Recently, a video went viral. A car owner received a vibrating alarm from his smart car. After looking for it, he found that his wife was playing with car vibrations with another man and caught him in the car. At first, I thought it was just a joke, just a short video advertiseme

Recently, a video went viral. After a car owner received a vibration alarm from a smart car, he found that his wife was playing with car vibrations with another man and caught him in the car. At first, I thought it was just a joke, just a short video advertisement for a certain smart car brand. Who would have thought that this would be a real thing. Many netizens said that they also want to buy such a smart car. In the

video, the car owner’s wife and her personal fitness trainer Coach Liu are doing indecent things. Then my husband caught me in the act after receiving a vibration reminder from my smart car. The wife who was caught having sex begged her husband not to post it on WeChat Moments. The car owner accused his wife and issued a condemnation that touched people's hearts. Is this worthy of me and my children? Are you worthy of your own parents? How shameless are you to do such a thing? Divorce, divorce immediately, that's it for both of us.

Hey, another family was destroyed. Married women cheating on their personal fitness trainers is nothing new. Nowadays, many women go to the gym for their health and figure, and are even willing to pay for personal trainers.

If a female student is looking for a male personal trainer, then the two of them will definitely have a private WeChat account. The coach and the female students have to communicate about their physical condition and diet every day. It is also inevitable to talk about other contents. Moreover, in daily training, male coaches will inevitably have physical contact with female students.

As time goes by, the male coach and the female student develop feelings for each other, and neither party is averse to physical contact (they are used to it during training). As long as the time is right, they can arrange to go out to eat, watch movies, or do other things. It is also a relatively relaxed and natural thing. Female students may not really have thought about betraying a relationship at first, but later they find that they have slowly changed their minds.

Therefore, it is recommended that when female students go to the gym, it is best to find a female coach. Girls do not need to press heavy weights to build muscles, so there is no need to find a male coach. You may not have thought about betraying your relationship at first, but after being in contact with someone of the opposite sex for a long time, he will teach you how to betray and make you change your heart step by step. In the end, you and your family will be hurt.