Amiao is fifty-eight years old and has a son and a daughter. The eldest son is 26 years old and works in Beijing. The daughter-in-law is from Beijing. The family of three has settled in Beijing and only comes back during the Chinese New Year. My daughter is twenty-four years old

Amiao is fifty-eight years old this year and has a son and a daughter. The eldest son is 26 years old and works in Beijing. The daughter-in-law is from Beijing. The family of three has settled in Beijing and only comes back during the Chinese New Year.

My daughter is twenty-four years old this year. She married in the county town. When she has time, she brings her grandson back to see Amiao.

Amiao said: "My husband cheated on me. In order to be with my lover, my husband asked me for divorce. In order to get a smooth divorce, my husband chose to leave the house. After the divorce, my ex-husband initially gave the children 3,000 yuan a month. After a year, the ex-husband was unwilling to pay alimony, and his salary was given to his lover. The relationship between the ex-husband and her husband was not good, and the child belonged to her ex-husband's lover, whose job was unstable. All household expenses are paid for by her ex-husband. She treats her lover’s child as his own. She is very beautiful and well-dressed. She speaks very softly and takes good care of her ex-husband. The three of us, mother and son, depend on each other. I have to take care of my children while working, and sometimes I am so busy that I don’t even have time to take care of my children. To live a good life, I work hard. My two children are sensible and never let me worry about them. They both went to prestigious universities and have good jobs. "

" The two children are already married and have their own lives. For many years, I have been used to living alone. The little sisters around me have advised me to find a partner. I have someone to take care of me when I am sick. I refuse the little sisters’ persuasion. I usually go shopping and eat with my little sisters. I feel that my life is quite comfortable. Fifteen years have passed, and the ex-husband has been living in poverty. All the money he earned during these years has gone into his lover's bag. The ex-husband bought a house with his money. When I thought about it, it was not worth it for the two children. Six months ago, my ex-husband was not feeling well and went to the hospital for a check-up. The result was that he had terminal gastric cancer. The lover did not want her ex-husband to drag her son down, and she did not even let her in the house. He worked hard for his lover for more than ten years, but was finally abandoned by his lover. Because they did not have a marriage certificate, they were not legally married. It was unknown whether he could get the money back if he went to court with his lover. My ex-husband was in poor health and couldn't afford the lawsuit. He called the two children and said that he had no one to take care of them and that he would leave at any time. At first, my daughter refused, thinking that my ex-husband had divorced me and I had no obligation to take care of them. He. I still have a knot in my heart and don’t want to take care of my ex-husband.” Later, my son called me and did some ideological work for me. He said that he had received his retribution and we should let go of the hatred. Taking care of him, there was no one to collect his body after he died. My ex-husband’s time was running out, so I wanted him to live a more comfortable life before he died. I took good care of him every day, as if my ex-husband’s lover never came to see him. It’s like he disappeared from the world. She didn’t even take a look until her ex-husband passed away. After all, they had been sleeping together for more than ten years. She was really cruel. "

Men really can’t cheat and raise children for their lovers. He spent all his savings and was abandoned by his lover.

Once you do something wrong, people say you will be punished. Don't think it's a scam.

Wherever there is a cause, there is an effect, and the cycle of cause and effect, but if you don’t have enough time, you will eventually pay the price for the bad things you have done.