriend Xiao Pu.

Impulsive Lovers

Lily and Xiao Pu grew up in a village. They were similar in age and often played together. Later, the two gradually developed a good impression of each other, came together and became lovers.

In Lily's eyes, Xiao Pu is lively and cheerful, and is good at taking care of others. Although her family is a little poor, she doesn't care.

Lily doesn't care, but Lily's parents care very much. It's not that they dislike the poor and love the rich, but because they feel sorry for their daughter.

Xiao Pu's family is not ordinary poor. Xiao Pu's mother has mental illness, which is up and down, unable to work, and needs to take medicine for a long time.

Xiao Pu’s younger brother is disabled and needs care. Xiao Pu also has an aunt who has cerebral palsy and also needs care.

Xiaopu’s elderly grandma is in a better situation, because she can barely take care of herself.

The family cannot live on the few acres of land at home. Xiao Pu's father is working, and the burden of taking care of the family falls on Xiao Pu alone.

If Lily really marries Xiao Pu, then Lily will help take care of Xiao Pu's family. How could Lily's parents bear to let their daughter live such a life?

So no matter what, they disagreed with Lily and Xiao Pu continuing to date.

It is understandable that Lily's family does not agree with the relationship between the two. Xiao Pu's mother also opposes their marriage. Such unreasonable opposition makes Xiao Pu feel very uncomfortable.

After more than a year of dating, Lily and Xiao Pu find it difficult to let go, but their families want to separate them.

In desperation, this young and impulsive couple chose a very irrational way to maintain their love.

The first love "resurrected from the dead"

One day in March 2005, Lily and Xiaopu came to Shangshan Mountain full of rapeseed flowers. On this day, they had no intention of falling in love because they had to plan a big event - Elope .

For this reason, Lily moved her luggage out in advance. When the appointed time came, Lily told her mother that she would go to town to do something. Her mother did not doubt that he was there and agreed.

Lily arrived at the agreed place and waited anxiously for Xiao Pu to appear. After waiting for four or five hours, someone came late.

What disappoints Lily is that this person is not Xiao Pu, but Xiao Pu’s good friend Xiao Fu.

Xiaofu said to Lily: "Xiaopu has something to do and can't leave. Let me take you away first, and he will come to find you later."

Seeing Lily's hesitation, Xiaofu said again: "If you don't leave, your parents will come here." I can't leave."

After hearing what Xiaofu said, Lily had no choice but to follow him and leave.

What Lily never expected was that after leaving, she would not be able to see Xiao Pu again for the next five years. Lily asked Xiaofu to inquire about the news, but Xiaofu brought back the news of Xiaopu's death.

After Lily heard the news, she lost all thoughts and could not accept it for a long time. Fortunately, Xiaofu was by her side to greet her and help her get out of the haze in her heart.

Xiao Pu has passed away, and Lily will continue to live. Slowly, she begins to accept the little blessing that always brings care to her.

html The time of 2005 can dilute many things, but Xiao Pu is like a thorn in Lily's heart. It cannot be diluted or removed. When I think about it at night, I still feel a faint pain.

So Lily, who is about to become a bride, wants to go back to pay homage to her first love boyfriend Xiaopu.

The same season, the same hillside, the same rapeseed fields, but the difference is the people who accompany you.

After a long time, Lily wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, recovered from her memories, and began to look for the one belonging to Xiao Pu among the rows of tombstones.

What’s strange is that there are only a few dozen families in the village, and the dead are buried on the mountain behind. Why can’t Xiao Pu’s grave be found?

After several days of searching in the cemetery without success, Lily had to muster up the courage to go to Xiao Pu's house to find out.

When Xiaopu’s grandma saw it was Lily, she turned around and closed the door. No matter how much Lily called the door, there was no response.

Later, it was Xiao Pu’s younger brother who gave Lily a hint, which led to the scene at the beginning of the article.

The figure in the iron cage appeared over and over again in Lily's mind, and the time spent with Xiao Pu also appeared in Lily's memories. She became more and more certain that the ragged man in the iron cage was her first love Xiao Pu.

"No! I must find out what's going on." Then, Lily found the village party secretary and asked for his help.

Who caused the bad consequences

At the request of the village party secretary, Xiao Pu’s father could only bring everyone to the front of the iron cage.

At this time, Lily finally saw clearly the appearance of the person in the iron cage, who was her first love boyfriend Xiaopu.

Seeing Xiao Pu look like this, Lily cried directly. She called Xiao Pu's name over and over again, but Xiao Pu always looked dull and indifferent.

He no longer recognized the girl in front of him.

Under Lily's questioning, Xiao Pu's father expressed his helplessness.

A few years ago, Xiao Pu suffered from mental illness. When he became ill, he not only threw things, but also beat people, even his own grandmother.

Not only that, he also doesn't like to wear clothes. When he sees children on the street, he will pick them up and throw them to the ground.

In desperation, Xiao Pu’s father asked someone to make a cage to lock Xiao Pu up. After saying that, Xiao Pu's father also shed tears. If there was no other way, who would have the heart to put his biological son in a cage?

Seeing her first love become like this, Lily felt uncomfortable.

She comes to accompany Xiao Pu every day, cooking for him, feeding him water, and telling him about their happy times in the past, hoping to awaken Xiao Pu's memory.

Xiaofu couldn't stand it when he saw his fiancée being so kind to a lunatic. He urged Lily to go back several times, but Lily was reluctant to go back. Even if the wedding was delayed, Lily still had to figure out the reason for Xiaopu's mental illness.

Seeing Lily treating Xiao Pu like this, Xiao Pu's father was also moved, and he decided to open his heart to this kind girl.

Since Xiao Pu’s father was working outside at that time, he only remembered that Xiao Pu started getting sick in 2005, when the rapeseed flowers were blooming.

One night, Xiao Pu went out in the dark and did not come back until 9 am. After returning home, his spirit began to become abnormal.

From then on, Xiao Pu often went out in the middle of the night and came back in the morning. Later, Xiao Pu's mother passed away, and Xiao Pu went completely crazy.

Xiao Pu's father's description made Lily vaguely feel that Xiao Pu's illness had something to do with the night she left.

To this end, Lily inquired in many ways in the village, and finally found news that was even more unacceptable to her from Xiao Huang (pseudonym), a common friend of Xiao Pu and Xiao Fu.

Lily, who was deceived by her fiancé

Xiao Huang was very resistant to Lily and Xiaofu at first, and even almost pushed Lily to the ground.

Later, perhaps to vent his anger, he told what happened.

It turns out that that day, Xiao Pu told Xiao Fu and Xiao Huang that he was going to elope with Lily, hoping that after he left, these two good brothers could help take care of the house.

As a result, Xiaofu told Xiaopu's mother about Xiaopu's elopement, and Xiaopu's mother tied Xiaopu up. The reason why Xiaofu did this was because he had always liked Lily and he didn't want to see Lily and Xiaopu together.

When Xiao Pu escaped, what he got was the news that Lily and Xiao Fu had eloped.

Xiao Huang’s statement was like a thunder, exploding above Lily’s head. Could it be that his fiancé Xiaofu has been lying to him?

Xiaofu denied Xiaohuang's statement, but during the confrontation with Xiaohuang, Xiaohuang complained in tears, which made Xiaofu feel guilty. He admitted that everything was indeed as Xiaohuang said.

"It turns out that it was not Xiao Pu who failed me, but I harmed Xiao Pu." After learning the truth, Lily felt very guilty about Xiao Pu, and she decided to help Xiao Pu treat his illness.

With the help of the government, Lily and Xiao Pu's father took Xiao Pu to a mental hospital. After the doctor's diagnosis, the truth about Xiao Pu's illness became clear.

Xiao Pu has mental illness inherited from his family. Later, the death of his mother hit Xiao Pu too hard and led to a mental illness, which gradually became what he is today.

Lily knew in her heart that she was also responsible for Xiao Pu becoming like this, so she decided to stay and take care of Xiao Pu.

Xiaofu no longer forced Lily to leave. He was also willing to accompany Xiaopu with Lily, which could be regarded as making up for his guilt.

Lily also forgave Xiaofu, and their wedding was held as scheduled. Who will buy the order


? Although this matter has been more than ten years ago, it is still mentioned often, and it always causes controversy.

There are two main points of controversy. First, whether Xiaopu’s father constitutes illegal detention.

For this reason, the editor specially consulted several friends who are engaged in legal work, and their answers were different.

Some people believe that mental patients also have personal freedom, and Xiaopu's father's behavior has constituted the crime of illegal detention.

Some people also believe that Xiao Pu’s father’s subjective intention is to prevent Xiao Pu from harming others. If permitted by law, this kind of special care can be adopted.

But they all mentioned that if Xiao Pu's father is prosecuted, the court will probably be exempted from punishment based on the situation of Xiao Pu's family during the trial.

Controversy 2: Should Lily marry Xiaofu?

Many people think Xiaofu is a "scheming boy" and Lily should not marry him.

The editor feels that judging from Lily's performance, she is a thoughtful and sensible girl. She has known and gotten along with Xiaofu for many years. She has her own judgment on Xiaofu's character.

Moreover, Xiaofu is willing to take care of Xiaopu with Lily. Just imagine, besides Xiaofu, can Lily find another partner who is willing to take care of her mentally ill ex-boyfriend with her?

Some people are also concerned that similar tragedies are not isolated cases in real life, so who should pay for such absurd tragedies?

This is a very complex social issue, so complex that it is difficult for anyone to give a standard answer.


Jiangsu Satellite TV's "Human World" The First Love Boyfriend in the Iron Cage