Preface: You raise me when I am old, and I raise you when you are young. Children naturally have the obligation to support their parents. From pregnancy in ten months to starting a family, they are all under the care of their parents. When parents grow old, children should natura


You take care of me when I am old, and I take care of you when you are young. Children naturally have the obligation to support their parents. From pregnancy in ten months to starting a family, they are all under the care of their parents. When parents grow old, children should naturally take care of themselves. Parents are filial.

Easier said than done. In real life, we will always encounter unsatisfactory things. Even though the children of some families are filial, they can only sigh for those parents with serious selfishness, especially as married daughters. There are countless difficulties that cannot be explained. Although I try my best to meet the requirements of my parents, my eccentric parents categorically ignore the feelings of my daughter's family. They still have the old thought of a married daughter throwing away the water in my heart, which inevitably makes my daughter sad.

The relationship between people is mutual, and the same is true for parents and children. While taking, you must also know how to give. Only in this way can the family be more harmonious, and the relationship between parents and children be more harmonious. If you still use the attitude of relying on the elderly and selling the elderly. To restrain children will only increase the entanglements and conflicts of family disharmony.

Aunt Lu has been living in her daughter's home for three years. Her daughter and son-in-law have tried their best to honor Aunt Lu. However, what puzzles the couple is that Aunt Lu receives a pension of almost 5,000 yuan per month, but it is not divided. Wen did not, which made Aunt Lu's daughter very confused.

When Aunt Lu’s son-in-law learned the truth of the matter, he questioned his mother-in-law face to face: Mom, what you did is really too much. Why would a son-in-law say such things to his mother-in-law? Let's go into Aunt Lu's life and listen to the story that happened to her.

Narrator: 68-year-old Aunt Lu

My name is Lu Xiuping. I am 68 years old and a retired cadre of the Price Bureau. I have a pension of almost 5,000 yuan every month. Although my son and daughter have already married and started a business, in my heart Even if I can't let go of my useless son, even though he is in his forties, he still accomplishes nothing. If I don't help him regularly, I'm afraid that my daughter-in-law will have divorce intentions, and I'll feel bad when I think of my son.

My daughter has been obedient and sensible since she was a child, and her academic performance is good. After they got married, the couple became civil servants, and their life was a hundred times better than that of the son. The daughter also helped her brother overtly and covertly, but the unsatisfactory son couldn't hold up the wall.

I haven’t lived a comfortable and comfortable life for a day since I retired. I went to my son’s house to help look after my granddaughter, cooked and did housework, and worked as a free nanny for other families with money. I left my wife, who was in poor health, to live alone at home. I thought of my wife. I burst into tears when he passed away. It was a pain that I will never forget.

Although it has been 11 years since my wife passed away, the shadow in my heart still lingers. On a Saturday morning, my daughter went home to visit the old man. She didn’t answer the phone and knocked on the door, but there was no response. The daughter realized something was wrong and called the unlocker. People from the company opened the door and saw my wife lying unconscious in the bathroom. When she was sent to the hospital, she had no vital signs...

My wife's silent departure was a thunderbolt from the blue and a peaceful blow to me. Life has been completely disrupted. After taking care of my wife’s funeral, I still can’t recover for a long time. As time goes by, no matter how painful it is, I have to face the reality. I guard the lonely and deserted home, and I always sigh and can’t sleep late at night. .

My daughter saw that I was depressed all day long, so she wanted to take me to live with her, but I still couldn't worry about my son. Although my daughter-in-law was not cold to me and was taciturn, after all, she could help me at any time in this city. My son ordered me. If I went to the provincial capital with my daughter, I couldn’t reach my son.

Just when I was upset, a phone call from my son cheered me up. He said to me on the phone: Mom, Xiaojuan (daughter-in-law) is pregnant. Didn’t you always hope to give birth to a big fat grandson for you? ? There is hope this time. Please tidy up and I will pick you up tomorrow. When I heard the good news, I instantly felt energetic.

After arriving at my son's house, I carefully served my daughter-in-law like a queen. Seeing my daughter-in-law's belly getting bigger day by day, I felt so happy that I silently muttered: Old man, you can rest in peace under the Nine Springs. Yes, Lao Zhao's family has an heir.

God is really eye-opening. My daughter-in-law has indeed given birth to a big fat grandson. I am so happy that I can do anything all day long. My wife here will feel more stable after giving birth to a second child. As a mother, I can finally let go of the worries that have been hanging around for many years. .

I happily organized a full moon wine for my grandson. That night my daughter-in-law made a request to me. She said: Mom, you see Guoguo (granddaughter) is not young anymore. My son will also go to kindergarten in a few years. With our family's conditions, we definitely can't afford to go to a private school, and the two-bedroom home with one living room is not enough, so we need to make plans early. We plan to move to a larger school district room...

Isn't this an obvious compromise? Do I pay for it? I have paid everything for their family over the years, and I have almost no pension left every month. I only have more than 200,000 yuan saved by my wife during his lifetime, and the salary after his death. After all, I only have 300,000 yuan in hand. In my early 10s, I can't think about my future pension issues at this time. Funding my son to buy a house is the key now.

When I gave the savings card to my daughter-in-law without hesitation, her gloomy face was full of smiles. She used to call her grandma to the child. Although she changed the name, I heard it in my heart. It was awkward to scream at her.

I was cooking in the kitchen that day when I heard my son asking his sister to borrow money. The son said on the phone: My sister has sponsored me 300,000 yuan. You, the elder sister, must also sponsor me 100,000 to 80,000 yuan. I didn't hear clearly what my daughter said on the phone, so I didn't take it seriously and continued busy in the kitchen.

I was just about to rest at night when I received a call from my daughter asking: Mom, did you give all your pension money to your brother? Don’t forget that when my father was still alive, he said that I still had half of the family property. Now my father How could you give all the money to your brother privately when he is gone?

I was upset when I heard my daughter’s questioning. A married daughter still wants her parents’ property. I really don’t know what kind of onion I am. She also thinks that I am not fair in a bowl of water. Since ancient times, there has been no daughter who has fought for it after she got married. It is only natural that I give all the money to my son, who is the property of my natal family, because he is the root of the old Zhao family.

My daughter is duplicitous. She talks about feeling sorry for her brother all day long. When it comes to money, her true nature is revealed. Your family is in good condition, and your couple’s income is high. You don’t have enough money but you still care about your parents’ property. Give her a slap in the face. I cursed and hung up the phone. Maybe it was because of this that my daughter didn't contact me for a long time.

If you don’t want to contact me, don’t contact me. Anyway, I will rely on my son for my future pension, and I don’t expect you, a married daughter. My son finally got a mortgage for a large school district house, thinking that most of the down payment will be mine. I had the confidence to live in a new house, but what I didn't expect was that my daughter-in-law said to me: Mom, my parents and my brother always quarreled and contradicted each other when they lived together. If your parents come over to live with us, it would be more appropriate for you to go back and live there.

How can I continue to live in my son's house after the eviction order has been issued? What's more, this daughter-in-law, who values ​​money but not people, has been treating me as a free nanny and doesn't treat me well. It seems that she can just endure it. There is no way to live in my son's house anymore.

When I packed up my things and prepared to go back to my home, I thought that the lonely days were really hard, and I might as well go to my daughter’s house to live for a while, so I picked up the phone and called my daughter, even though she hadn’t been with me for a long time. I contacted them and was very happy to hear that I was going to stay at their house for a while. I quickly arranged for my son-in-law to drive over to pick me up.

After arriving at my daughter’s house, I cooked for them, did housework, and ate ready-made meals when I got home. My daughter and son-in-law were pretty good to me, but when they had nothing to do, my daughter would spend all my pension money on me. I still never forget what I gave to my son. Didn’t I come to your house to pay for you now? Why does it feel like my daughter is still not satisfied?

My son-in-law is a nice person. He always gives me living expenses on time every month and tells me not to save money. My son-in-law knows how to be filial even more than my daughter. This is much better than living at my son's house. I don't have to look at my face to live leisurely.

I was making lunch in the kitchen that day, and suddenly the phone kept ringing. When I saw it was a call from my hometown, I quickly picked it up. It turned out that one of my cousins ​​passed away, and I had to go back to see her off for the last time.

After lunch, I told my daughter that I was going back to my hometown in the countryside and asked her to give me 3,000 yuan. When I go back to give gifts, I have to visit my relatives. I can’t go back with only one mouth and one shoulder.

After my words, my children asked me: Mom, you have a pension of almost 5,000 yuan a month. Can you just go to the bank to withdraw it yourself? You didn’t give all your salary cards to your brother, right? Seeing my hesitant way of speaking, my daughter probably already understood.

I said to my daughter: Lili, you also know your brother's situation. He doesn't have a formal job. Your sister-in-law has just given birth to a child and bought a house. Her life is very tight. Can't you do it if I don't help?

When my daughter heard that I gave all my pension to my son, she immediately jumped up from the sofa. I yelled at me loudly. My daughter sternly said to me: Mom, you gave all your pension to your brother and I won’t argue with you. Yes, I didn’t expect you to actually give me your retirement salary. I don’t think you’ll be able to live without a penny in the future.

My son-in-law opened the door and came out when he heard our quarrel. He said to me seriously: Mom, you gave all the pension money you saved to your brother and we didn’t say anything. I didn’t expect you to give me your salary card as well. You lost your brother and came to us to take care of him pennilessly. Lili is also your biological daughter. Have you considered her feelings? You've gone too far.

I was speechless after listening to what my son-in-law said. I thought this matter would just go away, but I didn’t expect that my son-in-law also issued an eviction order for me and asked me to go to my son’s home for retirement. I watched my daughter standing beside me without saying a word. , my heart instantly became extremely cold.

Your son-in-law dared to say such disrespectful words to me. It was really lawless. In such a situation, how could I have the shame to continue living in my daughter's house, so I angrily chose to go home.

Before I left, my daughter insisted on asking my son-in-law to drive me home. Even though I wanted to buy a train ticket, I didn’t have any money in my pocket. Along the way, I thought about how I would live penniless back home. After I returned home, I would first ask my nephew Let's make do with some borrowed money. You can't ask your son for his salary card back!

My son-in-law did not enter the house after he sent me home. I felt indescribably uncomfortable when I saw my son-in-law leaving. Just when I was about to open my suitcase and prepare to sort out my clothes, I saw two piles of money placed neatly. In the suitcase, my daughter must have put it in when I was not prepared when I was carrying the suitcase downstairs. Looking at my daughter’s heart for me, tears fell instantly...


They are their own children. As parents, we should try our best to be fair. We should never have the old idea that a married daughter throws water away. When we depend on each other, we think of our daughters and give all the benefits to our sons. Who can be a daughter? Everyone will feel unbalanced, not to mention that your daughter also has a family. If you are not willing to give a little, how can you ask your daughter to fulfill her obligation to support you?

One hand can’t hold a bowl of water, but one hand can hold two bowls of water. Even if one is more and the other is less, this will be fair and parents’ heart. If all the benefits are given to the son, let the daughter be in her own family. Why is it so embarrassing?

The result of this is that the old man will be homeless, and it will also increase the conflicts between children and children, and between children and the elderly.

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