1. Don’t get too close to the opposite sex, it’s a taboo! 2. When people reach middle age, they should pay more attention to the health of their parents, the health of the elderly, and reduce family stress by more than half! 3. Don’t use credit cards easily, you will become depen

1. Don’t get too close to the opposite sex, it’s a taboo!

2. People in middle age should pay more attention to the health of their parents, the health of the elderly, and reduce family stress by more than half!

3. Don’t use credit cards easily, you will become dependent!

4. Women should not take too much care of their parents’ families at this time, and men should not get too close to their brothers!

5. Don’t always place your hopes on the next generation, start with yourself!

6. If you can’t go to a class reunion, don’t go. It’s either boring or too frustrating!

7. People in middle age must know how to reflect. Only by constantly reflecting on themselves can we continue to make progress.

8. When things don’t go well at work, don’t bring your emotions home, otherwise there will be constant conflicts at home!

9. Don’t compare cars, houses, and children with others. It’s really unnecessary. It only adds to worries!

10. People who have bad habits around you must keep a certain distance.

11. Husband and wife should discuss everything with each other. This will be more conducive to their own careers!

12. When you reach middle age, you should also pay attention to your own body and that of your partners. The body is the capital of revolution!

13. Don’t tell your colleagues about your personal affairs. It’s difficult for colleagues to become friends!

14. Go out more and learn more from outstanding people!

15. Before something is done, don’t spread it around the world!

16. Regardless of men or women, you must learn to speak and praise others, and you will find a lot of convenience!

17. Don’t gossip about family matters outside, and don’t publicize family scandals. If you talk too much, there will be more family conflicts!

18. When it comes to children’s education, husband and wife should be consistent, so there will be fewer conflicts.

19. When you reach middle age, you must have perseverance. Only those who are ruthless to themselves are more likely to succeed!

20. Outside, women should give more face to men; when back home, men should praise women more!

21. When you reach middle age, you still need to save more money!

22. Don’t be a good guy; “speaking hard words and doing soft things” is the most despised thing!

23. At this time, you have to put down your face. Face is really not that important!

24. For decisions made at night, you must work hard during the day and don’t just have empty thoughts!

25. When people reach middle age, they need to live well not only at work, but also at home. Only when the family is harmonious and the career is successful can they truly live well.