Today, following yesterday’s content, I will share the second trick on how to defeat yourself and overcome adversity. The second move is to keep doing it. The author said in the book that after stabilizing yourself, don't stop working hard, whether in life or work. Many times whe

today continues yesterday’s content by sharing the second trick on how to defeat yourself and overcome adversity.

The second trick is to keep doing it. The author of

said in the book that after stabilizing yourself, don't stop working hard, whether in life or work.

Many times, when we encounter difficulties, we always complain, blame others, and the surrounding environment, instead of thinking about our own reasons. In this book, the author has his own opinions.

The most common mental trap to avoid is blaming - blaming God, blaming earth, blaming other people. It's useless for you to curse people, society, and foreign countries on your mobile phone. It won't help anything. Also, don’t spend a lot of time following various news.

Secondly, the author said that if you do more to take credit, you will find more and more friends around you, and you will do better and better.

"Continuously working" means work, work, work. If work doesn't stop you, don't stop working.

also has a "continuous practice", which is habit, habit, habit. Behavioral psychology research shows that if you do something every day for three months, it will become a habit.

Today’s second trick is shared here, I hope it will be useful to everyone.