It was a bit cool in the autumn morning. His wife's loving eyes were gently smearing on his face. She was looking at this man who had been with her for more than 20 years. His face was a little thinner and fairer, and there were deep growth rings on his forehead. On weekdays, thi

On the autumn morning, the weather was a little cold.

His wife's loving eyes were gently smearing on his face. She was looking at this man who had been with her for more than 20 years. His face was a little thinner and fairer, and there were deep growth rings on his forehead. On weekdays, this man often jokes about himself: when he raises his head, his face is full of musical notes.

She looked at it carefully, there were quite a few tattoos on her forehead, but there were no musical notes he said. She suddenly felt that the staff was quite beautiful, and that it was a wonderful musical instrument, because it was the testimony of their decades of life, and they had played the music of love.

 She has gone back and forth several times, and she feels comfortable watching him sleep peacefully.

Finally, she woke up the sleeping Wen Sanjie. He stretched out, his hazy eyes first saw his smiling wife, and he picked up his mobile phone and checked the time.

"Hey, why didn't the alarm go off at 6:10? It's time to get ready for work."

My wife said, "I originally wanted to wake you up at 6 o'clock, but seeing that you were sleeping soundly, I couldn't bear it."

"What are you doing? Turn off the alarm again?" he said angrily.

His wife goes to work at nine o'clock, and he doesn't want his wife to get up as early as him.

After washing up, he saw a bowl of noodles on the dining table with some mushrooms and green vegetables in it. The temperature was just right.

My wife has been a pediatric nurse for several years and is a bit particular about diet. She didn't let him eat food that was too hot, for fear that the temperature would be too high and damage the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. She told him not to rush when eating, but to chew slowly and carefully. He must eat vegetables with his meals, which is good for the stomach.

Wen Sanjie could have gone to the workplace to have breakfast, as the meal time at the workplace was 7:20. But my wife always insists: The taste of rice in a big pot is worse than that in a small pot at home, so just eat it at home. Women are just such troublesome people, so let her be.

After eating a bowl of noodles, I feel warm from the inside out.

His wife put a scarf around his neck, picked up the light bag, and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to work."

Wen Sanjie smiled: "What are you doing? How can you talk to a mother? "It seems like it's so cold outside, it's not my first love."

"I was just going for a walk, let's go."

There were a lot of water droplets on the front windshield of the car. Wen Sanjie started the car and turned on the stereo while warming it up. Wipe the water droplets on the front windshield with a towel. The wife did not leave, but walked around the car. Wen Sanjie knew that she was checking the tire pressure.

She stood on the edge and watched quietly.

He lit a cigarette and said to his wife: "Go back."

His wife did not move and asked him: Is it cold? You must drive slowly and don't compete with others...

Wen Sanjie responded while drawing on the car window with his hand.

When he started the car, his wife saw a little bird painted on the car window, with a capital letter "love" next to it.

From the rearview mirror, he saw his wife quickening her pace and walking into the gate of the community, and a warm current flowed quietly in his heart.

There was fog in the late autumn morning. It was light and did not affect the sight.

The fog is like a naughty elf, sometimes circling around the passing cars, and sometimes running wildly with the cars in front.

For a while, it was like a tadpole dragging its tail; for a while, it curled up into a ball; for a while, it zigzagged like water; for a while, it drifted toward the back of the car like light smoke.

On the side of the road, trees are distributed very regularly and are artificially cultivated.

The autumn frost has dyed the leaves into different colors, including light red, light yellow, orange and dark green. The car is running forward, and the colors are constantly changing with the car. It is like watching flowers in the fog, like the montage technique used in making movies, giving it a dreamlike feeling. At this time, Wen Sanjie felt refreshed all over his body and his mind was clear.

Wen Sanjie recalled while driving...

He and his wife came from a small county in Jiaodong.

When they met, he was a penniless poor boy. When he told his wife about his family situation, she solemnly said: "It's not because of your family situation that you get married. Life is for two people."

When they got married, , the two of them did not have their own house and lived a life of separation in two places. She had always been at her parents' home.Emotional communication mainly relies on letters, with occasional phone calls.

Faced with such a life, she has never wavered. In her letters, she has always encouraged Wen Sanjie to work hard and his life will get better day by day. They have looked forward to a bright future and discussed their future family countless times. How to lay out.

Since the children entered kindergarten, my wife has been busy with course guidance, parent-teacher meetings, and communication with teachers.

He once joked: "When I retire, I will take you to the mountains to see seagulls ." "Will there be seagulls in the mountains? Who are you trying to fool?" His wife ignored him. "There will be, such as Yantai Mountain."

He said this, but in fact he knew that his wife's wish was to visit the Potala Palace after retirement and appreciate the magnificence of the shining pearl on the snow-covered plateau.

He had never forgotten the promise he made to his wife when they got married. Although they already have their own little home, he has been working hard.

He chose to work as a part-time worker in a shopping mall not far from home. After get off work, he could work for more than three hours. His wife was worried that he was too tired, so she persuaded him, "If students or their parents see you, they will laugh at us." He said, "What's the point? I make money with my own hands!"

His wife looked at his thin and resolute face, I feel very gratified: her original choice was right, and he is a man worth relying on!

The sun has risen to about three feet high, but it is not dazzling at all.

The remaining warmth of the noodles radiated from the body. Wen Sanjie listened to "Luojia in My Heart" and stared ahead. From time to time, he looked at the rearview mirror with his peripheral vision. He would make way for everyone who wanted to overtake. Come.

A happy mood is contagious. You will feel happy when you walk, and everything you see in front of you is satisfying and satisfying.

Today, Wen Sanjie was wearing a sky blue top, which looked particularly eye-catching. A colleague from the unit saw him and joked: Oh, Director Wen, you look very young today. Wen Sanjie responded with a smile: Old cucumber sprays green paint.

was in class, and the students shouted in unison: Hello, teacher!

Hello fellow students!

He looked at the students with warm eyes, and what he saw was the childish smiling faces. He suddenly blushed. Today's dress really brightened up, and he suddenly felt that he was fifty years old.

A fifty-year-old person still does not feel old in his heart. Wen Sanjie feels very happy!

He is fortunate to have a gentle and considerate wife who stays with him day and night.

If you have a loving wife like this, if you have a wonderful life like this, what else can you ask for in this life?