It is understood that extramarital affairs: When your wife cannot find warmth, you will look for her outside. Netizens shared that there is no true love in today's society. People who love each other only see that they don't hate each other and they can chat together. Why are the

It is understood that extramarital affairs: When your wife cannot find warmth, you will look for her outside.

netizen shared that there is no true love in today's society. People who love each other only see that they don't hate each other and they can chat together. Why are there extramarital affairs? It’s not that today’s couples spend much more time looking at mobile phones together than looking at each other. People who have extramarital affairs just can’t find warmth from their husbands or wives, so they look for it outside.

I just want to say that if you don't have a marriage certificate, your man will have left you long ago. Who dares to give it a try? It is more reliable for everyone to love themselves well. Don't be entangled, don't force, don't mess around; and the two people will have the same soul height, understand each other's choices, recognize each other's choices, and also know how to respect each other's choices. You can look at each other quietly, or you can accept him turning around and leaving. [Agree][Agree][Agree] It’s not that I don’t love it, I just love it more! [prayer][prayer][prayer].

In the days that followed, because we were living apart and we didn’t communicate much on the phone, I had an extramarital affair. A man of the opposite sex who knew me started to greet me and always asked me for help. He gave me a lot of help in my life. At the beginning, I was reluctant to accept it, but as time went by, I began to accept his kindness, and the extramarital affair happened. This extramarital affair lasted for three years. The experience of these three years of extramarital affairs suddenly made me realize that it is really difficult to turn back now, because I have gone through three stages and missed the stage where I can turn back.

"My wife is great, but I still have an extramarital affair" A letter from a married man makes people think deeply Original 2022-01-17 11:04 · Dawn 01 Why do extramarital affairs happen? Some people think that if a man has an extramarital affair, he must have an inextricable relationship with his wife to some extent. "It's not because his wife is not good, otherwise how could he steal someone?" And reality proves , Men steal mostly because of their own reasons, and it really has nothing to do with their wives. Of course I condemn this kind of extramarital affair, but only when we understand the thoughts of men who steal people, can we know how extramarital affairs happen.

I will discuss with you by analyzing a letter from a married man: Why do some men betray their families even though they have a great wife? I have been quite annoyed by a letter from a married man recently, but now it seems that everything is caused by myself. I regret that I cheated on someone else and had an extramarital affair behind my wife's back. Now my wife knows about it and she doesn't blame me. Her safety makes me even more uneasy. Who do I love? In fact, I think I still love my wife more, but no matter what, I still steal her. I am 42 years old and have been married to my wife for 15 years. We have a son and a daughter. My wife is 5 years younger than me.

My wife had just graduated from college when she married me. The two of us got married because of love. Otherwise, how could my wife marry me without hesitation now? Our relationship is great, and we finally got together. We had a child in the second year of our marriage, and now our son is in junior high school. After the two-child policy was unilaterally relaxed in 2016, we gave birth to a little girl, who is now five years old.

The above contents are all shared by netizens. If you stay away from extramarital affairs, your life will be more loving.